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What should one do in their 20s to avoid regrets in their 30s and 40s?

Noticed something funny?People in their 30’s purchase a house on a massive loan.Why?So that when they do become old, they can live in it.So what they do is buy a house for a 30 year mortgage or loan and work their ass off for the next 30 years to pay for the loan.Funny thing is - they are working like a dog - spending their entire youth chasing, running and making - so that they can live in a house during their old age.Funny right?And they do not even think of the possibility that - maybe, just maybe - they may die before hand or that something may happen before that - which can change the entire course of their lives.So what these people and many others like them do is - live for the future.First and foremost - How do you know you will live until the age of 40? or 30?How do you know you may not die within 1 year? Next month? Next week?How do you know?The fact is - no one knows!Everyone likes to assume or believe they will live until the ripe old age of 75 or 100. It is nice to have an Optimism Bias but it is better to be practical and realistic.No one knows if you or I will live until the age of 30 or 40.And whatever advice I may give you today - may not be applicable in another few years.Why?Because you have changed, people have changed, the environment has changed and our world has changed.Given a planet where the technology changes every few weeks - you seriously want someone to give you advice for the next 10 years?Well - if you really want something worthwhile to keep in mind and heart….here would be the advice I would give.Live everyday as if it were your last day on the planet.Do everything that needs to be done - so that if you were to die tomorrow - you would live your life knowing - you have no regrets.That doesn’t mean live it recklessly or take a credit card and blow it out it completely. What I mean is - do those things money cannot buy and those things that do not hurt others. And live in a manner that is true to your value system. And where ‘living for the future goes’ - cross that bridge when it arrives.Remember - do not waste what you have right now - for hopes and anticipation for a future you have not seen and do not know if it will ever come.That is why what you have right now - is called “The Present”.Loy Machedo

Should we refrain from assigning a gender to children at birth in order to allow them to declare their own identities?

How important is it to you to know the sex of your unborn child? Is the first question you ask others who are expecting a child or have just had a new child born what the sex of their child is?Why do you care?It has become ingrained in us that sex is somehow important. Maybe it’s just because that this used to be crucial, as a daughter would be the father’s property until wedded off, which could be valuable, whereas a son could run the business, perform farm work, and be a person to the law, able to vote and hold office.Maybe we should leave this behind us.For intersex infants with ambiguous genitals it already doesn’t make sense to assign a sex, and chopping up their genitals to pretend that it actually does make sense is not compatible with reality.So in short: no, it does not make sense to assign a sex to a child.If one talks to a biologist, you will notice that they divide each species in three categories: offspring, males and females. Since the genitals are not active until puberty, they play no role and therefore require no separate segregation of female and male offspring.Curiously enough, humans are also animals, and thus the same rule applies to us. It’s just that we just have to keep pretending otherwise, to the detriment of our own children who cannot just remain children until the inevitable arrival of puberty.