Why To People Who Have No Idea What They

I have no idea "WHO HE IS" or "WHO IS HE"? HELP PLEASE URGENT?

He's him.

Why do people start a business while they have no idea on how to manage it well or they don’t have the knowledge of the products that they are selling? Where is the confidence coming from?

Hmm, I see the person that asked this has probably never started a successful business before.Why do people start martial arts if they have no idea how to do martial arts?Why do people go to shooting ranges if they don’t know how to use a gun?Why do people renovate houses if they don’t know how to do the tasks?Entrepreneurship and being a business owner isn’t something that you really can be taught how to do. You can only learn by doing.The best way to do business, is to be in business.There is no better teacher for a business owner then experiencing first hand how to start, and grow a business. You learn by doing.The way you get knowledge about a product your selling is by being in business, and selling that product. You’ll learn fast.You need to be confident enough to believe you will succeed, and work hard at it each and everyday. Do not be afraid of failing.The more you do business, the more you fail, the more you succeed, the better at business you’ll become.Everyone at one point in their life didn’t know how to manage a business well, or didn’t have any knowledge of the product they were selling. They all learned from doing it.All Entrepreneurs start at the bottom, a nobody, with no skills, or experience.Damien DefrancoOriginal Question: Why do people start a business while they have no idea on how to manage it well or they don’t have the knowledge of the products that they are selling? Where is the confidence coming from?

Why do people who have no real experience in the Bible, and who have no idea what it contains, answer Bible related questions?

Q: Why do people who have no real experience in the Bible, and who have no idea what it contains, answer Bible related questions?I don’t think you’re asking what you think you’re asking, so let’s clarify one definition first, that of “people who have no idea what it contains”.For that, I’ll refer to the U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey as commissioned by Pew research who conclude that the group who most knows what it contains is… Mormons (who answer 7.9/12 questions correctly).I’m assuming that you don’t mean to ask “why don’t only Mormons answer questions about the Bible?”, that you want to draw from a slightly larger group! Many who ask this sort of question seem to want to imply that only Christians should be able to answer. According to the study, a typical christian would on average answer 6.2 out of the 12 questions correctly.But you specifically called for folk who have knowledge of what the Bible contains, a definition which must, necessarily, include anyone who scored higher. Two other groups meet this criterion: Atheists (6.7/12) and Jews (6.3/12)Given that the two groups most responsible for answering Bible-related questions are Christians and Atheists, that Atheists score higher on tests of biblical knowledge, and you explicitly called for those who have the best idea of what it contains… you’d appear to be asking why Christians answer such questions.My answer then: Because many of them genuinely believe they know what it contains, perhaps based on some interpretation given by a preacher or other authority figure without actually reading it for themselves; and because they feel that they have the inherent right to, claiming the Bible as their book from their religion - regardless of whether or not they’ve actually read it in any depth.

Do neurotypical people really have no idea what they are going to say before they say it?

I think people (neurotypical or not) are on a spectrum when it comes to this. I’m not neurotypical (I’m autistic), and while I wouldn’t say I have no idea what I’m going to say before I say it, there are many details I’m clueless about until the words come out of my mouth.This is because I don’t think in words. The only way I can translate my thoughts from “mentalese” into words is through the acts of speaking or writing. And that translation happens—in the moment of speech—faster than I can consciously follow.And it’s not pure translation. There’s some sort of organizing that occurs when my ideas (which feel more like clouds) get slotted into grammar. Something about that process forces my brain to very quickly make them coherent—to me as well as to others.So the words—and even the exact ideas—are often a surprise to me. I know about them at the same time listeners know about them, the same way listeners know about them: by hearing them.The only predictive advantage I have is knowing the general subject-matter ahead of time and having the memories of what I’ve said about the the subject in the past.

Which is correct: "have you any idea" or "do you have any idea"?

Have you any idea ?Note: Preferred in UK. More formal.‘Have you got any idea?’ is also acceptable in Spoken English.Do you have any idea?Note: Preferred in US. Informal.Another school of thought says this type of enquiries are used for those that are very frequently used.Native speaks do find difference in usage. Some prefer while some feel it touchy. Opinion and taste differ.Both are correct.

Ok, what is the deal with people saying "IDEAL" instead of "IDEA"?

I don't think that they know that there is a difference. Maybe they think that ideal and idea mean the same thing, it gets on my nerves too. I "yelled" at a girl for doing it in here this week. I kept going into different questions and she kept writing "I have no ideal" I guess she thought it was cute.

Bad Answers. Why do people answer questions when they have no idea what they are talking about?

I spent 2 days reading resolved questions and resurshed every answer. 55% of asker's pick for best answer was totally wrong. 62 % of voted on best answers were also wrong. 73 % of all answers were not even close. People come here for a good sound answer and they get guess work. If you can not back up your answer with facts, you shouldn't answer the question, period! Because your Uncle Chuck said it was so, doesn't mean it is a fact. If a person can't list the sourse of their answer as required by Yahoo, should they still be allowed to answer the question?