Why Would Settle For A Feminist When Traditional Women Expect More Out Of Me

Why dont more women speak out against feminism?

Please don't take this offensively, but I'm going to say what I mean and have observed from you and all the other MRA's that I've had contact with.

I noticed that when I showed support to you, by completely reiterating your words, you all agreed with me and were happy and whatnot- but when I spun it in a way that I actually did agree with? You all had a field day making me feel lowly.

Both the MRA's and Feminist only want your opinion when your opinion is simply restating their words.

I understand that there are real problems, but how am I supposed to speak out against them when everyone is so easily offended over this subject?

For me, I'm anti-RADICAL Feminist, and anti-RADICAL MRA, because even if you don't see it- some men get just as bad as the women... but I call those radicals, and I'm against them, but not their cause.

Again, I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

Do feminist women have a hard time dating men?

No more than anyone else. Finding someone you are attracted to that complements you can be difficult no matter who you are.I imagine that finding a feminist partner may be less difficult for women who date women, but I could be wrong about that; there are fewer LGBTQIA+ folks in general, so their dating pool is smaller. Women dating men have a larger dating pool and straight privilege, but they are more likely to run into misogynists.I can only speak for myself. I had a hard time dating, but my feminism had nothing to do with it. I was shy around guys that I found attractive. I was also completely oblivious when someone was attracted to me; they’d be flirting, and it just wouldn’t register.I think that, rather than be a problem, my feminism gave me an edge. It was feminism that gave me independence. As much as I wanted a boyfriend, being single was not the end of the world, so I was choosier about who I dated. I was less desperate and more likely to seek out men to whom I was attracted, who were attracted to me, and didn’t play games or put me down. Because of feminism, I knew I was looking for an equal. Yes, it hurt to be rejected (doesn’t it always?), and there are a lot of men out there who probably wouldn’t date me. At the same time, if they want a woman who is subservient, has no opinions, and constantly strokes their ego, they are better off looking somewhere else. And I am better off if they look elsewhere as well. My feminist beliefs also mean that I won’t date someone who thinks women suck, which isn’t common, but sadly more common than you’d think.If I were still single, I’d still have a life. I’d make it work. As my amazing luck would have it, though, I’m married. Again, because of my feminism, I didn’t settle. I held out for someone who is kind, honest, smart, and shares my values. He’s a feminist too, so he sees me as a person, not a thing. I am humbled and grateful that I found him.

Why is so much expected of women in our generation?

That's why, you find a guy that wont complain, appreciates what you do, and helps you out. Anybody less gets their butt booted to the street. And if you're looking to fix what you have, stop doing his laundry and tell him you would appreciate it if he would help you out. Don't settle for anything less.

Men: Do you prefer women who abide by traditional gender roles?

The old advice still holds true. Men like to play around with fun girls, but when it's time to settle down they want a good girl.

Like it or not, that's the way we're evolutionarily wired. Also, once people have combined into a family, traditional gender roles seem to work more efficiently than the 'equality' model everyone is so into when they're fresh out of high school.

Is feminism destroying the romance between men and women?

I think women and men in America are not very romantic. They are taking everything for granted. They take love, sex, children etc for granted, and people are encouraged to "experiment" (be promiscuous) before they marry. Why are people encouraged to have had sex and former girlfriends/boyfriends before they marry? Why does feminism distance itself from everything romantic, like male heroes riding horses and rescuing females?
In my country Hyrule, there are distinct gender roles between men and women, but at the same time there are not. There have been female warriors, explorers and politicians, as well as more traditional wives. But we have never had any need for a thing such as feminism. Women have never been refused to do what they want to do, but most women want to be wives and mothers, and most men have wanted to be the ones who take the more dangerous roles (horse riding, archery, business, sword fighting etc). I never wished to learn sword fighting. Why should women be enforced a masculine tomboy role they don't want?

There are many different ethnic groups in my country.

I think Hylians (the culture I belong to) are the ones with the most differences between men and women. Most Hylian women want it that way, and they would not find it right to reverse the roles. It does not mean that Hylian women are any weaker or less worth than the men.
Sheikahs are more daring. Sheikah women have always been renowned for being strong and independent.

I don't think matriarchy would be a good idea. There is one matriarchal or partly matriarchal ethnic group in my country (the Gerudos), and I don't like their ways. They are famous for being thieves and their society is not very well organized.
I don't know if it is true, but I think men are generally better at organizing a society than women.

Back to the point..... why is feminism important when there are no laws there to stop women to do what they want to? If the majority of women want to obey their husbands and give birth to children, why can't they?

Why do Latinas reject feminism?

It seems that the Latino culture rejects feminism. Especially the women. Most of them drop out of school or even if they graduate high school, its just for settling down and not going to college or getting a job, which will even give them a better life. I'm also not against marriage but there's a certain point in one's own life to marry. Because you have to be able to secure a job to sustain a child or family first. So its marrying early is not favorable either, just as it is not good to marry late. But I mean Latina girls have less careers than any other ethnic groups. Sorry but true.

I was in a conversation with a few of my Latina friends and we were talking about family structures, dating, and relationships. And one that married at 19 with a child, proudly stated that she wanted to become a mother as early as possible because she was afraid she would get too "old" to have a child. As if the act of being a mother were an image thing. So much that she even left her profession as a cosmetologist just to be a housewife. While another one stated that when she first migrated here to the US, she was shocked to see women driving due to the fact that in her town women were exclusively housewives. So much to her surprise that she didn't even knew that women could drive too. And guess what? She doesn't even want to obtain a driver's license.

I'm not being prejudiced its just that why do they think like that?

Do some women feel socially coerced by feminists to conform to traditionally masculine roles?

I can only imagine that this must happen way more than it is possibly talked about.While 'feminism' happily advocates women standing up for the themselves and works to instill a general sense of independence in them by handing them more control over their lives, bodies, and other aspects, we somewhere forget that there are women who are happy to be stay at home moms or wives, who want to settle into a life of marriage and children earlier than what is the socially perceived marriageable or having-kids age, and who are lesser career-oriented that an average feminist would want them to be.Sometimes, these women are not culturally or morally brainwashed either. It's just something they want from their lives, and that is what makes them happy. As a feminist, I'll admit I do find it difficult to wrap my head around this. I have had a major eye-roll or two at someone I went to college with getting married at 20, but what needs to be realized (this is what I also carefully remind myself), is that these women are also making a personal choice, that as feminists, we advocate respecting a woman's personal choice more than anything else.If we don't want women to be defined by traditional feminine roles, we cannot and should not judge their worth by how far can they go to fit into traditional masculine roles as well. It is not right to say that the feminist movement is going to a waste because such women are not riding the same wave that we are, against the social construct that seems to be more patriarchy - centered. Lastly, these women can be feminists, too, who believe that women's rights are equally important, and should be talked about.

What do feminists think of women who freely choose to live as housewives?

A feminist doesn’t think that. Most feminists would think that a woman should be able to be what she chooses to be.However, feminists are also aware that being a housewife is sometimes something a woman is under cultural pressure to choose. Feminists would prefer if it was the woman’s own personal choice.Feminists are also aware that being a housewife can be a very bad deal for a woman if something should go wrong. In case of a divorce, or if the husband dies, the housewife will still have to choose something else to do, and she will now be seriously behind in training and experience compared to other people looking for jobs. And she will start out with really weak finances unless this situation was addressed beforehand. If she is too old too get work, she will have to hope that she can get retirement money through her husband.Feminists are, finally, against dividing up responsibility in completely separate partitions. If a woman chooses to be a housewife and her husband supports that, if (when) they divorce it is very likely that he will be as helpless with the children as she will be with providing for herself. By sharing responsibilities, both spouses become familiar with and capable at all things that adults should be able to do.It’s not feminism that makes it hard to be a housewife. The biggest problem is that in today’s economy, a housewife is more expensive than most families can afford, and a waste of society’s resources. The value of what she produces does not justify the expense, which to put it bluntly means that her husband isn’t getting his money’s worth. And the woman’s talents aren’t useful to society.(This should be preached in every church instead of encouraging wives to stay at home: Matthew 25:14-30. To Jesus, one that does not employ her talents is a worthless servant.)