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Why is running every day on a treadmill not helping me to lose weight?

This is a common “myth” taht many women (and some men) still think will get them leaner, and fitter….I unfortunately used to follow this myself. ONLY to find that I kept gaining weight. ..and I am sure that in your mind, running “burns calories’ therefore the scale should be a lower number right?Not necessarily.Let me clear up a few things first.I was at my heaviest in my early 30s when I did 2 hours of cardio daily, ate diet foods, and skipped meals. Now, at 58, I wear a bikini, have maintained my weight for over 20+ years, and NEVER do cardio by itself.I created a digital product that has sold thousands of copies that will help you when you click Final Fat Meltdown >>> 30 Days to Weight Loss to get you to a slimmer, more youthful body….but first you HAVE to change how you think about exercise, and eating.This is how I coach in our gym so that people can transform their bodies.If you are doing 1 hour of cardio. Your body will burn a certain amount of calories, and in the process, burn through muscle tissue which is the only metabolically active tissue.When you are done doing cardio. You are done burning calories. Unlike short bursts of bodyweight or strength training, which can burn calories for 24–48 hours AFTER you are done exercising.Strength training creates muscle tissue. Which weights more than fat, but takes up less space. SO, you might weigh the same, but in the process lose inches, and firm up flab, while looking and feeling better.Eat for energy, NOT for weight loss. Strict diets make you obsess about what you are “not allowed” to have. Counting and cutting too many calories is a pain, AND will leave you hungry, miserable and promote cravings. Eat nutrient dense foods that support a healthy and lean body.Cutting out ANY and ALL simple carbs is key.Eating healthy carbs before and after exercise can help maintain energy levels.Eat approximately 1 gram of animal or plant based protein per lean pound of bodyweight. This will keep you fuller for longer periods of time, and repair, rebuild and restore lean muscle tissue.Sign up for my free SPECIAL REPORT that will kickstart your fatloss plan, while energizing your body and flattening your belly. This will give you access to my http://newsletter.www.ConstantEn...Set your mind up for success. PLAN your meals and workouts, and get ready to see a leaner version of YOU come through that doesn’t pound your joints and doesn’t involve hours of exercise. Hope this helps!