Why Would People Say

Why do people say that the sun is a star?

The sun is a star! It just appears much brighter than other stars for the simple reason that it's MUCH closer to us than all the other stars are. If the sun would have been lightyears away, as is the case with other stars, it would probably be a mediocre star somewhere on the night sky. Perhaps we would call the other star we are encircling the ''sun''?

Why do people say "baby" Jesus?

Because to call HIM a baby is to ignore what HE did on the cross and that He was resurrected. To keep HIM a baby means to forget the message that He preached. To keep HIM a baby is to ignore the power of God and the consequences of their choices to reject HIM. My thoughts...

Why do people say y'all?

actually just to tell you y'all isn't correct you guys sounds much better...i mean come on south is so old i mean even the FASHION is so overated..I am a canadian and we dont say "eh" at the en dof every sentence... only the other people not the city peeps...i miss city life

Why do people say but?

As you may know or not know, ‘but’ can be used in many ways.If one uses ‘but’ in the conjunction, one introduces a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned and to indicate the impossibility of anything other than what’s being stated.‘He got injured but continued.’Number two, ‘but’ as a preposition.‘We were never anything but lazy.’Somehow, it’s a sign of laziness. ‘However’ just looks better on paper. ‘Except’ is a good one as well. Personally, I find ‘yet’ an ugly term.‘He’s but a person who knows how to explain things well.’In the Australian and Scottish variations of English, ‘but’ can be a special part of the sentence. They tend to put ‘but’ at the end of the sentence. The syntax is unusual.‘She is a beautiful lady but.’At first sight — when you read or hear this — it looks or sounds weird. A beautiful lady but what? What’s wrong with her? No, it’s the end of the sentence. This is an informal manner of using ‘but’.Meet ‘But’ the noun.‘No more buts, get out of my way.’One is faced with ‘but’ more often in spoken language. ‘But’ is widely used. This 3-letter word has its charms. The synonyms to ‘but’ are mainly used in written language and, in a way, less in social relations or everyday contact.‘But’ might be unattractive if you add one more letter, however.Peace.

Why do people always say "war"?(mma/ufc)?

war just means that you support that person, organization, etc. its like saying "go get um!!!!!" Thats why people say war right before their favorite fighters name; you never hear anyone say war dana white or war wayne weems.


Why do people say "to" instead of "too"?

Everyone notices it (if they’re trying to read it). Some, it doesn’t bother because it’s a shortcut for new-generation text based communicating. It shows a lack of personal pride, actually. Grammar is a very inexpensive, very valuable, tool. Another one often used (or mis-used) is they’re. They use there, or their. Another, would be leaving out a ‘?’ at the end of a question. Eh?

Why do people say life is too short?

"Life's is short"Now we hear this term very often, I used to think the same thing like you do. Why do people say life is too short. I mean you have a good 60-70 years or perhaps more. I'm only 14 but now I agree with this statement. Here's why: When you everyday life goes by it seems life nothing changes that much yet when you look back it seems like everything has. Some experiences in life we only get once, it's quite a weird feeling saying once. It means it will never happen again. When I was younger I had all the time in the world and that stresses of daily life were very far away, that school is here to stay for a long time. It's quite weird that in four years time I will not be in school anymore, I'll be labeled an adult. I never expected it to come so soon. Anyways, enoguh about that. Now some experiences you get very few chances to do. Life is short. It's only 60-70 years or maybe even less. You have to live every experience to the fullest because you never are gonna know whats gonna happen next. Don't you feel like times passes by faster each year? Well let this video explain it to you. As much as you hate or like One Direction, you have to admit this quote from member Louis Tomlinson is pretty touching."Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain"-Louis Tomlinson

Why do people say god bless the dead and bless you when you sneeze?

people thought that when you sneezed your soul would come out - so to be on the safe side they said bless you

and when you bless the dead it is because his soul has left his body so...that's why you say that

Why do people say 'ta' instead of thank you?

Seems the jury will be out on this one but the best explanation to my mind:It may be possible that "ta", a commonly used way of saying thank you derives from the Scots Gaelic, tapadh leibh (TAH-puh LEH-eev), for thank you.  Where does "ta!" come from?To add validity to this theory I'll point out two Gaelic words that were co-0pted, with pronunciation Anglicized:Whiskey comes from Gaelic, uisge-beatha, meaning "water of life."Pet[4] From peata, tame animal.More, here:List of English words of Scottish Gaelic origin