Will Chocolate Thin My Blood

I need to lose weight but I love chocolate. I have to have chocolate after I eat. How do I combat this?

Sweetie, I'm about to drop some mind blowing shit right now. People don't tell you this because A) If you knew this you wouldn't need to pay for someone for help, and B) Most people don't know what the fuck they're doing. It doesn't really matter what you eat, the only thing that really truly matters (when it comes to losing weight) is if you're in a caloric deficit by the end of the week. Meaning you're eating 100–500 calories less than your maintenance calories a day. So as long as you are hitting your deficit by the end of the week, drinking water, eating a sufficient amount of protein, healthy fats and fiber you can eat as much chocolate as you like DAILY. PEACE OUT GIRL SCOUT.EDIT; Guys, obviously I know that all calories are not equal. I always recommend eating 75%-95% “healthy” on a daily basis and the rest can be naughty foods. Like I said, you still need healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates to provide your body with NUTRIENTS. What I’m saying is, is that you don't have to eat 100% clean in order to lose weight. Contrary to what many people believe, you can still enjoy the foods you love in moderation and lose weight. Many people who believe that you can't eat a certain type of food while dieting use this as an excuse not to be fit. When the truth is, people have gotten shredded while eating dirty. Is it ideal? No. Is it “healthy” for you? Most certainly not. But is it possible? Absolutely. I’m taking about LOSING WEIGHT not necessarily being “heathy”. This is why, being thin does not always equate to being healthy.In a nut shell; you should always try to eat whole foods to provide you body with nutrients but you can also still enjoy your life a look amazing.LET THEM EAT CAKE SHE SAID!!!!!

Whenever I eat Chocolate my teeth hurt?

There are a lot of Sugars in Chocolate, which turn to acid. The acid eats at your teeth. Apparently the enamel (outer coating) on your teeth is thin. I recommend you pick up some Fluoride rinse. Fluoride mouth rinse will provide fluoride that will bind to damaged calcium and will help with your problem. Brush your teeth first, fluoride will not bind to anything that is coated with junk!
Also, brush your teeth after eating all sugary foods, including chocolate.
Chocolate also has chemicals in it that act as stimulants. This makes the pain worse.
You should brush your teeth like they vote in Chicago, early and often!
Stay away from tea.
The tannins in tea bind with minerals and make it impossible for your kidneys to reclaim what is rinsed from your system.
Coffee does not have the same tannins and other than flushing your system is not a problem.
I know you said this actually seems to be in the jawbone.
Either the sugars are reaching below the gum line, or one or more of the stimulating chemicals in Chocolate is affecting your nervous system in that location.
Many of us eat chocolate not only because it tastes great but also for the wonderful stimulating effects. One of these stimulating effects is causing small blood vessels to swell. This part of why women eat chocolate during there monthly sickness. The swelling blood vessels allieviate cramps. The stimulating chemicals help their mood.
Either the sugar is eating at enamal, the blood vessels there are swelling and causing pain, or the chemicals are over stimulating a nerve there! Or all three!
Is PROBABLY not the enamal being eaten, or it would last more than 3 minutes. But better safe than sorry. Did you ever notice a malt mixer sounds the same as a dentist drill.
I hope this helps.
I love chocolate and wish I could get the beneficial chemicles in a pill with out the calories!

My blood looks like chocolate syrup....what does your blood look like?

V8 juice

Is Caffeine a blood thinner?

No caffeine does not thin your blood. Caffeine causes a temporary increase in blood pressure, which has been thought to be harmless in people with normal blood pressure. Studies are suggesting, however, that regular, heavy coffee drinking (an average of 5 cups per day) can boost blood pressure, and there is growing evidence that a high intake of coffee may be harmful in people with hypertension and may even increase their risk for stroke. Drinking coffee also increases excretion of calcium, which also may affect blood pressure. (Anyone who drinks coffee should maintain an adequate calcium intake.)

Is this normal: Chocolate pudding with goldfish?

When my twin little bros were 4 years old they made an "experiment" which was goldfish mixed in with chocolate pudding. They really liked it and still eat it up to this day, 4 years later. They only eat chocolate pudding infact when goldfish are mixed in. Is this normal?

My Daughter Has High Blood Pressure?

This article will help you out:

Treating High Blood Pressure

If an underlying illness is causing hypertension, treating that illness may be enough to get the blood pressure back to normal levels. If there's no underlying illness, your child's doctor may recommend weight loss, increased intake of fruits and vegetables, decreased salt intake, increased exercise, and even relaxation techniques. Kids with hypertension should also quit or never start smoking, which can worsen the long-term associated heart problems.

Most doctors prefer not to prescribe medication for children with mild hypertension. However, in cases in which lifestyle changes do not improve the condition, medications may be necessary.

Exercise and participation in organized sports is encouraged for all patients whose hypertension is not severe or is well-controlled. In fact, staying fit is the key to both weight and blood pressure control. If your child is overweight, an ongoing weight-loss program monitored by your child's doctor and a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day may be recommended. Kids who have severe hypertension should not, however, participate in weight- and power-lifting, bodybuilding, or strength training until their blood pressure is under control and a doctor OKs it.

Although severe hypertension is rare in kids, even mild to moderate hypertension over time can cause damage to the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. Identifying and treating high blood pressure in children will help prevent this damage before it occurs.

The doctor has prescribed baby aspirin to keep the blood thin and to prevent any cardiac problem.

It might be secondary to some other disease.
Omega3 diet will help her e.g fish.
Stop fat, salt, no more chocolates/sugars, red meat and regular physical.
It will definitely bring her BP to normal.