Why Would Leaders Feel Threatened By The Philosophers

Why do people need leaders?

People have evolved to belong to groups or tribes. This has resulted in an instinct to 'Follow the Leader at All Costs'
Be it political, cultural, or whatever makes no difference.
Get behind Einstein or Hawkins and do the Mexican Wave, or be alone and rejected. It doesn't matter how stupid or evil the 'Leaders' are, the majority will always line up in their millions, even if is to die in the trenches!
Hitler had nothing on some of the current leaders.

Is it hopeless to be a philosopher today?

It is not hopeless to be a philosopher today — but it is more difficult than ever before. This is because there is more literature to read on philosophy than ever before — and actually, nobody alive can keep up with it all.Most of it, of course, is pure junk. We have the famous philosopher from London, Jonathan Dancy, teaching, “Ethics Without Principles” (2004). Or, we have the famous philosopher from Berlin, Markus Gabriel, teaching, “Why the World Does Not Exist” (2017). Most of these are mere word games — and yet these are the modern leaders.Postmodern philosophy is another game of word salad — with almost no effort to define terms or take a clear position. Moral relativism is the byword, and it shows. It starts with Martin Heidegger, the ugly Nazi, who faked his way into Philosophy, and refused to define terms, and invented terms as he went along. He rose with the Nazi monolith, and he did not crash down when they crashed down. Jean-Paul Sartre, sadly, rode on his wave until he himself crashed on the reef of Marxism.The failures of Nietzsche and Marx do not phase postmodern writers, who continue to worship these two strident atheists.Western philosophy is in a bad way. I was advised by Professor Lawrence Stepelevich (retired) to avoid professional Philosophy, because, he said, holding one’s own Ethical position is virtually impossible — the professional pressure to bend to this or that new trend is enormous. Philosophy professors these days prepare for the next academic gathering to get drunk and fool around — that was my impression.I still love Philosophy — yet I believe that the last great Western philosopher was GWF Hegel — the great advocate of Religion, Private Property, Art, Beauty and Reason — and his philosophy is neglected by most Universities worldwide. It’s the word-salad writers who hold the upper hand today. Perhaps it will change. Thank you for your question.

Have any Arab leaders threatened to annihilate all of the Jews in Israel?

You can see various bloodthirsty threats collected on these pages:Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict The Islamic Genocide Plan Because Islam is theoretically okay, for the time being, with the existence of Jews who agree to comply with Muslim demands and to acknowledge the inferiority of non-Muslims, it's rare to see a statement that explicitly threatens to annihilate the Jews, but one such statement is the declaration of "open war until the elimination of Israel and until the death of the last Jew on earth," which went with a claim by Islamic Jihad (apparently backed by Hassan Nasrallah's Hizbullah) to responsibility for the bombing of the Israeli embassy in Argentina.

What do you think about women CEOs and balanced leadership?

This is a sexist answer, I know. But I think women have several huge advantages over men. First, they are generally better at relationships than men. Second, they must be very talented to have risen to CEO, often more so than the men surrounding them. Third, many female leaders know they are paving the way for other women, so among other goals, they want to set a good example and perhaps assist other women develop.With that as background, women can bring a balance between task-oriented and people-oriented. They can get people to work together. And they can do the things everyone else does, including men, such as casting vision, planning, etc.Tools for creating balanced organizational focus include Balanced Scorecard, Net Promoter Score, dashboards with key metrics, and driving the right culture. Culture is values, attitudes, behaviors, and expectations. Driving culture can make the right things happen without a gazillion MBOs.Finally, it doesn’t matter if women are women. They just need to be authentic leaders who have a leadership philosophy that is congruent with their core beliefs. This is equally true of men. Read Discover Your True North by Bill George, and the accompanying field guide. WRITE UP YOUR PHILOSOPHY OF LEADERSHIP!!! Read Pete Carroll’s book, Win Forever, for his story of how he came to this realization and what it did for him.

If the Islam race were to threaten and overpower Christians and Christianity - would you become ONE and fight?

I don't think it's a matter of pride. Unto death , I would not deny the Christ. As it is written Many will be given a chance to deny the Christ and live, but the Saints of God would be beheaded.

Think. Who cuts heads these days? Being under the blood of Christ is personal. My parents both went to church. My mothers Father was a pastor. In my heart I know that neither of my parents were saved.
My parents didn't really play a role in my finding Jesus.
Going to Church does not make a Christian. It's becoming a new creature. Repentance to conversion. Where astrological signs no longer pertain to you. If you feel there are works needed to get into heaven or because you belong to a church, or if you are uncertain of your salvation. You are not under the blood. When you receive the Christ and his sacrifice and recognize that there is no law can you follow , no deed you can do, to get into heaven. You stand alone before the Judge of the universe. If the Christ is your savior and Lord , He will stand in your place.