Will All Muslims Eventually Go To Heaven

Will all Muslims eventually go Paradise even if they go Hell?

Yes, if they are Muslims in the true sense of the word. This is the belief of ahl-uh-sunnah wal-jamaa'ah. If some people are to be in the Hellfire (which is referred to as 'jahanum' in your question) for all eternity, then they really are not Muslims even if they seems to be so from the outside. The Muslims can be divided in to a number of categories based on how their situation will be on the Day of Judgment:Those will enter the Paradise ('jannah') without being brought to account (the 70,000 (or more, according to some reports))Those who will enter after being brought to account (those who have more good deeds than bad deeds which Allah forgives). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:  “Allah will bring the believer close and will shelter him with His screen, then He will say, ‘Do you remember such and such a sin? Do you remember such and such a sin?’ and he will say, ‘Yes, O Lord,’ until He makes him confess his sins and he thinks that he is doomed. Then [Allah] will say, ‘I concealed it for you in the world and I forgive you for it today.’ Then he will be given the book of his good deeds. But as for the kaafir and the hypocrite, the witnesses will say, ‘These are the ones who lied against their Lord!’ No doubt! the curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers.’” (al-Bukhaari (2441) and Muslim (2768)). Those who will enter after being forgiven by the Lord of the Worlds (because He can forgive whomever He wishes). Those will enter the Paradise after they are punished for their sins in the Hellfire (those who have more bad deeds than good deeds). Perhaps this is the group that you are talking about. Yes, they will enter the Paradise. The people of al-A’raaf (a wall with elevated places) whom Allah says will stand between Paradise and Hell as long as He wills, then they will be granted permission to enter Paradise, after the people of Paradise enters it and the people of Hell enters it. When they are on the wall, they can see the Paradise and its people, and the Hellfire and its people. What Faizaan Datoo said in a comment to the question is not accurate according to the Islamic belief. As for what Harun Urhan mentioned about those who will be brought out of the Hellfire having a mark on them, I do not know of this. Perhaps he would be kind enough to quote evidence for everyone's benefit. :)And Allah knows best.

Is it true that all muslims will go to heaven?

Every person that has ever said the Shahada/1st Kalimah even once, sincerely from their heart, will eventually go to Heaven, even if they have to go to Hell first. The only people that will NEVER go to Heaven are the Kuffar and Mushrikeen.

Do all muslims eventually go to heaven?

No, but all "Mu'mins" go to Heaven.

A Muslim can just be a Muslim by name, and not have an ounce of Iman.

But all Mu'mins (those with Iman) are promised to enter Heaven eventually, even if they had the tiniest amount of Iman in their hearts. If a person had lived a corrupted lifestyle, but had said the Kalimah just once with sincerity in his lifetime, he has a chance to enter Heaven someday.

None of us are free from sins, that's why we should always repent and ask Allah for forgiveness. The doors of repentance are open as long as we are alive and breathing in this world.

Does Islam say everybody goes to heaven eventually?

I'm not does say eternal punishment in the Quran

But i pray for God to look and forgive my blatant disobidience to him=/ seriously, i want him to be pleased with me, he is merciful too

hell is God removing from you his mercy...nothing can be as worse as that, seriously

In Islam, don't all people (eventually) go to heaven?

In Islam all peoples who say Allah is God and Muhammad PBUH is prophet finaly will end up in heaven. Peoples who believe Allah is God but believe in other Godlike powers beside Allah is doing shirk and can be forever in hell.Quran Chapter 25:68–70 :“And those who cry not unto any other god along with Allah, nor take the life which Allah hath forbidden save in (course of) justice, nor commit adultery - and whoso doeth this shall pay the penalty; The doom will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein disdained for ever;Save him who repenteth and believeth and doth righteous work; as for such, Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.”.In the resurrection day, peoples deeds will be weighed. If he has more good deeds than bad deeds then he will go to heaven, if he has bad deeds more than good deeds then he must be “washed” in hell before go to heaven.However all the decision is up to Allah. Allah has the full right to decide and he can forgive all the sin.

All muslims eventually come out of hell with an atom of faith?

Salam If you read the Qur'an and hadith carefully you will understand that not all muslims eventually come out of the hell with atom of faith. They will be more than 70.000 muslims will enter the heaven directly without enter first the hell because they will not be judged (hisab)by Allah at least all prophets ans rasools,all loyal sahabahs of rasools and all babies who died before grown up.Most muslims especially women as stated by Muhammad pbuh will enter first the hell and be tortured there when after finished it they will be brought into the heaven The first doings which will be accounted for by each person is about his/her practise of salats/prayers during his/her life.
So prayers should be done properly since grown up,up to his/her death. It would be worst if you postponed piety and repertance at old age only.You are not enough just only know there is one God and Allah has no partners and prohet Muhammad is HIS rasool/messenger You should pratise daily your obligation as stated in the Qur'an and hadith about Allah's commands and prihibitions.such as prayer,fasting,paying zakat,hajj pilgrim etc..

Will every Muslim eventually enter Paradise? Even those who murder or commit other major sins? What about terrorists?

Paradise, is a beautiful place only for the rightful people. People who have performed good deeds their whole life and not strayed off the right path, will go there. Being a Muslim will be an advantage because that means you had the right beliefs and faith. However, being a Muslim does not mean that a person will definitely enter paradise. It depends on the persons actions and intentions. His deeds are what will matter the most. One can call himself a Muslim and say that he/she believes in one god etcetera, but not follow the teachings and rules of Islam. You cannot be forgiven and “rewarded” for terrorising and killing other just because you are a Muslim. Muslims who commit sins will be punished and will suffer the consequences of their wrong actions. However, there is a possibility that once their punishment is done, they can be sent to paradise. But, if they just said they’re Muslims and did not believe in it, they will definitely go to hell.From the way that you have stated the question, it seems as if you are saying that every Muslim is a terrorist or every terrorist is a Muslim. I recommend that you open your mind, lose that bias paradigm and stereotype and change your point of view.Terrorists commit major, unforgivable sins which cause great harm. God is just and he will surely not let these beasts enter paradise let alone live there. They will be punished, and punished and punished.P.SI hope it was helpful :)

Muslims: Is Bill Gates going to hell?

To answer your question, no, since there is no hell to go to.

But I'm really puzzled by the mentality of the religious mind. To think that the only way to be good is to bow down to an unforgiving, arrogant, selfish and megalomaniac dictator. A human possessing these qualities would be hated by everyone, but because he doesn't exist and is only believed to be somewhere in the sky, all these people believe in it.

It's truly amusing how a tyrant, that can be described only by all that is evil, is being regarded as merciful and seen as the creator of the universe and the peaceful god of the most "peaceful religion". The double standards in defining good and evil is appalling.

What is most surprising is how a muslim feels secure in thinking that such a god will honor his promises and will be honest to his believers.

Are Muslims going to hell?

Yes they are. According to my religion, you have to be a christian to go to heaven.Since they are not christians, they are going to hell