Why Would A Pretty Rose Have To Have Thorns

Why do roses have thorns?

The nerd's answer is that they don't.Citrus has thorns, but roses have prickles.Folk call them thorns, but that isn't technically true.The difference is a question of basic histology. Prickles grow out of a epidermal layer, and thorns grow out of the woody tissues. 'Zephirine Drouhin'Many roses are considered 'thornless' like 'Zephirine Drouhin,' a climbing Bourbon, but virtually all roses will have some prickles on vigorous growth.They certainly help climbing roses climb. Roses are related to pomaceous fruits like apples and pears, not know for their twining and vining.Haven't seen them be effective against predation, deer munch any rose with gusto, but they are surprisingly effective as far as avoiding being trampled.

Why does a rose have thorns?

All roses also come with thorns. Or do they? Although most people use the term "thorn" to describe those sharp protrusions that line most rose stems, botanists would actually call them by another name: "prickles." These a sharp, strong protrusion that is embedded into the woody structure of a plant's stem or branches. Thorns usually can't be broken off easily. Roses have thorns to prevent animals from eating them due to their fragrant smell.

If life is fair, then why do roses have thorns?

The fact that roses have thorns says that life is fair.

The thorns keep the roses protected from animals that would do them harm.

In fact it is the essence of fairness.

If life is fair, why do roses have thorns?

If roses were thorn-less, would you appreciate them still? Has a guy ever given you an assortment of dandelions?

If life is so fair why do roses have thorns?

Who ever said life was fair? Anyone who expects that life will be fair is likely to be disappointed.

Thorns serve a purpose. They protect the flower so it can be pollinated and create fruit, which will create more roses. Plus, rose bushes, with all those thorns, provide excellent cover for birds and small animals.

The thorny rose serves to remind us that even though we shouldn't expect fairness in life, we can depend on there being beauty.

If life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?

Interesting perspective...

Why do roses have thorns? Roses orignally grew in area which had large numbers of herbivores, plant eating animals such as cows and rabbits. Rose foliage and flowers are sweet tasting (rose petals can be eaten and a tea can be made out of certain parts of the flower).
Many animals seek out sweet tasting plants, so the rose was and instant target. The roses with thorns were less likely to be eaten and therefore survived and reproduced.
If the roses didnt have thorns they probably would have been eaten and then there would be no roses for us and THAT wouldnt be fair.
The sweetest smelling roses have the worst thorns...its to protect them!

If life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?

To teach us that not everything is what it seems and that even something as beautiful as a Rose has something about it that can hurt you if your not careful. Don't judge something or someone by it's cover (Beautiful or Ugly) cuz you never know what's underneath the surface. :-D

If life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?

You are metaphorically asking why there must be pain and trial in life, so my I respond in kind:

Thorns are made bearable by the beauty of the rose; the rose distracts and delights us, it gives us hope and a reason to live.

In any case, the rose and the thorn co-exist, but the perspective I've provided does not let you overlook that life is beautiful and a miracle; do not strive after perfection because it does not exist. This (looking about) is all we have . . . and it's enough.

How do thorns help rose flowers?

After exhaustive (2 min) on-line search, I found that the prickles (more shortly) on roses protect against, primarily, mammals that would want to eat them, particularly, the hips. Anything from a mouse and larger find them an obstacle. I know they’ve left impressions on me. Roses seem to prefer birds to scatter their seeds in the wild.I won’t go into the difference between a thorn and a prickle, or a spine or the other pointy protuberences plants have come up with. Read more here…Thorns, spines, and prickles - Wikipedia

When did the first rose with thorns evolve?

The best answer I can supply is that, it is thought that roses evolved thorns (or pickles as botanist call them, because they are outgrowths from the epidermis of the plant) to protect them from being eaten by animals because of their smell and beauty.There are a few natural roses that do not have thorns.