Will Africa Ever Pose A Threat To The West In Future Or Remained Locked Out And Powerless Forever

Will slavery be blamed for the dysfunction in the African American community 2000 years later?

This was a very important question that was posed earlier, not by me, but then inexplicably deleted. Therefore, I believed it to be of interest so I thought best to restore it.The first aspect of this answer will concentrate on why you have stated dysfunction in your question? The dysfunction I believe is your intolerance to the acceptance of African Americans as equal or to just accept the status quo. Black people need, require and demand equality, liberty and fairness and will and must continue to fight until that parity is created.Until the effects of slavery have totally been eradicated with reparations agreed and discrimination, persecution, fear and hatred have all but been extinct then yes, ‘dysfunction’ will still be present.It's impossible to just look at one element of slavery whilst not acknowledging the interrelationships of the other aspects that emanated and continue to emanate today from the evil of slavery. These issues are often ignored as there has continuously been arguments such as, ‘geesh, slavery ended 400 years ago, why don't African Americans get over it?’Society likes to argue that the holocaust was the greatest atrocity to mankind, often minimalising or ignoring the bigger, more devastating aspect of slavery. More slaves were killled than suffered in the holocaust and the effects of slavery are still more harrowing than what happened during the holocaust. Whilst they were both evil and wicked acts that put shame on the capabilities of mankind, slavery had and still has far wide reaching effects that are still evident today.Society continues to place little or lesser value to the loss of a black life than that of a white life which is unbelievable. Whilst this culture is still alive and well, African Americans and black people around the world will still continue to fight for equality and liberty and fairness. Unfortunately, society will forever continue to see this same fight for equality as civil unrest, disobedience and ‘dysfunction’.

Why do the USA and Europe hate Muslims?

While most people who are Muslim don’t blow stuff up, practically all people who blow stuff up in the name of religion are Muslims.There aren’t any non-Muslims going to Muslim-majority countries and committing terrorist atrocities.We don’t hate Muslims; there’s a significant minority who hate us. They hate our culture, they hate our freedom, they hate democracy and freedom of expression and freedom of religion and gender equality and all the things we’ve spent centuries fighting for. They hate freedom of thought. They hate science, education, art and modernity.Then there’s another significant minority who don’t commit terrorist acts but who contribute to the Muslim culture which does so. They encourage their people to believe that Western culture is disgusting, non-Muslims are inferior, our women are whores and good Muslims should keep themselves away from us as much as possible. They discourage integration and encourage other Muslims to believe that a worldwide caliphate would be a good thing. This is the culture which leads to radicalization.I don’t hate anyone who is living peacefully and obeying the law, and I think the same is true of most people in the USA and Europe. Most people won’t bother you; you, understandably, remember the ones who do. And some of the people who are nasty to you are just racist. It’s probably, in a lot of cases, not about Muslims in particular, just about people who are brown. They probably clutch their handbags when black people come near, too.I tend to look at Muslim women and feel sorry for them. I tend to look at Muslim men in traditional dress and think “there’s a man who thinks he’s superior to women and entitled to tell his female relatives what to do”. But I never let it show.