Why Women Are Allowed To Have Preferences But If A Man Has Preferences He

Why Do Women Have Preferences?

Men should be the only ones allowed to date whomever they so choose. Women having preferences are the reason as to why short, bald, scrawny, and small dick guys like me die alone. I don't expect them to have any remorse though. As scienfically evidenced, women are incapable of feeling remorse or compassion. You demons are the reason as to why short and scrawny bald men are ending their life whilist in their prime.

I just want a tall beautiful Latina to like me for ME. Is that so much to ask? Yet the only women who want me are ones who aren't even Latina and would pass any ugly test with a full one hundred.

I'd rather suck my own dick than to be with them.

Why women are allowed to have preferences, but if a man has preferences he's a pig, male chauvinistic?

women dream with a tall, Caucasian rich man... and nobody criticizes women for having those preferences..

but if a man wants a virgin woman he is a pig.. even if he's a virgin himself.. (unlike the short woman who dreams with a tall man)

if a man wants a woman who cleans and cooks he's called a male chauvinistic.. even if he himself enjoys cleaning and cooking.. However if he's going to work 12 hours a day while she stays at home, he is not going to have time to cook and clean during weekdays..

why is ok for women to have preferences but men are insulted if they have preferences?

Why do guys get mad when women have preferences?

I can only speak for myself as a man. I don't take rejections personally. I am not some sniveling and insecure little boy who gets angry when a female won't have him for whatever reasons.

I am not going to claim to be perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I am a decent, good, educated, hardworking, and in physically fit man who feels like he would be a great find for any woman who is lucky enough to have him. If that isn't good enough for a particular woman, then that is her loss and not mine. She isn't the last woman on the face of the planet.

Insecure men get angry when rejected. Men who know their self worth don't take them personally. After all. Why want someone who doesn't want them back? If she won't have me, the next woman will.

Another good reason not to take rejections personally is that one doesn't have enough time and emotions invested in someone they just asked out. It isn't like I was married to the woman or been in a relationship with her for years. I asked her out, she said no. No problem. I will move on to the other women I might be flirting up if she won't have me.

There is no double standard. It is not sexist to have physical preferences, neither for men nor for women.It is sexist to extrapolate from one’s own preferences and make broad statements about the general attractiveness of people with certain traits.Not sexist:I prefer to date voluptuous women with large breasts.Tall men really turn me on.Sexist:Skinny and flat-chested women are very unattractive.Short men are not good relationship material.Can sound sexist even though you might mean it personally; I suggest changing the way you word it to make it clear you don’t mean to generalize:I find skinny and flat-chested women very unattractive. (Say instead: Skinny and flat-chested women don’t turn me on as much.)I think short men are not good relationship material. (Rather: Short men don’t make me feel the way I want to feel in my relationship.)As long as you state preferences in a way that shows you know that this is a personal thing, and that your dating and sexual preferences don’t make people who fall outside of them unattractive or undesirable in general, you should be fine.Many preferences can still be seen as personal prejudice by others, especially if you bring forth reasons to justify them that make no sense, but superficiality isn’t sexist per se.

Well, I have two types really.In women, I like it if they are an intelligent, sophisticated, adventurous and eloquent person and she is more dominant in the relationship and during sex. I really like the STEM-types. I also like to have very long relationships with a woman, for many years and only one at the time.In men, I am more attracted to appearance instead of intelligence. I like white manly men between 25 and 45 and I like to be the dominant one in the relationship and during sex. I also don’t mind seeing more men in the same period or at the same time. I often loose interest after 6 months or so because I become more attracted to an other man.I am married to my wife for 5 years now, but we have been together for 12 years. We have an open marriage. When my wife agrees I have relationships with other men, and sometimes we have threesomes with a man (my wife is straight). We both have sex with other people but we always talk about it with each other and we always have safe sex with people outside our marriage. My preferences in the genders are the same in a threesome as when I have sex with just one other person. My wife usually is the most dominant during threesomes.I can’t explain the difference, it is just how it is. I am equally attracted to both sexes, just in different ways. Romantically I am definitely more attracted to women. Sexual I just have different positions in the relationship with either a woman or a man. It is possible that both sexes fulfill different needs that I have.Edit:I am a man btw.Original question:“As a bisexual, do you have preferences when it comes to males or females?For example, I am attracted to funny guys. On the other hand, I like nerdy, awkward, shy girls, just because I think it's adorable. I'm a girl btw.“

Easily possible for a pansexual to have a preference in gender. Being pansexual means you can be sexually/romantically attracted to anybody - it doesn’t require you be equally attracted to all genders.In your case, if you’re only sexually and romantically attracted to other men, then you’d fit the label of gay far more than you would fit the label of pan - in the same way an asexual doesn’t stop being asexual just because they are willing to date.I’d also stress, don’t worry about the labels. You’re attracted to who you are attracted to. Labels like gay or pan or straight or bi aren’t shackles.

It is acceptable for men to have preferences, also men do know what their preferences are, unlike women who don’t even know what their preferences are most of the time and hence they are called picky.You can ask any woman what she likes in a man and then introduce her to a man of such qualities and she will reject him 99% of the times. Because what women say they prefer and what they actually choose a man for are completely different things and most women don’t even know their true preferences.Every woman wants a kind and caring man who will love her and who she will love. But that’s so generic like wanting water to be of adequate temperature and color when you shower. But you won’t take a shower in any shower with those qualities, right? You expect every shower to be like that. That’s the norm. But there are other more important qualities to look for in a shower and everyone has their own.

It’s not.If someone told you it was inherently sexist for men to state physical preferences about women, they were wrong.Now, I can think of a few reasons you might have gotten that idea:If you stated your physical preference in such a way as to objectify women, someone might have felt that was sexist: i.e., saying “I like women who are really voluptuous” is fine. “I like big butts” is mildly sexist, because you're reducing women to mere body parts,Similarly, if you said something like that, people may have been objecting to your crudeness (it's generally considered mildly impolite to discuss crrtain body parts) rather than any sexism.On a different note, the sexism may have been in the context rather than the words. It's very sexist and inappropriate, for example, for two male coworkers to discuss their sexual preferences in the workplace, because women are frequently disadvantaged professionally and often sexually harassed in the workplace. Such a discussion, if overheard by a female colleague, could create a hostile workplace.Similarly, such a conversation between two male clients in a public venue where women who work there are often judged on their appearance (e.g., restaurant, massage parlor, swimming pool/beach, etc.) might make the female employees feel threatened.And finally, while discussing such preferences is not inherently sexist, the actual preferences may be influenced by society’s sexism—for example, most male preferences for, say, long hair in women, is influenced by patriarchal gender norms. That doesn't mean it's wrong to have such preferences, but it's good to try to be aware of how societal norms are influencing you so you do not accidentally perpetuate them.Note that most of these contexts apply to women as well as men; it is also inappropriate for female coworkers to discuss sexual preferences in front of other coworkers, women should also examine how the patriarchy affects their sexual preferences, etc. The only difference is that, because women are, on the whole, more often and severely disadvantaged and injured by society’s misogyny/prejudice against the feminine, sexism like this will hurt them more. However, I am assuming that to have this misconception, the OP must have been comparing a situation in which men were stating preferences in a sexist context with a situation where women were stating preferences in a non-sexist context.

Do women generally believe that their preference in penis size is more legitimate than men’s preference in women’s body shape?

I'm a woman, and I believe that judging anyone on their body or penis size is wrong. People are different and have different opinions, but we should never force our opinions onto others.

People are offended for a vast amount of different reasons.The most common reason I hear about is because of the person’s insecurities. Another reason is some people don't enjoy hearing about an opinion or preference that differs from their’s. Another reason is for fear that the person’s opinions and preferences will negatively affect (losing them, being cheated on or lied to etc.) whatever type of relationship they feel they have with that specific person.Her insecurities is why she probably only do FWB, because if she tried being in relationships, it wouldn't go so well since she'll let her insecurities get the best of her.You're entitled to your own opinions and preferences, she is as well. You're not obligated to change them for her. She can either ignore your preference for Asians or she can leave.