Will Going On Antidepressants Give Me Motivation

What antidepressants gave you motivation?

I have been depressed for several years now. Diagnosed recently as clinical major depression. I was put on Luvox as my SSRI antidepressant. Mainly because I had been placed on Luvox several years before and I "tolerated" it well.

When I take this medication I can't 'feel' any different. If I had to exaggerate some feelings I would say that it might calm me some (not a totally good thing)... and it seems to make my stuttering nearly non existent. Which is odd, but that is good.

The thing is, this isn't enough. I feel blah, no energy, no motivation to do anything. No interest in doing anything. Regardless of if it is 'fun'. I don't want to go out to see a movie, nor do I want to go to work. Thing is I don't want to do either equally. I am forcing myself to do things more (get out of the house) as I've isolated alot and my therapist recommends it. She says over time it will make everything all better. I, being negative, have a hard time believing that but am trying. I don't allow myself to stay in the house all day any day since I've started treatment. Which was about a month ago.

I didn't have a job before this, and now I do. Which is an improvement of course,.. and I live with my parents. Something that makes me very self conscious and ashamed.. but I must take one step at a time and help myself to get out on my own, and so forth. I want to finish college, etc.

Enough about my situation -- The main reason for this question was what antidpressants have you personally taken or know to be more 'motivating',.. to give one more 'energy'. Not the jitty , anxious kind, but normal -- ok I should get up and mow the grass , here I go type of energy. Or it would be nice to see X movie, I'll call a friend and we'll go see it. Simply things, not asking for miracles.

I've taken Luvox, and Lexapro. Neither have seemed to done the trick for me. The Lexapro I took for 1 month, but it (at the time) wasn't doing it for me. The Luvox I have taken for 6 weeks now, and well I am under-whelmed with its performance.. but have also taken it for years at a time in the past.

I was just curious at your thoughts on various medications and even the situation in general.

Thank you

What antidepressant is the best for motivation?

Lack of motivation is one of the many characteristics of depression.In theory, if an antidepressant was effective in a particular patient who is suffering (among other things) from lack of motivation due to depression, he/she would experience greater motivation levels as the therapy advances. That would apply to antidepressants of all classes.That being said, motivation is especially related to the neurotransmitters dopamine (primarily) and norepineprhine (secondarily).Among the classes of antidepressants which target dopamine and norepineprhine receptors are:Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs)Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs)Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) (only some drugs from this class)Antidepressants have indications for the treatment of certain diseases such as major depressive disorder, anxiety and so on. It would not be possible for an antidpressant to have an indication for treatment of “lack of motivation”.The answer to your question may be related to neurotransmitters which are involved in the control of motivation and drugs that target these neurotransmitters.

Will antidepressants give me more energy and motivation?

Some can actually make you drowsy, so you have to chose wisely, which is best for you. Some people gain weight, as well. I had a poor result with the first medication I was given, and I told my physician immediately that it wasn't going to work for me, because of the side effects I experienced.So he prescribed a different medicine and it's working GREAT! I noticed the difference in just a day or two and things had really started to change around in about 4 days (even though, they tell you it may take (3) weeks and to give it that long) it was miraculous to me! I felt so much better, it was really exciting!I found that my antidepressant gave me a whole lot more motivation! That's because I wasn't stuck under that heavy blanket of depression, endless tiredness and darkness, anymore and instead of wanting to close the blinds and make it dark and crawl back into bed, so I didn't have to face the world… I started jumping up early in the morning and opening the blinds to see the sunshine and all it had to offer me! I was excited to jump outside and do something good for myself, like take a walk or a jog or go for a bike ride and even join others in doing so, which is a whole lot of fun and confidence building, too.So, YES! Antidepressants have given me lots of motivation! I've been on them for many years and I've ALWAYS relayed the message to others, that antidepressants are 100% “LIFE-CHANGING!”Lots of luck, my friend

Which antidepressants give you energy?

Ask your primary care physician to refer you to a good psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are experts on mental health medications. Talk to him or her about the meds you've tried, the issues you have/had, and anything else you are concerned about.

Remember, fatigue is a symptom of depression. Anything that resolved the depression will likely alleviate the fatigue in the long run. Nearly all antidepressants take some time to start working. You will not feel better overnight. More fatigue may be a side effect of a medication initially, but may subside with time.

Definitely see a psychiatrist though, and maybe give therapy a secind try as well.

What is the best antidepression for energy and motivation?

We are often afraid to quit. Quit from the aspects, job and relationships which weigh us down. We are afraid because we tend to think I shouldn't quit. We have learnt from everyone around how to keep trying and trying. I don't disagree with this, but there needs to be a measure for this. I cannot "keep trying and not quit" on cost of my happiness and mental peace. Sometimes, it's best to let go. And this, is not quitting. We bog down in our heads and hearts in many situations but continue so that people around us may not label us  a quitter. But really, there is a very thin line between quitting and letting go, for Your Own Good. And, we need to understand this so dearly. Don't be afraid to give up on things which weigh you down.  ​

Can antidepressants reduce ambition/drive/motivation to achieve?

Yes antidepressants can reduce ambition/drive/motivation to achieve but it is not a common side effect.I always tell my patients that depression and anxiety are two sides of the same coin. Both involve the brain being stuck and ruminating on similar thoughts for hours at a time. The only difference is depression is about perseverating about the the past and beating yourself up, while anxiety involves ruminating about the future over and over again, trying to predict what will happen even though you know fully well that it is impossible to predict the future exactly.However, when you are depressed and anxious, your mind cannot get away from that pattern of thinking.That is when antidepressants come into play. I would like to call antidepressants, anti-rumination or anti-perseveration medication.I always say that antidepressant is a misnomer. I wished they never called that class of medication antidepressant in the first place (but oh well, too late to change that). The truth is antidepressant is also anti-anxiety.Long-term treatment of anxiety disorders involves antidepressants, not benzodiazepines like Xanax and Valium.In a minority of the patients, antidepressants seem to work “too well” and the patients no longer have an ounce of anxiety. And that is a big problem!Some natural level of anxiety is beneficial.If you are not anxious, are you going to get to school on time? If you are not anxious about your future, would you even attend school in the first place?Therefore in the rare cases of antidepressants leading to a lack of motivation and drive, you should talk to your physician about this issue.

Do anti-depressants reduce motivation for life or work?

I'll talk only from my clinical experience, and not exclusively from peer reviewed research.I am certain the SSRIs can (not always!) eventually (after long term use) cause apathy.I've long found that the SSRIs don't induce “happiness”. Rather, intense feelings tend to be muted-anxiety lessens, suicidal ideation (usually, but not always) lessens, and “depression” lessens.Now, anxiety exists for a reason: when appropriate, it motivates us (to run away from a saber tooth tiger, find shelter at night, and, more recently, invest in a 401k).Some people have overwhelming anxiety (people with OCD, panic disorder, and others). For these and others, the SSRIs can be life-saving.Sometimes, the SSRIs work too well. I used to use the following questions:Me: “So, how is your anxiety, Mr. Smith?”Mr. Smith: “Ya know, it's not a problem any more…”Me: “And how are you doing with your overdue mortgage?”Mr. Smith: “We've got two weeks before we are homeless…”That exchange was not uncommon. I used to call it “The Piano Falling From The Sky Syndrome”. I'd ask patients about their anxiety-if it was “much better”, I'd ask the “piano from sky” question:Me: “Okay Mrs. Smith. Your anxiety is much better. But let me ask you: If a piano fell from the sky, would you get out of the way?”If the answer was “no” or “maybe”, I knew I needed to cut back on the SSRI.SSRI-Induced Apathy Syndrome: A Clinical Review : Journal of Psychiatric Practice®

Antidepressants with antipsychotics?

Antipsychotics have the dual-action of dealing with both psychotic symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, etc) and being a mood-stabilizer. Basically they make your mood not fluctuate so much.

Antidepressants do exactly what they say.....they help to increase specific chemicals in your brain to elevate mood.

Combined, antipsychotics will boost the effects of the antidepressant. This is becoming a common practice in the mental health field. Taking one away could have a negative effect on your treatment.

Your psychiatrist is the only one who can make the decision for you to be on one or the other or both. Never stop a medication without his/her say-so and always take it as prescribed.

**Please note that I specifically said "psychiatrist"....if you are not seeing one, you need to. NEVER let a family doctor control psychiatric medications unless he/she has had specific, extensive training in the psyciatric field. Antipsychotics must be carefully monitored by someone who knows what they are doing and what to watch for**

Will i ever get out of my house? Do antidepressants make u feel more outgoing?

I feel desperate, I suffer from social anxiety ibe tried everything to go out and feel normal nothing ever helped, now i started taking aoloft its been 20days im on 75mg no side effects just a little bit insomnia but i dont feel any changes like in my motivation or my mood, im housebounded putting all my hope on medication, will i ever feel balanced again? when it kicks would i go out without feeling watched by people(confident)?