Why Use A Triple Integral To Solve The Volume Of A Structure In A X Y Z System. In Advance For Any

As John A. Wheeler famously said, matter tells space how to curve and space tells matter how to move. The way matter tells space how to curve is expressed in the Einstein’s gravitational field equations of General Relativity:G = 8πT,where on the right side, we have the energy momentum tensor of matter, T (the source of gravity), and, on the left side, we have Einstein tensor G (expressing the curvature of space). (This equation is written for simplicity in geometrical units.) So there you have – Einstein tensor G describes the curvature of Riemannian space (or, more precisely, curvature of pseudo-Riemannian spacetime) in response to the presence of matter (described by the energy momentum tensor T).The Einstein tensor, by definition, is:G = R – ½ Rg,Where R is the Ricci tensor, R is the scalar curvature, and g is the metric tensor. In components, this definition can written asGμν = Rμν – ½ R gμνDespite its deceptive simplicity, the Einstein tensor is a non-linear function in second partial derivatives of the metric tensor g, which is why Einstein field equations (unlike Newtonian equations of gravity or Maxwell equations of electrodynamics, which are all linear) are non-linear and notoriously difficult to solve.An important property of the Einstein tensor is that is divergence vanishes as the expression of the Bianchi identities:∇G =0This assures the energy conservation for matter, which follow from the Einstein field equations∇T =0In fact, the Einstein tensor is the only tensor function of the metric with identically vanishing divergence, which was what led Einstein to his field equations of gravity.

No. They aren’t. The country was already in a sorry state when they took over. They are trying to rebuild it.However, if there is anyone problem I have with them, then it is their beef ban and the silence of the party when some of their MLAs and MPs make communal comments. ( I am not including the vote bank politics. It is a common feature of every 3rd grade political party ).Coming to beef ban. I think it is a step to curb my freedom. As a freeman, I will eat what I want ( Now, don’t ask silly questions like, “ So you are okay with having humans for dinner ?” ) . It is true that we are a Hindu dominated country. Our scriptures consider the cow holy, and advice us against eating them. However, I am strongly against the intermixing of the state and the religion, and moreover, it is simply impossible for me to follow the scriptures word by word. There is one life to be lived and I will live it according to my terms.

How do i find the answers to these?

A new planet is discovered and the astronauts found that the acceleration due to
gravity is 2.7ms-2. The research shows that the earth is about 70 times more massive
than the new planet.
a) What is the estimate of the ratio of the radius of the earth to the new planet?

b)Determine the gravitational force of an 80kg astronaut standing on the surface
of the new planet.

Hypermesh is a CAE software which comes in after a model has been developed in any CAD software. One should know it is an integral part of PLM (Product life cycle management) where the focus is to prepare the model to see how should it behave in a real life environment or simulation in other words. Now cae software's are three types mainly preprocessing, solving, postprocessing. Hypermesh is a preprocessing software where you divide the model into no. Of elements and nodes for a solver to apply the mathematical functions on it. If you read FEM OR FEA you would know the underlying theory behind the practice. Preproceesing is generally used to 'mesh' the model. See the image below an example of a gear being meshed. The green coloured elements are the region where contact has been defined which means it is in contact with other components for a solver to know about the simulation.I hope this answered your question. Anything else let me know.