Why Was The American Flag Waving On The Moon If There Is No Air There

If there is no air in the space then why american flag is seen waving there?

The flag was held upright by a rod along the top.

If you're talking about the flag moving, every time it's moving, it is either being touched, or has just been touched, by one of the astronauts.

In one of the more famous shots, the astronauts had been twisting the flagpole back and forth to get it deep enough in the soil, which twisted the pole slightly. Once the astronauts let go, the flag moves back and forth, but it's not moving like any flag ever has when it's been blown by the wind. It's moving back and forth in a pendulum motion, exactly like you would expect if you twisted the staff. The fact that it keeps moving is actually proof that it's in a vacuum--if there had been air, air resistance would have quickly damped the motion.

Why is the American flag fluttering in the wind on the moon when there is no atmosphere, and therefore no wind to make the flag flutter. Was the Apollo mission a hoax?

The flag is not “fluttering in the wind” and it never was.The flag was designed to be held out straight and perpendicular to the Lunar surface by a telescoping rod, but when Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong deployed it, the rod malfunctioned and would not fully extend.This left a crease or “ripple” in the flag.Now there are six U.S. flags on the lunar surface, left by the crews of each Apollo mission. Each flag was deliberately designed with the same flaw to prevent the horizontal telescoping rod from fully extending.

If there is no wind on the moon, why does the American flag appear to be waving when Niel Armstrong planted it?

We learned there is no wind on the moon which is why footprints and such remain indefinitely. When you see where America landed man on the moon, the American flag is rippling. Is it a hoax?

If there is no gravity on the moon why is the us flag waving?

Okay, it's already been said that the moon does have gravity, for those who didn't know. The "waving" flag had little or darn near nothing to do with gravity--it would have had to do with the lack of atmosphere and there being no wind. Turns out though, that neither of those was the reason for the rippling!

An excerpt from ABC News's "Why Does the U.S. Flag on the Moon Have Ripples?"

"'a small telescoping arm was attached to the flagpole to keep the flag extended and perpendicular. As hard as we tried, the telescope wouldn't fully extend. Thus the flag which should have been flat had its own permanent wave.'

"The wrong coating had been applied to the telescoping rod, so it wouldn't fully extend, which is why the flag looks like it is waving in the wind. Ironically, that famous picture of Buzz Aldrin posing next to the flag is often cited as evidence by conspiracy theorists as proof the mission to the moon was a hoax. "

Why the US flag is waving in the moon pic? no atmosphere or wind in the moon, rigth?

The flag is not "waving" -- how can you judge whether an object is moving in a still photo???

The flag appears to be standing out because there was a metal rod which folded out from the flagpole to support the fabric of the flag in an exposed position for photography. If not for that rod, the flag would have hung limply, and would not have made such a good picture.

The flag in the photo has creases and folds in it because:
a) it was folded in transit
b) the supporting rod did not extend fully upon deployment, so there is loose fabric.

In the video footage of the astronauts placing the flag, you can see the flag shaking as they jiggle the upright to drive it into the lunar soil. Once the astronauts stopped turning the pole, the flag stopped moving. No need for wind -- it was inertia and momentum.

Go see:

for more debunking of the conspiracy nonsense.

How is the flag waving if there is no air in space?

Assuming you mean the U.S flag on the moon, it’s because there’s no atmosphere and lower gravity it just gives the illusion of “waving”. And the reason it’s not completely “flat” is because it would be impossible to put the plant the flag without wrinkling it and so it gives the illusion of “waving” when it’s not.

A moon landing video footage I saw showed the American flag waving. How is that possible considering that the moon lacks atmosphere and therefore any kind of wind-flow is impossible?

Good question. No one saw the flag waving—at least not waving due to wind, for the Moon is airless as you correctly note.What people saw was a wavelike motion of the flag and they assumed that the motion must be due to movement of air since that is our experience with flags on Earth, where we have never seen a flag in a vacuum (except in say experiments—see below).Let’s reason it out more accurately.Observation: the flag moved.Cause: it could not have been moving due to air, since the Moon does not have an atmosphere. Therefore it must have been moving due to some other reason.Conclusion: it was moving in a wavelike pattern as any flexible material would when you give the right impetus to it—such as the force involved with known actions that were taken in planting the flag in the Moon’s surface or perhaps bumping it.In fact, a flag will “wave” longer in a vacuum than it will in an atmosphere in some cases. See the following video which destroys the “flags cannot ‘wave’ on the moon/in a vacuum” idiocy (sorry—that’s what it is and it is shameful that there are too many people with poor critical thinking skills—and I’m sure not referring to the person who asked this very good question but to others who try to invalidate what may be the greatest physical voyage undertaken by human beings so far).

During the first Apollo mission, the American flag began waving while there is no air on the Moon. Is this a proof that we never landed on the Moon?

No, it is not proof, but it is confusing. To remove confusion, check out the excellent Wikipedia article “Lunar Flag Assembly.” You will come away a changed man—at least regarding lunar flags.Also, you might check out my humble response below to that lingering question: did men actually land on the moon? I admit I am biased: I believe they did.Remember, you can never prove a negative—”we never landed”—because if an event did not occur, there’s no proof that it did nor not. This applies to all human endeavor, not just to men walking on the moon—or not.Keep asking questions and clarity will come. Below: my much-read response to “Did NASA fake the moon landings?”Response begins:“Yes, NASA did fake the moon landings. The majority of the hoax was shot on the Universal back lot in Hollywood. Tens of thousands of NASA workers were sworn to secrecy.Well, let’s start with that ridiculous assumption: NASA pulled off the greatest hoax in human history.The MLDs (Moon Landing Deniers) are not taking into account one very important human tendency: the tendency to blab.The “moon landings” happened nearly 50 years ago. Yet no one has come forward to collect a million dollars from Oprah or whoever to blab the inside story of Apollo. And show photos covertly taken of Neil and Buzz sharing a laugh with their helmets off on the “lunar surface” set.Is this conceivable? In 50 years! You, an intelligent Quoranian, know that it’s not. Consider Lance Armstrong. One man with a small team. Could he keep his doping secret?Yet the MLDs would have you believe that not one of NASA’s thousands blabbed for big bucks in all this time. C’mon! It just isn’t credible, is it?Side note: Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon, was dogged for months by one of these MLDs. The man followed him, heckled him, made this remarkable man’s public life miserable. Finally, after the MLD called him “a coward and a liar,” an infuriated Aldrin had had enough and punched him in the jaw.** Very effective! No more hogwash, no more heckling.”There is a video of the above event. Go to YouTube’s : Buzz Aldrin Punches Guy