Why Would She Start Doing This Is She Trying To Distance

Why has she started ignoring me all of a sudden?

I have caught this really cute shy girl always staring at me from a distance where we work. I have a really good feeling that she likes me, and so I gave her the benefit of the doubt to give her a chance and so I started to pursue her. It worked out really well for a time, until today I arrived at work, walked past her, she looked at me waiting for me to look at her so I did, and then I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. It went down hill from there as she suddenly started to ignore me, which completely caught my surprise because I thought she was interested in me, and I was just trying to do the right thing and give her a chance. Is this what shy girls normally do, ignore the guy they show interest in. If not then I'm done, I have no time for this kind of bulshit.

1) Why is she doing this, is she nervous from letting someone new into her life.

2) I also believe I am quite charismatic especially with girls, you can always catch me giving you a smile, saying hello and you can always have a good conversation with me.

Is she trying to distance herself from me?

I met this girl about two weeks ago and we hit it off right away. Not to sound cliche but she's like the perfect girl for me. We usually would talk all day, every day starting with a good morning (usually initiated by her). She would constantly tell me how amazing I am and how perfect I am for her (feelings were mutual) but after our last date it just sort of stopped. What I mean by stop is that the last time she contacted me was to tell me she couldn't make our next date and rescheduled. We then had a conversation later that night that she ended by telling me her phone was going to die and she would text me when she got home. I never got a text that night, the following day, or a reply to a text I had sent teasing her about not texting me at all when she said she would (she legitimately got mad at me for doing the same a while ago). She's moving permanently in a week which leads me to believe this might have something to do with it, or she's just a flake. She would express on occasion how she's upset to meet me so close to when she has to move but how she'll visit during the usual breaks to see all her old friends. That last statement never led me to believe she would want to stop talking but I can't ignore the current situation.

So that leads to my question. Is she trying to distance herself so she doesn't have feelings for someone when she moves, or is she just being flaky?

Why she trying to be like me?

Ive known this girl since we were little. Every relationship I have had with someone, she always comes between. Every boy I have talked to she likes too and always Ends up getting him, because I would let her have him. Every boy that I have previously been with she wants them too. I dont trust her at all. She tried to take my bestfriend away from me a couple of times. She now shops at the same stores as me. Shes always staring at me and my bestfriend when were together. She keeps hanging around me and telling me all her buisness, but the thing is she knows that I'm not her friend and she knows that Ive been with those boys or either been talking to them. She started doing her makeup just like mine too. She even talks to me about my Ex Boyfriend to me. She asked my bestfriend to do her hair, so that she could look like us. She even gossips to us talking about her friends, when me and my bestfriend are not even her friends. My bestfriend uses her because she follows her. Everything my bestfriend does she does it too. She also does whatever I say too and she comes to me for advice. This really seems crazy to me, would you say shes trying to be like me ?

Girl stares at me from a distance?

This could mean that she likes you, but I'm not sure.. try to observe her in other places too besisdes the classroom. If you see that she keeps an eye out for you too then she probably fancy's you and it's time that you build up the confidence and go talk to her. I suggest you do this when she is looking at you, she won't expect it and you can take control over the conversation, hehe.

Good luck :)

Why is my female friend suddenly taking distance from me?

Sounds like you both are good friends. The more she gets to know you, she sees how good of a person you are. Most women have a strong intuition and maybe she has sensed something more from you lately. Her distancing herself from you is actually a very kind gesture on her part for you two to find the space needed at this time. That is her way of gently letting you know that she is not feeling what you are feeling. She has been upfront about being friends with you since the beginning, and that still hasn't changed for her. It could also be that she is sorting out her feelings for you or for someone else. You wouldn't know which it is, but since you have talked to her about the distancing and she is still doing it, it's best that you give her the space. By giving her time away from you, she will be able to see what she wants or feels. They say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Just let her know that, you notice the distancing still and will give her space and maybe you two can catch up later on. Then stop contacting her no matter what. Find things to occupy your mind like a new hobby and improve yourself mentally and physically. If you're spending time with her, you won't be able to see who could be out there for you. Later on if she contacts you, then take it from there. But if she doesn't, then you are the better you and you will find someone who will adore you back.

My friend thinks I've abandoned her, but she is stressing me out?

Your friend is insecure. At first it sounds like she was possessive and didn't want to lose you but worried that you would distance yourself from her. And out of anger or maybe she got over it first, she got close with other people and felt good about herself by putting you down. Yet she wanted you to hang around.
You don't need this. No friend would do this and any friend who does should be abandoned. I am sorry for saying that but your friend doesn't sound like she is even trying to understand how you feel. I'm sure she clearly knows what she is doing is wrong but she won't admit it. By blaming you, she's hoping you will be the one to come back and apologize so it will flip and she will look innocent.
I've had a friend who was insecure and grew clingy, acting like she wanted me in her life yet she was pushing me away and talking trash about me, twisting the story and saying I did this and that to her. I asked her why she was doing this and she didn't say anything and she kept trying to come to me acting like it never happened. Like you, i wasn't gonna have it and she got mad and defensive like this girl you are dealing with.

That said, I don't think there's much you can do. You did nothing wrong and you've tried to talk it out but she doesn't want to. I believe if she really cared about the friendship then she would talk it out. Since she doesn't want to talk and she's had plenty of time to come clean, I say that you should move on. When/if she wants to be a genuine friend again, SHE can be the one to go to you and talk it out and offer you an apology.

All the best!!

Long distance relationship is killing me?

I have been with my girlfriend for a little over a year now. I moved to go to school. I really care for her but she is not around and all the feelings that i have for her have faded away. When she does come and see me im really happy but we do nothing but fight continuously when she is not here. I am always wondering if she is cheating on me or not. I work with some girls and they are attractive and really friendly but i have not done anything with them. I don't like feeling this was. She is so far away and I keep thinking that she is cheating on me. I know how the saying goes that if your feeling guilty its because of yourself but i have been cheated on before (by her) and i would never do it to her i know how it feels. She cheated on me when we first started dating with her ex boyfriend. any advice weather i should stay with her or not would be great. I do care about her but there is a very fine like between sympathy and love.

Love is fading in long distance relationship?

Hey everybody. I'm having a little shock now because I just heard that my girlfriend who I have known for 2 years doesn't love me anymore. We live really far apart, in different countries to be exact.
We first met on the internet, and soon after talking a little we got this spark. We've been together for almost a year now and I visited her for the first time this summer. We both study but we have been talking about being together in a couple of years after we graduate and move together. We have been talking about getting married in time and having babies. We have been talking about staying together until the end. We both were aware of the long distance between us and the fact that we wouldnt be able to meet in person more than 2 times a year. But still we managed until the time I could go meet her. It was fantastic for both of us, it always had been. But soon after I needed to return to my homeland she started to feel alone and that she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore. The distance was too much for her, making the love fade.
She tried to convince herself that she still loves me but she couldn't. She did a big effort doing this. She already bought the plane ticket to come see me this december. She said she wanted to see me once more to be sure, but not to keep hopes up because she is sure she doesnt feel much for me anymore.

I think she is perfect and she still thinks the same about me even though she says she doensn't love me anymore. Please people, I have one more shot at this when she comes, but I have absolutely no clue how I can try to make her feel what she felt during this 1,5 years we were in love!
What can and what should I do to get her to think about us still having a future? I can't lose the person who I have ever REALLY loved and who is the only person I can imagine to have a future with!! Please help me!

If a girl looks at you from a distance repeatedly and without breaking contact, does that mean she likes you?

I’d say there’s a decent likelihood of that being the case, if you’re not doing anything or wearing anything that is stare-worthy. When people stare at someone, it’s for a reason. If it happens repeatedly, then it could be her way of expressing interest.If you don’t stare back out of shyness, it’ll probably be obvious to her that you’re pointedly looking away when your gazes meet.A couple weeks back, I was really into a really good-looking and nice girl I meet regularly in a group activity we’re both in, and I kept getting caught staring at her. I’m not shy when it comes to eye contact, so when ‘caught’ I’d just smile, and she’d smile back and look away.Then, a bit later, I noticed that I was getting beaten to the punch. Before I’d manage to start staring at her, she’d start staring at me! Thing is, when she was staring at me and I’d notice, she’d (in a quite hilariously obvious manner) look in the opposite direction, literally. So then, I was pretty sure she was interested in me, at least to some degree.But here’s how I found out for sure if she liked me or not. This trick is applicable in about 99.9% of the “does that mean she likes you” questions out there, too! I asked her out. There’s no way to know for certain, otherwise. It just as well could be that she was staring at you because she was hallucinating, and was seeing a neon-green tarantula on your face. That’s some stare-worthy stuff right there, can you blame her? Point is, unless you’re psychic, you can never know.But she does! So next time she stares at you, smile back at her, make your way over to where she is, and start a conversation. If you’re into her, and the conversation goes well, ask her if she wants to go grab a coffee sometime. If she says “Yes”, she’s into you, and if she says “No” or any variation thereof, then she’s not. Easy, right?Good luck!

Long distance girlfriend dumped me?

She dumped me, moved onto a new guy in a week ( we were dating 7 months) . I tried to get her back , didn't work but she did say she still loves me. After trying to get her back didnt work I told her I needed time for myself. She texts me 3 days after I stopped talking to her . First said Hey. You okay?. Then just Bobby. Then a picture of her laptop which was showing a bunch of pictures of me saying " I have pictures of you on my laptop, I cared, you didn't . THat's all I have to say " .. What does all this mean . Why is she still trying to fight me when I am trying to move on?