Why Would Someone Be Rude To Another Because They Themselves Dont Understand

Is it rude to tell someone with an accent you can't understand them?

I don't think it's rude, but you certainly should break that piece of information to them in a very gentle manner. My choice of words would be... "I'm sorry, you have a strong accent. Could you please speak a little slower?" I like to make it sound humorous and add, "...I think my ears need a moment to catch up with the words!" LOL! Most everyone would find that funny and not be offended. It results in the person laughing for a moment, and then they try to help you to understand them better.


Is it rude to tell someone that they don't understand you?

If a good friend told me that I don't understand them on a certain issue, I wouldn't be offended one bit because chances are, I probably don't understand them.Sometimes we just can't experience things the same way that other people do. We might have a problem understanding the things they tell us, and struggle to see why they feel as the do about these things.This does not mean we are insensitive to their situation, it just means that we cannot relate to the situation at the same level they do. It is not our experience, it is theirs, and we are simply experiencing it second hand through them when they choose to share it with us.The original intensity of the experience is bound to get lost on us, as it's passed on to us, especially if we've never experienced something similar or related.It is okay, important even, to let the people close to you know how you feel about being understood (or not) when you share your experiences with them - Whether they have reached out to you, or you have chosen to share of your own volition. The trick, however, lies in doing so without alienating them.Both parties need to understand this:-A) I'm not less of a friend if I cannot, or struggle with, understanding you at the level you would like me to.B) He/she is not less of a friend if they cannot, or struggle with, understanding me at the level I would like them to.

Why do some people make fun of people who cut themselves?

Because kids make fun of what they don't understand and what is different from them. It makes them feel superior . It is a shame they have to put others down in order to feel better about themselves.
People who cut themselves or hurt themselves in any way are suffering great pain. There is no way for them to express it , and let it out so they have learned that hurting themselves is a quick way to feel better.
It is a good idea to keep it to yourself, the self harm. You do need the crap at school from the stupid kids.
Focus on therapy and getting better for yourself.

Is it rude to speak another language around someone who doesn't?

I live in a border town in Texas. I just moved here and I do not speak Spanish. I go to a local college and have noticed that while I am working in groups with my classmates, they often begin speaking Spanish even though they are all capable of speaking English. I feel awkward reminding them that I don't understand them and sometimes I really get angry. It seems to me that this would be rude to most anybody. Am I wrong?

Is it rude to speak another language infront of someone who doesn't understand the conversation?

I'd say they are being just a little rude by speaking their native language and excluding you from the conversation. What are you supposed to do - sit there and twiddle your thumbs?

There are a few solutions for this problem:

a). You can talk to your boyfriend about this and tell him how it makes you feel then come to a solution together.

b). You can keep your feelings to yourself and be miserable when you go out with him and his friends. (This is not really a solution at all, but it IS an option you can choose).

c). You can learn Russian so that you can communicate with them.

Sure, they feel more comfortable speaking Russian, but they should be trying to get to know you if you are in a committed relationship with their friend.Think about it - if you marry this guy and invite his friends over for parties and such - what are you gonna do when they are talkin' their talk?

My suggestion would be to talk to your boyfriend about this and tell him how it makes you feel - ask him to translate for you when he is in a conversation with his friends. If you are really serious about him, though - learn the language. How else are you going to be able to talk to his family and friends if you end up marrying him?

When someone calls u "Boss" what does that mean?

He's acknowledging that you're "in charge" in some way.

How do you know if someone is being rude rather than having Asperger's or autism?

An Aspie or someone on the autism spectrum would very likely not be aware of being rude (I think this was part of your premise in asking the question). You can usually tell by how oblivious they are to having made a faux pas. Aspies might keep talking cheerfully as if nothing happened. Don't try to make them read between the lines that you're offended, they won't get it. When dealing with persons on the spectrum, it is a huge plus to not be easily offended (as is the case for dealing with anyone, for that matter). If they do happen to make a serious breach, let them know in clear words that their gesture or comment was rude to you or others, and possibly suggest a nicer way to act or a nicer way to say what they mean in such a situation. If it's not serious, leave it alone. Unfortunately, not being aware of one's own rudeness is not exclusive to people on the spectrum. However, if you tell them they were offensive, aspies will usually apologise. A tell-tale clue that you're dealing with an aspie is: they still won't understand what they did wrong, but they will hear you out and won't try to talk their way out of it. Rude neurotypicals will show signs of understanding what it was that was hurtful. If they try to defend themselves, you can usually tell they know very well what they did wrong. Aspies will genuinely try to understand why, and even if at first they fail, they will keep honestly trying. Neurotypicals will either apologise or get defensive. Defensive neurotypicals tend to obfuscate, show impatience, aggressiveness. You can see they are trying to protect their ego and maintain they were right for the sake of it, despite seeing what they did wrong. Aspies won't "get" what they did wrong, but will try to understand. Despite seeming rude or cold, Aspies are very emotional and can take things to heart. Be kind and be gentle if you see they didn't offend you on purpose. There is obviously some overlap, as the autism spectrum is very wide, and people's kindness varies regardless of disability.

What is the definition of when someone accuses you of doing things they are guilty of doing?

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person.According to the definition the person who does so isn't aware he does so ..I think it also implies that the other person isn't doing that thing other wise the one who is projecting is just escaping the fact that he did something by emphasizing what other people do and this isn't projection but I don't know the exact word ..

Why is the LGBT community so mean and rude?

Not all of them are. There are many self-loathers out there, I do agree. They have no respect for themselves -so, how on earth are they going to respect anybody else?

In this section yes. But, this is the internet - you need to stop and consider the "top contributors" and people at level 6 and 7. This is their life. This is their only social outlet - obviously and if they say it's not - just smile and nod. You have to think about that. It's strange. It takes an awful, awful long time to achieve those points, especially when they are 2 points a piece and people have thousands of points. To achieve that - these people must spend hours - if not all day long on here.

Just select who you like. Some people are very nice here. Just stick to them.

But, generally, gay people are very nice.