Why Violence In Sports Is Legal Acceptable

Why Is Violence Against Males Acceptable?

This is something I've never gotten. Why is it that when a man hits a women, the women is showered with sympathy, but when a women hits a man, no one cares? Why do we disregard violence against men but care so much about violence against men.

(P.S. Before you get the wrong idea, I'm not a MRA. I'm an egalitarian and I think that violence against anyone is wrong unless it's in self defense. My first version of this question was deleted so I decided to tame my delivery a little bit. Hopefully this won't be deleted.

Why is tickling illegal in Judo, while choking is acceptable?

I was outside today when I realized a deep question. I once tried to tickle my opponent in Judo, but was told I couldn't because the move was illegal. Yet in the same sport, I was routinely subject to being choked or having my arm bent until I surrendered from the pain or lack of sheer oxygen.

Apparently, causing your opponent to surrender is a valid tactic, so with Judo being a friendly sport as opposed to Ju Jitsu (which is martial combat), why ban tickling while leaving the others as legal moves?

What are some acceptable reasons for applying for a concealed pistol permit in NY state?

If you NEED a reason just say target practice and self defense. That will work.

Do you think physical violence is ever justified in any way except for self-defence or as a controlled sport?

I want to say no. I'm a youth worker, a teacher and a foster parent. I'm supposed to tell people violence is never a good thing. I used to tell people that.In the past few years, I've been slowly moving away from that point of view, because I'm getting really fucking tired of being politely firm with people who think it's OK to grope me without permission, and I swear to gods it's getting worse. Politely firm is not doing any good.At first I thought maybe I was just getting more of it because I got sexier as I got older and more confident in my body. (That is not in any way an implication that it's OK to grope someone because you find them sexually attractive, merely an acknowledgement that it happens.) But most of the women I talk to agree: harassers are getting more brazen. No, #notallmen - most men are decent and respectful. But the few who aren't, who would previously have moderated their behaviour not out of decency but out of fear of social stigmatisation, now seem to feel like they can behave however they want.Well, shit, why wouldn't they? Look at the 45th US President and how he treats women. If he can do it, why shouldn't they?The fuse to my temper is long and slow-burning, but it's not infinite, and as the years pass I find I am becoming fiercer when it comes to dealing with creeps.In 2014, when a guy in Luton grabbed my tits while I was waiting for a bus, I laughed it off, because I didn't want a confrontation.In 2015, when someone stuck their hand up my skirt at the top of a crowded escalator in Copenhagen - probably banking on me not causing a scene lest I cause an accident - I was ready to give him a tongue-lashing, though I never got a chance, as by the time I got off the escalator I couldn't tell who it was.In 2016, when a man tried to pull me into a doorway and feel me up in a back street in Amsterdam, I smacked him in the face with a 1kg jar of Nutella in a carrier bag. It was a glass jar, too. Good. I hope it hurt.This isn't strictly self-defence. I didn't feel physically threatened by any of these men. I was just pissed off and fucking tired of it.The next stranger who attempts to grope me without my consent, I will go after with claw and fang. Maybe then they'll think twice before trying it with some other strange woman.If they're not going to abide by the rules of a polite society, neither am I.

Why are fights allowed in hockey but not other contact sports like football or rugby?

First, the only ice hockey that allows fighting in any form is the NHL.Let us put the NHL into perspective.How many times does Arsenal play Chelsea in the English Premier league? Twice in the season. Then they may play them occasionally (not every year) in the FA cup or the UEFA. And a premier soccer player may play for one team for ten years.In the old NHL (1950 - 1967) of the Original six teams, each team played 70 games during one season.That means that each team played every other team Fourteen times. And then in the Stanley cup playoffs, you could play another team seven times.It was possible to play a single opponent 21 times in six months.There was one referee and it was a Full Check game with sticks and no helmets nor face masks. The game was a Sport and it also was Entertainment for the fans. If someone is taking advantage of you with his Stick and you are going to play that team at Least 14 times in One season, then there Has to be enforcement beyond what the referee can provide.That is what the fighting in the NHL was/is all about. It was a means to protect yourself and your star players.And when the NHL played the Soviet Union national team in circa 1977, we discovered that they did not “fight” but they used their sticks to carve up the opponents bodies……..Fighting was/is a means to control the bad behavior of the opposing team when you can play them Many, Many times in one season.I remember in an adult ice hockey league, playing one team Five times over a ten day period and we were ready to Kill each other by the time of that fifth game……..Fighting has a purpose in the NHL and no where else in sports.

Why are men more violent than women?

We can't really deny it,there are violent women out there sure but most violence is committed by men. Why is that? What causes it? It's the same the world over,in every country. Where wars start it's always men who are behind it so why? Primative instinct or what? Im not a violent guy myself but I have an awfully bad temper and I've always had it since I was a kid