Will Gis Decline Like Biology Did

How many kids were involoved in the hilter youth?

Here is a site with all sorts of information on the Hitler Youth including statistics.
Extrapolate your own numbers and make your own conclusions. That's what doing your homework is all about!

Is GIS a safe career path (market demand and salary wise)?

For the foreseeable future yes, I would say it is a solid career move with more and more applications being found for it in many venues. Of course, as more and more people become aware of it as a career choice and the word gets out, we would expect to see salary ranges suffer a bit from this but most likely on the lower tiers of the skills rangeTwo things I will highly recommend both for the near term and for the long run in order to get into the field and maintain a career path that keeps you in that upper range.One, GIS at this point is becoming more and more a “skill” enhancing a core course of study. In other words, I see more and more job postings for GIS along with other degrees or at least working familiarity with other disciplines. Biology, hydrology, civil engineering, municipal planning, geology etc. So be sure to include that in the mix of schooling. How much GIS and something else really varies. Best suggestion I could give is to start investigating job postings to get a better feel for the market area you are most interested in.Second, make sure that you take some GIS/Computer Science courses that are specific to Python script design/writing. This is a huge efficiency boon to be able to tout as there are job specific tasks in which this will make you the leader if you have mastery of it.Last… as a sort of general piece of advice, start from the very beginning compiling a portfolio of work.