Why Would A Mother Allow Her New Born Daughter To Live

Is it legal for parents to allow their 13 year old daughter to have sex with her boyfriend at home?

Since I have no way of knowing what state you are living in, I can't tell you the legal age of consent. But I can tell you that 13 is NOT the age of consent in any state in the United States!! See the list below.

There will be legal problems for the girls parents, and for the boy and his parents if he is underage, too. This is exactly why there are laws regarding the age of consent.

It is indeed parental neglect. It is also 100% without a doubt child endangerment, child abuse, and disgusting to boot.

She needs to be in protective custody, her parents need to go to jail and the boy she's having sex with needs his butt kicked.

Please call your local police department, tell them what you know; that the 13 year old is on the pill and sexually active. That her parents think it's okay for her to have sex since she's on the pill.

You might be the only hope this child has at a normal life! Call the police and ask them if you need to call Child Protective Services or will they do that, tell them everything and ask for help.

Alabama 16
Alaska 16
Arizona 18
Arkansas 16
California 18
Colorado 15
Connecticut 15
D.C. 16
Delaware 16
Florida 16/18 (bill pending)
Georgia 16
Hawaii 14
Idaho 14
Illinois 16/17
Indiana 16
Iowa 18
Kansas 16
Kentucky 16 - [1]
Louisiana 17
Maine 16
Maryland 16
Massachusetts 16/18
Michigan 16
Minnesota 16
Mississippi 16 - [2]
Missouri 17
Montana 16
Nebraska 16
Nevada 16
New Hampshire 16/18
New Jersey 16/18
New Mexico 17
New York 17
North Carolina 16
North Dakota 18
Ohio 16
Oklahoma 16
Oregon 18
Pennsylvania 16
Rhode Island 16
South Carolina 14/16
South Dakota 16
Tennessee 18
Texas 17
Utah 16/18
Vermont 16
Virginia 15
Washington 16
West Virginia 16
Wisconsin 18
Wyoming 16
Puerto Rico 18

Maybe this link can provide you with some phone numbers and resources to help you save that little girl.

The best thing about the police is they are open for business and ready to help 24/7!!

Why would a mother allow her newborn baby daughter to live with the biological father from birth until child custody ends at 18, if she can see her daughter any time she wants to?

Maybe she never wanted a baby, she just had the baby for the bio-dad. Many women are surrogates.Maybe she doesn't want the responsibilityMaybe she doesn't want to be tied down, she can visit when she wants, drop the baby back with the bio-dad when she's had enoughMaybe she has another guy in her life, who doesn't want the baby - she has chosen another man over her baby.Mostly, you'd have to talk to her. She is the one who knows her reasons - if she cares to share them with you.

My 14 year old daughter wants to keep her baby?

My 14 year old daughter told me a week ago that she is pregnant. She is three months. I was in shock, because she gets straight A's and is very responsible. She's been dating her boyfriend, Aaron, for 2 years now and he is part of the family. We agreed on abortion, but, my daughter refused a couple days before the appointment. Then we settled on adoption. We were going to visit the adoption agency on tuesday. But today, i found a letter in her drawer that read:
Dear baby,
i don't know you yet, but i love you so much. Its been three months, and i know im young, but im so exited to take care of you, your daddy bought you clothes yesterday. They're yellow, since we don't know if your a boy or girl yet. But one day, you're going to be 14 and i want you to read these letters. Just to show you, that i was different. I just turned 14 two weeks ago. And on my birthday, all i could think about was you. I love you so much and my mom wants to give you to another family, but i would never want to. I know i'm young, but i also know i can handle, you, school, and life in general. Take your time baby. I love you.
This broke my heart. Should i make my daughter go through with this? Or should i let her keep her baby.

ps: we do come from a family with money, thier honestly no financial promblems to care for the baby, i just dont think a 14 year old should be a mother.

Any help is appreciated.

Why do mother cats sometimes eat their own kittens?

In addition to eating dead or sick kittens (to keep the living area and other kittens free from disease and infections) mother cats will occasionally (rarely) kill and sometimes eat healthy kittens due to stress.This can occur in young mothers, who are more prone to rejecting their kittens, and in older mothers with hormonal imbalances that cause them to reject their young. Basically, a cat sometimes won't bond with her kittens, and won't recognise them as her own, and in her confused and stressed state she will see them as prey or a threat and attack them.Cats (and dogs) will also kill their young if they feel stressed and unsafe. This sometimes occurs when humans try to move animals who have just given birth to a more convenient and safer place in the home - the animal chose the place they gave birth because that's where they felt safe, so humans moving them to a place they didn't choose (no matter how comfortable or safe that place is) can stress a mother animal out and cause her to kill her young.This can also happen if the mother and babies are disturbed too much. Mother wants babies to be safely 'hidden' from everyone but the people and animals she trusts, so if the owners start allowing lots of visitors to come and see the new kittens (or puppies) then the mother can get very stressed and kill her own offspring if she cannot move them somewhere she feels safer.

Coping with colic?? 3 1/2week old baby and new mother?

I too had a daughter with colic, when she was 2.5 weeks old we found out about Doc Scharenberg he is a local chiropractor who amazingly turns out to live in Wichita, KS (so do we) and has been treating colicky babies for over 30 years.
When our daughter was about 5 weeks old she was completely colic free. I know Wichita is a little far to travel, but he is working on creating educational information for people out of the area so he can train mom's to do the treatment he created. Give him a call and see if he can help you 316-945-0075.
Until you can get in contact with him here is some helpful advice he game my husband and I.
1. NO gas drops. Colic is an underdeveloped valve between the small and large intestine. It allows gas to travel backwards through the digestive system causing tremendous pain for the baby.
2. Use body language to determine if your baby is hungry or in pain. Kicking legs, pulling legs up to chest, pulling hair scratching face are all signs of pain. Flailing arms are hunger. If your baby is throwing up chances are it is over fed.
3. Diet. If you are breastfeeding Doc has a diet that needs to be followed, if contains only non gassy foods. This will help prevent your baby from being in more pain. You can find the diet at
4. No swaddling. I know it is against everything you read, but if you do choose to swaddle do it loose. Imagine if you were in pain, would you want someone to wrap you up and prevent you from moving? Chances are no.
5. Use a bouncy seat in place of a bed. Babies with colic will not sleep laying flat on their backs. Make sure you strap them in. If you have enough money there is a Nap Nanny that would work as well.
6. Bounce. Bouncing your baby will help relieve some of the gas pain in their belly.
7. CALL DOC save your baby from the pain.
If you are hesitant at all about the truth behind this Doc has a colic support group on facebook and all the moms can testify to his treatment.

A family member died.. PLease help! Would you take your newborn?

Could you go and stay in a hotel? That way you are still showing respect, but don't have to worry about those other problems. You could tell the family that you don't want to burden them in their time of grief by having to live with a newborn in the house, and this allows her to get the peace and quiet she need right now because she's not used to having a lot of people around. That way no one is hurt. They all understand that it's hard to have a newborn around, and you are being considerate of their feelings too.

How can I convince my daughter to let me keep my grandson overnight? He’s 6 months old and I’ve never kept him.

I doubt you can ever convince the mother of a six month old to have her baby away from her for the night, even if you are her mother and were a good mother to her. For many parents leaving the child alone for even a few hours is a big deal, how would you have felt leaving your baby in another person’s house? In my experience most parents prefer their children to be in their homes when they have a babysitter not at someone else’s. And that is just for a couple hours out.Even if you are just trying to offer a break from the grind of parenthood, you need to remember time away from the baby can stressful. If mom is working this is probably time that she covets, because it is time for her to be with her baby.Parents are protective of their children and they should be. They develop routines that are healthy for both parent and child. Those routines are comforting.If you want to be part of the routine you have to help out in other ways. If she is a stay home mom be there during the day. Give mom a break by doing the dishes, preparing food, showing that you can take care of the baby in a way that she is comfortable with.What kind of comforts do you have for a baby at your house? If you don’t have a crib, a comfortable place to chance his diapers and an overall atmosphere that feels safe for a baby you are going to have to wait a couple years.Also, what does dad think about this? Assuming the father is still around, remember that decisions about an infant are not made unilaterally. Even if your daughter is open to the idea of you having the baby overnight, Dad might not be.You are going to have to be okay with that. You can still be a significant part of baby’s life, but you need to be realistic.