Why Would My Sheets Smell Like Death

My bed and sheets smell like pee?

Im dog sitting for 3 weeks but everytime i leave the house i close my door and btw she barely goes upstairs. Everytime i go to bed my entire bed smells like death and pee lol. What could it be? I tried changing the sheets but it still smelt bad.

Why would my sheets smell like death?

They aren't my sheets, but my boyfriends. Hes been ill lately. A bad cough, chest pain, can't eat to much, soar throat. But I smelled something bad when I was in his room so I smelled his sheets and they smell like death. Like something died on them. I'm not sure if its because he is sick or what but what could cause that? I'm worried but I dont want to tell him that they smell like that... I told him that he should go to the hospital but the roads are covered in ice and snow And he doesn't want to go... Can being sick cause that smell?

How do I get rid of that death smell from my new Adidas shoes I bought from online?

BICARBONATE OF SODA!!!!!!!! commonly known as baking soda. It will not 'mask' the smell, it will actually neutralize any bad odours. I swear by it. Put 2 tablespoons of bicarb in each shoe for 24 hours, shake out the bicarb and the smell should be gone! If not, you may need to apply the bicarb and also add a very small amount of vinegar (2 drops) or u could put a couple of drops of vanilla essence in the shoes if you don't have vinegar

If you could revisit one smell on your death bed, what would it be?

That would be “baby head” smell, that unique, exquisite scent of a freshly bathed/powdered/lotioned/loved infant’s head. I love it. On my death bed it would fill me with rich memories of my sons and all of of the beautiful babies I have held in my life , each the very essence of new and optimistic life.This would be a wonderful final thought to embrace, total peace in a scent.

Why does my room smell like a dead animal?

Well. This deserves a laugh. Sorry. You should have pretended it was someone else's room. True story here. This past summer I couldn't find what was seemingly a dead rat or something in my basement. For two weeks this smell progressed and then dissipated. I was standing in front of the washing machine, looking behind it, I seen what appeared to be old cloth wrapped wiring, terminating into a recently installed pressure treated stud. Odd, I peeked underneath. It was a rat alright, dead rat snake, hanging from the top of the foundation, didnt make it. 6 1/2 feet long. I dropped it next to my neighbors car door, no sense in not having a laugh too. May be a snake, but don't worry, its dead.

First step to removing the smell is to locate dead snake :)
Relocate snake to your neighbors place
Make popcorn, and watch the show

Why is it when I wake up my bedroom smells like a rat has died in it. yet when I sit in the computer room?

for 12 hours non stop, it smells fine... well it smells ok.
I know I sweat a little during the night, as the pillows are wet when I wake up, but I sweat a lot when I am playing on the computer too.
That is the question.
Answers and solutions please.

Has anyone experienced the smell of death when they were around some sick people?

Yes, but it isn't as black and white as a yes or no answer. I am a paramedic and on the side, i transport bodies for a local coroner. I have smelled many dead and dying people. My description may be graphic for some but i think it is par for the course when reading the answer to such a question.First, how long after death are we talking about? A few minutes, hours, days, weeks? We all know what the smell of death is like because we have driven by a dead animal on the road. It is horrible and you can't seem to get that smell out of your car until well past the dead animal. If you live in a large city and don't drive, then you have smelled it when you threw a meat in the garbage and forgot to take it out. Human bodies are no different and if they have been decomposing in a warm environment, they will smell the same.When we are talking about just after death as in a few minutes to several hours, the smell will depend on the condition of the person prior to death. If the person suffered a traumatic death, there is often a heavy smell of iron in the air due to large amounts of blood. This smell is present both before and just after death. Those with chronic illnesses or multiple medical conditions often smell of urine and the smells of infected flesh from bed sores or lesions. This smell remains after death and may be what is often associated with a death smell.Upon death, most humans lose bowel function due to complete muscle relaxation. This is the smell that i most often associate with death. Urine and feces. Also upon death, a person usually vomits the contents of their stomach or at least burps up the gastric gases. This, too is a smell that i associate with newly dead people. Perhaps this explains the sweet smell that some have described in the answers though it rarely smells sweet to me. All three of these smells are often present around a person prior to death because the person is unable to control bowels or may have been vomiting due to illness. If you visit a nursing home, you may be inundated with these smells from the residents.To be honest, some of the worst smells that i have experienced were from patients who were very much alive but unable or unwilling to bathe and care for themselves.If this is unclear or confusing, please let me know. This is a difficult answer to put into words.

How do you remove the smell of a dead body that was in the house for a week?

This question is about a house. I know that a few years back, a college professor died in his home and because nobody liked him much, he wasn’t found for a couple weeks. He was partially eaten by his two German Shepherds. The house was a bio-hazard and the floor and the drywall had to be removed and replaced before the surviving relatives could sell it.The story I was going to tell was about dealership that I worked for. A client bought a brand new Oldsmobile Tornado. A few weeks later the client drove into the woods and blew his brains out all over the interior of the car. He wasn’t found for a few days. My boss being the greedy bastard he was decided that snagging this salvage car would be a good idea.The car was towed to our shop. Upon opening the doors, the putrid smell of death escaped in to the whole building. The guys in the shop pushed it outside to air out. A week later nobody could get near it. Needless to say it reeked of death. So, my boss thinking he had a jewel in the rough order the detail kid to hose the interior down with pressure washer. Good try wash boy, but no cigar.So then, the order came down to replace the seats and carpet. I think they had to do it in shifts. No gas masks or hazmat suits. The old seats and carpet removed still didn’t stop the smell. Eventually, the entire interior was replace and it still smelled so bad you could stop gagging. Back on the tow truck to the junkyard. The cost of trying to fix this car was more that the amount of profit would have been selling it. The owner of this dealership made a loss, but didn’t learn and was involved in other crooked deals. All of which brings the point, I don’t know that you can get rid of the smell of death. It can even permeate steel.

What can I do to get rid of the bad smell on damp clothes?

Instead of washing them, just put them into the plastic bag and then only keep them in fridge for few hours.Or sprinkle the few drops of water on the inverted clothes and then put them below the fan or in the sunlight.These can help you to not only get rid of bad smell but also increase life of your clothes.And plzz , Dont forget to switch off the fan….Have a fun !