Why Spirits Are Not Chatty

What should I drink to make me really chatty?

I'm going to a party on Saturday and there will be people there I don't like very much. What I want to know is what should I drink and how much should I drink before heading to the party to make me more sociable with these people? :)
Please bare in mind, I will be drinking what I have at home - Bulmers, Wine, Hennesy, Jameson :)

How can I get my spirit back?

Honestly since this past month, I haven't felt right. I haven't been able to laugh or cry or feel any emotions. All I think about is sleeping because my dreams are better than my reality. I have this homesick feeling in my chest like I feel deeply regretful about something but I can't bring myself to cry about it. It's like a giant hand pressed against me and took my soul right out. Im not sure who to turn to about this because people think its just my medication. I'm really down about it because I miss being my usual happy self. Now I don't really care about anything and just loss all interest in this world. I read something from another post about worrying to much about spiritual matters and how it affects the present. I feel like I've ruined my chances of proving to this God or whatever and admit that over time I've feared being in love for some reason. All the people are out of my life and in not sure what to do. I just want this feeling to leave and let me be me again.

Coworker is nice/chatty to everyone BUT me...?

I work in a relatively small office (only 11 employees in the office) and have been here less than a year. I get on well with everyone for the the most part, granted I'm closer with some than others, but there is one woman who isn't very nice to me. It started with snotty, short answers if I asked her a question, you know the "I'm so annoyed with you" look but has since turned into her basically ignoring me. SHe goes out of her way to "chit chat" play the great co worker role with everyone else but when it comes to me, it's as if I don't exist. She's the "golden child" of the office (ie she can do no wrong) and kisses up to the CEO/CFO/President which gives the appearance that she's such a team player, all the while, she alienates & excludes me from every conversation. I feel like an outcast and it makes coming to work really draining. Start looking for a diff job before it gets worse? Talking with her, not an option, she doesn't even bother to look at me when I'm speaking to her

Is drinking a whole bottle of wine bad?

I drank a whole bottle of wine by myself. I haven't drank in a long time and I was with some girl friends and I just was talking a pouring. I don't think I was the only one! It was a 6% wine so not as strong but a large bottle...I don't feel drunk, just relaxed and chatty. But I worry because I have diabetes but my blood sugar is 110. I ate dinner and I have been drinking water all day. Is drinking that much wine bad? I don't plan on drinking that much ever again!

I'm definitely not a talkative person. Do I have to become talkative? Why?

Like you, I've never really been a very talkative person at all. Some might even consider me slightly introverted. I enjoy reading and writing more than I do going out to a party, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy conversations.I always listen more than I speak. Perhaps it is something in my personality that makes people want to just keep talking, never really giving me a chance to cut in. But I'm perfectly content with listening. You don't always have to be talkative to have a good conversation; you can listen and ask questions. After all, you learn more when you listen than you ever will speaking.You don't necessarily need to become "talkative" if its not in your nature, but its worth developing your social skills at least. Talking can be developed like any skill, regardless of whether you are extroverted or introverted. All the best times in my life came from times when I shared my true thoughts, opened up, and started actively participating in conversations. That is what makes life so enjoyable: sharing it with other people. What I'm trying to say is that its alright to listen more than you talk, but don't be afraid to speak your mind on an issue if you have something to say.