Why The Moon Sign Of Indian Astrology Calculated In A Different Form From Western Astrology

Do you think westren astrology is as accurate as indian[vedic] astrology?

I would say that it depends more on the competence of the Astrologer, than the differences in the systems at this point. Both systems could be improved. Western astrology may be more open to inovation, however.

Why is my Moon sign different in the Vedic astrology?

The Vedic astrologer (jyotish) works with the Sidereal zodiac based on the Lunar calendar, the planetary bodies in their transits through the constellations rather than their own signs as are done in Western Tropical astrology and are calculated with precession (the wobble of the earth about its axis at approximately 23.4°) factored in. As a result, not only is your Moon sign different in Vedic astrology, your Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn—and the Nodes of the Moon known as Rahu and Ketu—are as well.Their calculations are as accurate as Western astrological calculations are. Even thought the numbers and placements appear different, in the hands of an excellent Vedic astrologer, you’ll find their work is still as accurate as what you might find in the hands of any excellent Western astrologer you find.I hope that helps to explain.

Why is there a difference between my Moon sign from the Western and Vedic astrology point of view?

Do you mean the difference in the degree position? Or, do you mean the difference in the actual meaning with regard to who you are?There is about a 24 degree difference between the two Zodiacal systems.Thus, if your natal Moon is 14 degrees of Leo in the Tropical zodiac, the Sidereal system (based on constellations) would still claim that your natal Moon is about 20 degrees of Cancer.Based on the basic or archetypal meaning of the Cancer and the Leo principle, you need to decide which theme or principle makes the most sense.Remember, we are basically talking about two different languages. And, who is to say that English is better or more precise than (for example) German? They are both complex languages that can be used to communicate meaningful ideas.From the standpoint of psychological or Humanistic astrology, the Tropical zodiac makes more sense to me. You might want to explore BOTH.

Calculator for outer planets in Vedic Astrology?

manding Plutonic transformation for all I know!!

No, but seriously.

If i get the 12 kinds of people rant again, here goes: You have clearly not done much research on the matter, as there are clearly more factors in a chart than 12, as signified BY THE NATURE OF THIS QUESTION.

Vedic (Or Sidereal) Astrology works likeso: Whichever constellation the sun from your perspective appears to be rising with on the date of your birthday, from the vantage point of where you are located, will be your sun sign. This same logic applies to all of the planets as well as other celestial bodies/points/areas/shadow planets/etc.

Bill Nye touches on the criticism of Western Astrology a little bit in the video "Bill Nye uses facts to debunk astrology" on YouTube. Everything he says is true in a scientific sense, yet there are two things wrong with this video. One is that what Bill Nye is saying should be his correct sign IS what his sign would be in Vedic Astrology. He IS a Sexyyyy Scorpio :P

Western Astrology says I am an Aquarius while Vedic Astrology says I am a Capricorn. Which one should I follow?

I see that you have already received a wide variety of responses. Certainly a lot to digest. You have to decide which of these two systems is more compatible with your view of reality. Since I do not know where you were born. . . . . . .and, more importantly, the culture you were brought up in, I do not know what will be the determining factor.However, what bothers me is that a few people who favored the Vedic system seemed to think that the position of Sun sign is paramount and that the Moon is always secondary in the Western system. In my 20 plus years of working with and studying Humanistic astrology, I never felt impelled to support this kind of hierarchy.You just cannot know in advance what is more important: the natal Sun or the natal Moon. The Sun is who you are when you become a conscious, rational, mature adult. When you become the “hero” in your own life, you are strongly in tune with your solar nature. Some people do not fully come to terms with that challenge.What really troubles me about Vedic astrology is that it seems to be VERY deterministic, as though free will is just a sham, an illusion. This makes no sense to me. However, you may feel differently . . . . I just do not know what culture has conditioned your thinking.Here is a suggestion: take note of where your Mercury, Venus and Mars are located in both systems. Now, if they are in different signs, read as much as you can and see which one seems to fit you better.

Astrology views: What is your Moon sign in Vedic Astrology?

Hi Unpredictable:

My vedic moon sign is Taurus. Taurus is very opposite of me (I just answered a Q re opposite signs - me Scorpio sun, etc.)

My western moon is Gemini and my western rising is Scorpio.

Taureans have this parental vibe (to me), because they are very take charge (but not generally in an aggressive manner), organized, perseverant and warm. I believe I am organized; but my form of organizing is unique to me (it just looks like a mess). I am also perseverant, but what a Taurean holds as important-worth pursuing and what a Scorpio holds as important-worth pursuing seem to be quite different issues/things.