Why Was My Question Deleted About Abdulmalik

How do I delete a question that I asked on Quora? It is no longer relevant and had no answers anyway.

I assume that you are trying to delete your own question, not someone else’s.The official Quora answer to that question is here: How can I delete a question that I have asked earlier? (There are lots of other answers to that question, but I assume Quora’s is the most authoritative.) In part that answer saysAfter adding a question, the OP (original poster of the question) has a grace period during which he or she is permitted to delete the question; this grace period ends when a certain level of activity on the page has occurred. This policy is consistent with Quora's philosophy that questions belong to the community and OPs do not have ownership over their questions …This suggests that you might not be able to delete it, depending on what the threshold for the “certain level of activity.”How do I delete a question that no one has answered?

How do I delete my own question from Quora?

From our Help Center article, How do I delete my own question from Quora? :After adding a question, the OP (original poster of the question) has a grace period during which he or she is permitted to delete the question; this grace period ends when a certain level of activity on the page has occurred. This policy is consistent with Quora's philosophy that questions belong to the community and OPs do not have ownership over their questions.If the question is still within this grace period, the OP can delete it by visiting their question page, clicking on the "…" link below the question title, then selecting the "Delete" option. If this option isn’t present, it means the question can no longer be deleted by the OP.For more information about Quora’s features and frequently asked questions, check out our Help Center.

How do I delete a bad question on Quora?

What do you mean by a bad question?If it is a spam, advertisement or insincere, you can report it.It it is not a clear question due to bad grammar or is not well formed. You can go ahead and update it.If it needs more details, you can leave a comment there to ask for more information.If you have asked that question and now you want to delete then you have a short span of time after asking where you can delete it. After that you will not have delete option as you don’t own questions on the Quora. Question belongs to community.You can read more about deleting question here What kind of questions on Quora aren't OK? What is Quora's policy on question deletion?

How can I delete questions on Stack Overflow?

Your question was already answered on Meta Stack Overflow.How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for deletion?How can I delete my post on Stack Overflow?Also from their Why and how are some questions deleted? page:Users can delete their own questions if the question:has zero answersonly one answer, but that answer has no upvotesSimply click the delete link underneath the question.You can vote any quesiton or answer if you see this:

How do I delete all my questions and answers on Quora at once?

Deactivating does not delete your content, it simply means you are no longer active but your content stays.The best way to remove all your answers is to delete your account, then all your answers will be immediately pulled from the site, and after the 14-day grace period (in case you change your mind) they are permanently deleted. That’s the best way to delete all your content, to delete your account.To note regarding questions: You cannot delete any questions that have answers, or any questions that have a number of views - questions belong to the community. But once you delete your account your name is no longer associated with any questions, it reverts to Quora user.

If i delete my yahoo account will my resolved questions be deleted?

No they won't be deleted.You really can't. Only Yahoo can delete a YA account however, you could do this: Click your avatar, delete all your contacts click edit my info, delete the info in your profile including your personal avatar if you had one, set everything to private and , uncheck to receive ims or emails, click save don't return to the site.Your questions and answers remain on the site they are the property of Yahoo.
it does not affect your email account, it remains active.
An alternative would be to completely close all your Yahoo accounts. however your questions and answers will still remain on the site.

Why are muslims hot-headed everytime ?

Because you say things which you aren't man enough to take the consequenses for. Pussay. A western coward needs internet to voice what he hasn't got the balls to say to a face.

Submitters: Is there a contradiction in the Quran?


I figured you'd still say that "Thikr" does not mean Quran, even though both Khalifa and Yuskel's translations point out it is. So, let me agree with you (for the sake of understanding) that "Thikr" does not mean Quran.

Edip Yuskel:

"Surely, those who have rejected the Reminder when it came to them; and it is an Honorable book. No falsehood could enter it, presently or afterwords; a revelation from a Most Wise, Praiseworthy. What is being said to you is the same that was said to the messengers before you. Your Lord has forgiveness, and a painful retribution. Had We made it a non-Arabic compilation, they would have said, "If only its signs were made clear!" - 41:41-44

The "Reminder" is an:

- Honorable Book
- A revelation from the most Wise
- Revealed in Arabic

What else would the "Reminder" be? Since you are saying that it, being the Quran, is out of the question. It, also cannot be code-19 since it doesn't conform to the three characteristics listed above.