Will Accounting Be Hard For Me

Is accounting a hard job?

There are a wide range of accounting jobs. Some of them are intellectually very taxing such as juggling international tax law and cost accounting for transfer pricing specialists. Some accounting jobs have inhuman "work-life balance", such as external audit in places with brutally enforced deadlines and a booming economy - meaning your employer (allegedly) cannot quickly recruit competent colleagues. On the other hand, some accounting jobs are relatively easy. Some accountants in small firms only ever deal with individuals and small businesses. They never need to see international issues, consolidations with multiple functional currencies and acquisitions/disposals of businesses, full IFRS/GAAP financial reporting, foreign compliance issues, corporate tax complications, special integrity measures or complications of activity based costing. BUT: All accounting jobs I have heard of share the real fun - juggling human issues and human needs with inhuman legalities. For example, accountants are often lied to by important people. Good accountants can keep a straight face, exude calming vibes, take notes and asking probing questions that enable subjects to correct stories without accusing them of lying - until such an accusation is triangulated. Good accountants remain calm when legal issues obliterate clients' dreams. Some accountants find this stuff harder than legal number stuff.

Is accounting a hard major?

Yes, it's hard, but that's why Accounting majors are in such high demand and get paid so well.
You don't want an easy major if you want to get a good paying job quickly after you graduate.

Accounting gets easier the more you practice. Study hard, and you'll get it. It's worth it to stick with it, and gets a bit easier after your Sophomore year since by then you have a good grasp on the basics.
At my school, an accounting major wasn't any more expensive than any other business major. If you want to eventually become a CPA there are costs associated with that (study materials, fees to the state board of public accountancy, fees to Prometric to take the test, etc.), but they aren't too expensive, and a lot of employers will help cover the costs.

What makes accounting hard?

Im now a certified public accountant, I just passed the recent board exam in our country. Some people say accounting is really hard, you know why because they are not focusing on the LOGIC and UNDERLYING REASONS behind the ACCOUNTING TREATMENTS, STANDARDS and PROCEDURES being taught.

Business calculus is far difficult compared to accounting. Some accounting students fail for they are only memorizing the formulas, but it's not always the case. Accounting deals with different scenarios, different business cases, there's no fix formula in solving accounting problems compared to calculus. It doesnot really deals with high and complicated mathematical equations, simple knowledge on algebra and arithmetic will do.

Dont be afraid on things which you have not tried or experienced. Some hearsays might only discouraged you, dont believe on this. Just be confident and believe in yourself. You can survive those accounting subjects, study hard thats the secret!

Is accounting hard or it's just me?

It did come naturally for me - and it was still certainly hard at times. Gosh damn - learning the intricacies of accounting for partnerships was a bitch.Don’t give up - stick with it (if you really want to go into accounting anyway). You may not be as inclined to learn accounting - as another answer pointed out, concepts can certainly be abstract and non-trivial - which is going to make things harder for you until things start to click.Think about it like this - some people are great at dissecting complex human interactions via literature, but then are terrible at understanding the basic definition of derivative (calculus). This doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try calculus - it only means they aren’t initially as inclined to do it. That is, their brain just isn’t warmed up to it they way it is for understanding and analyzing literature. And frankly, they probably won’t become the next Gauss, but with effort, persistence, and patience they can obtain a certain level of proficiency.You most definitely can (gain proficiency) as well when it comes to accounting - you just have to stick with it. Accounting is kind of weird - you have to get your mind right (which as I’ve mentioned can take time) to start thinking about, understanding, and analyzing whats going on in a given entity.The best piece of advice I can give you - ask yourself the following question when trying to understand a certain treatment for balances and/or transactions.What is the economic substance of this transaction and how should it be conveyed to decision makers given such substance?Then look at what FASB/IFRS has to say about it and see if you can reconcile their treatment to the above question. The less you memorize, and the more intuition you can gain around treatment, the smoother your educational path will be.Public / industry / real world will be a different story - but lets just take it one step at a time.Good luck.

Is college accounting a hard subject?

It's only hard if you make it hard. Depends on your study habits & how you understand the material. For me, accounting was stressful. But in other subjects like bio, to others they think it's hard.

In accounting you are expecting to balancing amounts. Credits, debits, etc.

There is minimal math in accounting. Nothing more than calculus I believe. Maybe even less.

For example an example problem would be like this

Credit | Debit
$12 / -$9
$5 / $2
$11 / -$3
Total: $28 / $14

Tools -$50
Machine -$20
Total Expense -$70

This is JUST an example. In accounting you balance out debits, credits, expenses, losses, revenues, of an individual or business taxes. There is much more. However, this is just a basic example.

Why is managerial accounting so hard?

Managerial accounting is a little bit more difficult than intro to financial accounting. Usually requires more reading and comprehension of questions to perform analysis. For instance, CVP, cash budgets, special orders (relevant costing) can be tricky.

I help students out with managerial accounting using tablet tutorials on Youtube. I also answer comments and questions on our Facebook frequently. If you need help, it would act as an excellent supplement in addition to attending lectures.