Why Treat Foetuses Like Human Beings

The fetus is not human being, how?

Okay I'll heard a lot pro choicer and feminist say the that a fetus is not a human being merely part of it's mother. Now while there is admittedly there are a lot of fairly reasonable arguments towards abortion rights it's seem to me that this statement is flying in the face of basic biology. A fetus has a complete set of chromosomes and by week 8 where most terminations take place has a clear heartbeat and a basic neurology activity. The legal system doesn't decide who is alive or not on abstract concepts such as sentience or sapience. But rather if you have detectable brain activity. So a fetus a living human being by all scientific definitions is it not?

Does abortion end a human life?


If it's not alive, why kill it?

Is a foetus a living organism?

Do you consider sperm or eggs to be living? If this is a stupid back door anti abortion question. Then the criteria is LEAST harm. Abortion causes much less suffering, than people having unwanted children does?Zero or a nanoseconds suffering versus long term, prolonged suffering and death, due to disease, starvation, abuse or neglect? That's your choice. Which do you choose?Sometimes there is no perfect solution, only the least harmful one

At what point does a fetus become a human being?

Shorter answer:The definition of "human being", or of "person", is not absolutely clear and unequivocal: Different "schools of though" may, and do, have different views.A "universal agreement" in this respect seem extremely unlikely in a foreseeable future.Science has little or nothing to add to this discussion.Longer answer:My personal opinion or "definition" is irrelevant, or so I think: there are many others (see above), and it will not convince you (... as yours will not convince me).But, to give you an idea of the complexity of this issue, I will elaborate a little on the history of Christian views about it: Believe it or not, even the pre-Reformation "Christian", later "Roman Catholic", Church (whose firm opposition to abortion is well known by everyone) hasn't always kept the same position on this particular point. Now it considers that "a human being" exists from the very instant of fertilization... but (surprise!) it hasn't always been so. In short:St. Augustine (353-430), influenced by Platonism, considers that abortion "breaks the link between sex and procreation", and condemns it as a "sexual sin". But also considers that the embryo does not have a soul until the 46th day ("ensoulment"), so it can't be considered "killing" before that.The Decretum Gratiani (12th Century), a compilation of Canon law, supports similar views (Aliquando Canon: Abortion is "killing" only when the fetus has a "recognisable shape"), and so do the Popes of that period.Thomas Aquinas, a major Christian philosopher (1224–1274, he contributed to adapt Christian thought to Aristotelian views), also defended that the early embryo "did not have a human soul", and therefore did not consider early abortion as murder. Aquinas defended that the "rational soul" is implanted in the 40th day in boys and in the 90th in girls: There's no "killing" before this. But he still condemns abortion, considering it "an attempt to hide the sin of lust" and "contrary to marriage".This thomistic "delayed hominization" theory was officially supported by the 1312 Council of Vienne .OK: Being fair, I must clarify that the Christian Church has never really been "pro-choice" :-)Historical abortion beliefs of the Christian churchHistory of Christian thought on abortionEnsoulment

Can a Female gorilla or primate carry a human fetus to term? If not - why not?

Firstly, there are not enough gorillas available to use as surrogates.

Secondly, a natural birth would probably be next-to-impossible, due to differences in pelvic girdle morphology, so a Caesarean would *always* be necessary.

Thirdly, there is more to the maternal contribution in pregnancy than just supplying nutrients and oxygen through the placenta. Hormones and other signals cross the placental barrier, and these would almost certainly be not the correct ones to result in a normal gestation for a human foetus inside a female gorilla.

When does life begin?

I found this on and thought it interesting enough to present here
Just wondering... for all you out there who insist that conception marks the beginning of a human life.

Can you explain to me the fact that in a twin birth, the cells differentiate weeks after conception?

Does one soul become two?

Please, enlighten me.

Which rights are basic human rights?

Which of those basic human rights are fetuses entitled to?

Posted a few minutes ago:

"in my opinion, fetuses are just as human as you and me, and should have basic human rights like we do. "

Let's list all of them!

If a pregnant woman's medical condition meant that only the fetus or the mother could survive, should the fetus be saved instead of the mother?

When my mother was 32 weeks pregnant with me she had eclampsia, a life threatening complication with high blood pressure which leads to seizures.My grandmother was told that they needed to do an emergency surgery to save her life and baby had less chances of survival due to prematurity and low birth weight.The doctors would have controlled the hypertension with magnesium sulphate and posted her for an emergency C section as eclampsia is an indication for termination of pregnancy.My mother recovered after the surgery while I was delivered at 32 weeks (almost 6 weeks earlier) with a low birth weight of 1.75 kg and was put on intensive support for 10 days.Had they continued the pregnancy, for improving the chances of survival of the baby it would have resulted in further more complications in the mother such as hepatic failure, electrolyte imbalance,blindness, acute renal failure, pulmonary edema which could lead to the death of both mother and baby.The feasible option in such cases would be to terminate the pregnancy, which would save the life of the mother and gives a shot at saving the life of the baby too.PS : I’m glad that the my grandmother chose my mother’s life over mine and I thankful to the doctors who managed to save my life too.