Why Would An Elected Official Consider The Us Constitution To Be An Impediment To Progress

What are some reasons why the constitution is so important?

It's important because it gives the People to rule everything, while keeping the government in check. Also, the Constitution forbids the government to do things it is supposed to do. It also guarantees what freedoms we have, and what rights belong to us that cannot be violated. Most of all, the Constitution keeps the government below, while keeping the People on top, it's like a barrier preventing the government to expand.

Now a days, you should include in your report that government is too big, secretive, and corrupt that it is violating and ignoring the Constitution by following the money of corporations, lobbyists, and bankers that are destroying our country, freedoms, economy, and our way of life. Take care.

Why are there no term limits for U.S. Senators and Representatives?

Since an amendment to the Constitution limiting the number of terms a member of Congress can serve was proposed by the Republicans in 1994 and failed probably because the House and Senate were controlled by the Democrats maybe now would be a good time to re-visit this issue by writing and calling our leaders in Washington, DC. A change in term limits can happen only through an Amendment to the Constitution OR a referendum which is basically a national vote (vox populi) by the people, that means you and me and the rest of our fellow Americans. More info:Under the Constitution, members of the United States Senate may serve an unlimited number of six-year terms and members of the House of Representatives may serve an unlimited number of two-year terms.In the 1990s, reformers put congressional term limits on the ballot and the main Republican Party platform was to pass legislation setting term limits in Congress.A proposed amendment limited members of the Senate to two six-year terms and members of the House to six two-year terms. The amendment was never passed.Source: Boundless. “Congressional Terms and Term Limits.” Boundless Political Science Boundless, 26 May. 2016. Retrieved 20 Feb. 2017 from Congressional Terms and Term Limits - Boundless Open Textbook