Will Al Sharpton Start The Race War

What is Al Sharpton's ethnicity/race?

Every time I attempt to look it up on the net, I just get let to social injustices against blacks- race wars. When I look at his skin tone, features, and hair (even though he wears it in a messy way), he looks like he has Native Indian in him. I want truth if you know - not social and cultural politics.

Is Al Sharpton a Racist ?

I live in the NYC area, so we've been seeing the Reverend Al for many years now. There are actually things about him I like, but, yes, he is a racist. I understand where he's coming from, but his tactics are outdated and not as necessary in a society that has elected an African-American President. Of course there's still racism, but I don't think what he's doing is helping anything and, in fact, helps to fan the flames of racism on both sides.
There is so much black-on-black violence, but Rev. Al only seems to care about a dead black kid if the kid was killed by a white police officer. We just had another kid in NYC who was shot by a stray bullet outside a housing project, and you don't see Al screaming about that. If this same kid were shot by a cop, he'd be organizing boycotts and rallies. This tells me he doesn't care about the kid as much as he cares about his various causes.
I used to admire Jesse Jackson when he stressed education and kept telling young people that they could be somebody. Now he seems to be all about telling people what they're entitled to, and with getting his face on TV.

Would Martin Luther King Jr have rejected Al Sharpton?

al sharpton and jesse jackson are bafoons and i am black. juust because they are supposedly down for my race doesnt mean i like them. they are out for their own political gain. they have no interest in my people as a whole, just themselves, they are a disgrace thinking they are carryinhg on kings work, they need to get their asses kicked, equality is one thing, now they sit and ****** cry if someone says boo to a black person my god. i think imus was out of line, but to sit and hold conferences and what not is a bit over the top.

we all know that if a black person was on a talk show saying yea look at those lice infected crackers, people would just not pay attention to it. we need to stop with the double standards. having double standards is not equality

Do more African Americans wish that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson addressed black on black crime, more specifically black on black murders?

Actually, I just wish people would just get off this made up concept of black on black crime. Let's focus on white on white crime for a while instead as its numbers are just as high :)I'm all for racial equality but damn, sometimes a brotha just wants to commit a crime in his own neighborhood. Is that so bad? Who wants to drive around looking for a white guy to rob just so that can get the black on black crime numbers down. Sounds stupid, right? So does the concept of black on black crime. Most petty crimes are crimes of opportunity. Most of these opportunities would occur in your own neighborhood. Most people in your neighborhood will be of the same race/social economic status as you. This means that you're not going to get much money from them. This means that you will have to steal much more often to make a living at it. This brings the numbers up. It's not that a whole lot of people are doing these crimes. It's that a few people are doing these crimes a whole lot of times. In the phrase "black on black", substitute the first word for Cop. Now you have cop on black crimes. Which happens all too frequently as well. But all I ever hear people say is that it's not all cops. It's just a few bad actors who are doing this very frequently. This is the same thing. If you can make excuses for one (insert your own reasons for said excuse here), then you can do it for the other. Do we need to mitigate crime, of course. But no matter how low the crime rates are. The percentage of black on black, white on white, Chinese on Chinese will likely not change.

Race War in America anyone?

Ok, is it just me or do most of these extreme right wing,racist ,ignorant,insane nuts,and I was gonna say conservatives ,but to be fair I genuinely don't consider them a part of even this insanity hopefully,These people have to know an "all whites call to arms race war" will NEVER happen on US soil the government / military would would do whatever it takes including kill to suppress such action.Those who might be brainwashed into this insane ignorance,IT'S AN EXERCISE IN FUTILITY"period.

Is there going to be a race war?

That has been something that has been discussed since before I was born. Will there be a race war between blacks and whites in America? Race pimps like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakkahn, Kamau Kambon, and the New Black Panthers claim to speak for all African Americans but they are merely playing the race card for their own personal agendas.
When you have pop stars like Doctor Dre feeding into the idea that blacks are merely slaves in the US, the cost is that there are many angry young black men in this country who are more concerned about the plight of blacks than about straightening out their own unsuccessful lives.
There are literally generations of black families living in the United States, living off of the United States, as welfare benefits get passed on like family heirlooms from one unsuccessful generation to the next.
There is talk among black leaders about reintroducing the Slavery Reparition Tax. Americans would pay a tax for Slavery as Germans pay a Holocaust Reparition Tax. The money would go to qualifying black individuals who are descendants of slaves.
Many black leaders are calling President Obama "the kind of black man that white people like" as if that's a bad thing. The New Black Panthers, who took it upon themselves to harrass people at voting precincts are now hedging their support unless the President meets certain requirements of the group. More funding for Africa is one demand. Funding for Africa? Is that as in one country? Gee whiz, and I thought Sarah Palin was dumb.
Is there going to be a race war?

Why are white people obsessed with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?

If black person sneezes you guys blame it on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. You give them more magical powers than we do. You give them powers like being able to control black people into a mob or frenzy.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson,
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson

That's all i see on this website. You folks or thoroughly obsessed with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. You complain about them being rich yet your racism and your press is whats making them rich. If it were not for your racism there would be no need for Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. You hate them yet you create them.

It's like criminals who hate cops yet they're the ones keeping the cops employed.