Will I Be Able To Succeed In School Even With Depression Consuming My Life 10 Pts.

College is making me feel depressed?

I have had to do something twice to succeed. I saw your question, and I intended to answer it later. Then, I forgot the query title of your question, and I had to go back to look at the list to find it.

Doing things twice to succeed is an imminent part of life, sometimes.

I agree with some very thoughtful advice given here. I'm just going to say that it seems that you're a smart student and it is probably not your ability which is hindering you, but your method. If someone's smart, then they're smart. Plain and simple. But sometimes, we make mistakes about HOW to study than actually doing the studying itself.

Heck, I look at you more favourably because you are doing well in your English and Humanities courses. Those courses usually require creative, critical thinking. Anatomy and Physiology require brute memorization, as someone pointed out to you earlier. I value critical, intellectual thinking over brute memorization. To me, if you can think critically, you'll find a way out of this predicament.

Everyone needs help. I would talk to a counsellor, as someone duly pointed out here. It isn't something to be ashamed of, indeed. How many people go through life without getting the adequate help they require? Now, that's just asinine. First, rectify your study methods. Then, your self-confidence and hopelessness. I think that once you get back on track with your studies, you'll feel much better.

Good thing is that you're in Sophomore year. You've got two years to go after this, and usually the 3rd and 4th year is considered to be the most important. Many employers skim transcripts from the "bottom-up", because they want to see how you've been doing recently. A 4.0 average in first year is nothing if you only succeed to get a 2.0 in final year. I'd rather take a student who got a 4.0 in his/her final two years, and maybe did badly in his/her first two years, than someone with say, a 3.5 cumulative GPA throughout (uniformly distributed).

So, in short, there is hope.

Want more hope? My management professor claimed he failed like three quarters of his first year courses. And not just marginal fails, but ABYSMAL fails. And, he became my professor, and after he finished his undergrad, he earned an MBA and an MSc. at very competitive universities.

Good luck. You know what you have to do. Now, get cracking!

Feel so depressed and hit my down point in life:( help?

Okay well this summer i changed so much, i lost like 30 pounds and became such a happier more religious and confidence person. I felt like nothing could ruin me, but when school was fixing to start and my sister was moving idk what happened but everything started to change, i started to overeat and ended up gaining all my weight back in nine weeks. I spent all my savings account on binge night where i would just eat and eat. I slowley started to hate myslf and become depressed and stressed. I skip school so much my grades are so slow and last night i was driving home from work and picked up a whole bunch of food and was binge eating when driving then i pulled a corner and hit a car... My car was fine but her car flipped and all you heard was screaming and i thought i killed her. I just got my car like 4 weeks ago and now they are sueing us and i woke up this morning breaking down feeling horrible and stressed and just hating everything and hating myself. Then my mom came home and ask how my day went after last night and i totaly lied to her face about how i went to school and everything but then like a hour later she got a email and came up to me in tears asking how i could lie to her like that and i could just tell how much i hurt her and disappointed her. Then i just ate and ate and ate and ate. I litterally just feel like ive dugged myself in a hole and its impossible for me to change. i'm so full and feel gross and eel like i let almost everyone down. I almost killed a girl by binge eating but it still didnt stop me. Please someone help me and dont take it as a joke, ive never felt this horible in my whole enitre life. I just want to sleep and never wake up.


okay ive self harmed since the age of 10 and im 15 and a half now. ive bruised myself, starved myself and become utterly addicted to cutting (done it for 1 and a half years now). my school found out I cut last February and the stress of having counselling made me completely mess up my arm and because of that they told my parents. I promised them I would stop self harming however for the last 10 months I just secretly do it on my right thigh. every night since February ive had the same nightmare of my parents finding out I self harm and me jumping off a my school building. I have attempted suicide 3 times and every day I plan different suicide methods in my head. it sounds pathetic but knowing I have a way out makes me calmer.

waking up crying from this dream is causing panic attacks in my sleep and is scaring me so much I cant sleep. the lack of sleep is affecting my life, socially and educationally and I don't know how much longer I can go on like this.

the guilt and depression is eating me away slowly and I cant cope anymore

help me, I don't want to live like this.

How do I feel full without eating too much. (my story included)?

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on your decision to try and lead a healthier lifestyle. The most important part of a diet plan is the feeling that you want to do it, if you don't have that desire then you will never be able to succeed.

You need to introduce more lean protein and whole grains into your diet. Try to cut out all white flour and eat only whole grains (wheat bread, whole grain cereal, etc.) The whole grains will keep your body feeling fuller longer, and will break down easier in your body with more nutrients. Read the labels to make sure the first ingredient is Whole Wheat Flour.

Lean protein is lean beef, lean chicken (white-meat, no skin), lean pork, and fish. The omega-3 oils in fish break down as one of the healthiest fats to eat, and actually improve your mood and stress levels.

Try to also incorporate a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit into your diet. The greener, leafier the vegetable, the better. Therefore, a salad made of spinach is much better for you than one of iceberg. Try to get more bang for your caloric intake and get the most vitamins out of the food you eat. A multivitamin can also help, but the best way is to get your nutrients from your food naturally.

You can also find a lot of free resources online to help you with your diet and exercise. There are a few that cater more to women ( and, but is good for both men and women.

You might also find that even though some websites do cater more towards women, they will still have very good advice for your diet.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. I would love to help!! Good luck with everything!! :)

PS - I wanted to add that a lot of people might advise for you to take diet pills. Please don't do this. You are young and therefore very capable of having a healthy lifestyle without introducing dangerous toxins into your body. Diet pills are not a good choice for anyone, and many can be very dangerous to your health. Also, they almost NEVER really work. You may see results right away, but that is the side effect of the toxins in your body and not real fat loss. Be careful of what you put into your body - and if you really feel you would like to take a pill, only take pills reccommended by your doctor.

How come I've been depressed for 10 years?

I'm 25 and I've been thinking back and I'm pretty sure I've been mildly depressed for 10 years.

I seriously can't even believe this. Ten years is a long time.

I've even tried quite a few things to get over my depression.
I'm starting to feel like i really don't have any hope... :(

Whats the point in living a life depressed?

Can anyone offer any hope at all?

Why have I become depressed in junior year?

I am in my first year of college not in USA. But take advice from old folk haha.
Look I have been through junior year of school and it really is hard academic wise and also now the time is getting nearer to reach adulthood. It can be scary. You might feel like that you're not quite ready for everything and work is too much that you'd rather procrastinate. Procrastination is easy and comfortable but certainly leaves you miserable at the end of the day.
All you need to do is take up a new hobby and stay focused in your studies. Really life is not that short sometimes. It is just a phase which will soon pass. For that you need to explore different hobbies and find what you like. Try to keep up your grades. Keeping them up really helps a lot. Realize that once your school days are over you won't get them back so try to do something different everyday.
Bottom line is: Take up a new hobby. Don't be jealous of other's success. Study everyday. Do something different. Just have fun.