Why Wont My Father Reply To My Messages

What does it mean if he reads a message but doesn't reply?

if you're talking about facebook as in the "seen at" thing showed up, he could've just left the page open and got off of the computer before even seeing your response. or he could've seen your response and not cared and closed the page. regardless, he ignored it, for what reason we can't know because we don't know your situation better.

My boyfriend is not answering phone calls or replying to messages. Is he breaking up with me?

My father used to tell my sisters, “If a man likes you, nothing can keep him away.” So a man who knows that you want to hear from him, want to be with him and want to fight for the relationship but still is at a distance is making a fairly clear message. He’s either ambivalent or he’s no longer interested or he’s moved on. It’s a very ugly, passive-aggressive way to treat someone you supposedly care for or once cared for and it’s the coward’s way to back out of a relationship, one that minimizes his pain and involvement in the break-up but that maximizes your pain and confusion. The biggest problem with a lack of closure is that some night or some time when he is feeling lonely and alone he is going to call you up or drunk text you because he misses (for the moment) what you gave him and he will use the ambivalence of the break-up as a wedge to get back into your bed, even if only for a night. Then, most likely, he will be gone.If you want to get closure, if you want the complete story then you need to confront him as whatever cost and strong arm it out of him. That is, if you think the little worm is worth it.I recommend the movie “The Fisher King”. The scene depicting Jeff Bridge’s cruel break-up with Mercedes Ruhl won her an Oscar and it surely depicts the confusion, lack of closure and ambivalence of what you are describing here. I wish you luck. It is always better to have loved and failed but that does not minimize the pain you do and will feel for some time.

Why doesn't my brother respond to my messages?

I have had this happen before, with my younger brother. For some reason, he thought that I didn’t like his wife, but for over a year, he avoided me somewhat and I had no idea what the problem was because he is generally non-confrontational. I finally asked him if we could talk and he couldn’t even tell me what exactly I had done to her, for them to think that I didn’t like her. I really examined my past behavior towards her and came up with nothing I had done.Anyway, I said that if I had done something (I hadn’t), that I didn’t mean to do it and that I wanted to get along with her like a sister. We get along great now.Examine your last interaction with him to see if you can figure out what upset him. Also, think about if you said anything negative about him to a family member or mutual friend.Apologize to him if you think you did something to upset him. Let him know you want to make things right. Even if you don’t think you did anything, you can also make a blanket apology like I did. Sometimes it helps to take their guard down.Or he may be going through some problems and you could tell him that you love him and are there for him if he needs you.

My mother-in-law doesn't respond to any of my messages or pick up my calls. What's your advice on this?

She’s obviously on a power trip, don’t play her game. Change the game, switch phone’s with your husband every few days so she doesn’t know who’s calling. I’m willing to bet she’ll pick up right away if she thinks it’s her little boy calling? If she ask’es why you have his phone? Just brush it off, something like, Oh do I really? The next time your with her, ask her why? Do it in front of your husband and your father in law. Make sure to let everyone know the truth, don’t give her a chance to deny it. Demand to know what you did to be treated like the red headed step child in the room? She needs to know your not going to play her little game anymore, if you do? She’ll walk all over you every chance she gets. Your her son’s choice, by disrespecting you? She’s disrespecting him, so make sure you explain that to him as well. Tell him, he’s a grown man and to start acting like it, he has to talk to her.He has to explain to his mother that he does not appreciate how she’s treating his wife. He has to tell her, she already doesn’t like you, so whatever you say? Won’t change a thing. If she wont listen to her son, then you need to play hard ball with her. Tell her that if she continue’s to act like a child? She wont get to see her grand kids, you cannot let this go. It has got to change now, for better, or worse. There is no other choice-You deserve respect and if she wont give that which you’ve earned? Then why would you want to spend time with her? It’s time to teach this old dog? New trick’s-One more thing-DO NOT LOSE YOUR TEMPER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE-SHE WILL JUMP ON THE CHANCE TO PROVE TO HER SON THAT YOUR NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM- So keep your cool, don’t let her bait you into a war of words. Just smile and talk in a calm voice, it’ll drive her nuts. Good luck and be careful, the worst wounds inflicted in a psychic war? Are all self inflicted-cut her to piece’s-You ever heard of a suicide blond? She dyed by her own hand-

How do I respond to condolence messages?

A2A.I personally have never received a condolence message, so I can't really understand how you feel right now but I'll try-If I lost a loved one and I received a condolence message then I would say “Thank you.” and then not say anything else.If the other person keeps pestering you about how it happened , then you should just make it clear that you don't want to talk about it.If they still pester you, then you should stop interacting with them. Leave the room or just end the conversation.There is absolutely no need to explain yourself. You are in mourning and the other person should understand this.Hope this helped.

I had a fight with my father. He was wrong on his point. We're are not talking right now. I tried to message him he won't reply. What should I do?

Just give him some time. Everyone has an ego, big / small. It takes time to accept one's mistake. In your case you feel you are right, he may feel he is right. And as you mentioned it was a fight, I am sure he is feeling bad about the way you may have raised your voice and spoken to him. It's good that you messaged him. Keep your conversation going.Keep sending him your love and respect. Tell him whatever differences you may have, you still love him and respect him. Sit with him quietly if he does not respond to your talks. Take help from your mom.He will come around. Parents may get upset with their kids but they love them no matter what.

How would you respond to religious text messages from friends?

My aunt forwarded my atheist dad an e-mail and gave it the subject "I think you need this." It was a money angel and you pass it on to have increased luck with money. At the bottom, there was a bible verse about faith in God. Since we are financially doing very well, she clearly thinks my dad needs a little faith. He responded to the angel by pointing out that it sounds like a pixie or brownie or something like that, and suggested that we leave a saucer of milk out for it or maybe some apple cider under an oak tree.

You could respond by pastalytizing! Send a little joking something about the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Here's the official site. May you be Touched by his Noodley Appendage. RAmen. lol

Does instagram answer direct messages?

Someone on Instagram has been bullying me and bringing up my deceased father. When I report her Instagram doesn t do anything about it. She recently told my friend she was a "waste of space and life" then proceeded to say "atleast I still have a dad unlike Ashley" I don t think that s right considering my father killed himself in 2004. If anyone could help me contact Instagram that would be great. I direct messaged them but I m not sur rid they will actually answer it. Thank you