Will Exercising Increase My Glutes If They Are Already Large

Does exercising really make your butt bigger?

It depends on the exercise! The main butt muscle is the gluteus maximus, a very large muscle that allows us to stand upright. By doing either squats with weights OR better yet, bicycling (either regular or stationary), her "glutes" WILL enlarge, causing more definition...and probably increase in size. To see the results, look up some pictures of bike racers.

By contrast, tell her NOT to run, as they usually get flat butts.

Here are some search results focusing on the glutes, with some other exercises for them, like lunges:

A diagram of the muscles and tendons:

Here's a bike clothing site with a model whose glutes are nicely developed:

Notice the large thighs, however. This is also characteristic of cyclists. You can counteract this with swimming, x-c skiing and making sure to stretch after cycling.

Add: I kind of got into this (!) and you MUST check out this exercise site, devoted to "booty-shaping". The testimonials (and pics) don't lie:

What exercises will make my butt bigger ?

Squats ? what will make my butt bigger ?! mt boyfriend likes girls with nice asses, and mine is so small, what exercises can i do to to make my butt bigger and fuller ? my diet is incredibly restricted, im terrified of food and eating. i just want to make my butt a little bigger for my boyfriend !

Is it possible to get bigger butt by exercising the glutes with weights?

I read that to add muscles you have to lift weight and have a good protein diet and etc. I was wondering if I was to do the glutes exercises with weights will it add muscles on my glutes and make them appear bigger or will it just reshape it?

What would happen if a girl with small behind was to do these exercises, will it add size to it or just reshape the size?

Also how long would you have to do it to see the results if you were to do the exercises every other day for 45 min a day?

What are good exercises to give you a cute, toned butt? (my butt is flat)?

You need to build up the muscles in that area. I recommend the following types of excercises:
Squatting with heavy weights (so heavy you could not do more than 20 repititions)
Straight-legged dead lifts

Don't worry about getting too big. If you are female (I assume so), it will be impossible to get to "bulky". Also, have patience. For you to see results may take as much as a year!


Can i use creatine to increase my butt size?

Hello. I am trying to get my butt to gain alittle size to it. I have been exercising after I had my 2nd son (which is 7 months now). I have lost alot of my weight but Ive been doing alot of squats. its only making my thighs bigger. I would like to know if I use creatine and whey protein, will it increase the size of my butt? I dont want my butt to be so big because im already a 42 inch. I just want to be even.

I am a man and squats increased my butt size. What do I do to reduce it?

Butts (Gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus). These aid in all sorts of movement. They also act as shock absorbers to the body. Notice its prominence in aborigines, sprinters and atletes. Sitting for long periods can lead to the gluteal muscles atrophying through constant pressure and disuse. This may be associated with (although not necessarily the cause of) lower back pain, difficulty with some movements that naturally require the gluteal muscles, such as rising from the seated position, and climbing stairs.Don't worry. DO FULL BODY EXERCISES. ONLY BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES REGULARLY.

Can i increase the size of my butt without gaining weight?

I don't want to gain weight but are there any exercises to increase that size of my bottom? I have thighs gallor but I don't have a big butt. Will exercise just perk up or increase size?

Will squats really make my butt bigger...?

You're right about squats lifting and firming the butt. Squats are best for people who want that. In your case, if your butt is small and you want to make it bigger (or rounder perhaps) you need to add some weight to the squats. Hold hand weights while you do them. This is another good one for rounding your butt and making it look bigger: Get on your hands and knees, place a hand weight behind one of your knees, then curl your leg up into a 90 degree angle to hold the weight in place. You want the bottome of your shoe facing the ceiling. With the weight behind your knee, left your leg up and down, squeezing your butt cheek as tight as you can throughout the exercise. You need to do as many as it takes to really feel a burn. This is an awesome exercise to do on your own, and if you use weight machines at a gym, it's usually called the "butt blaster" machine.

Will eating alot and squats help build a bigger butt?

Ok. If I eat a lot and do squats and lunges and other workout will my but get bigger. I also will do workout outs for my stomach and run on the treadmill 2 a week. I have a pear shape