Will I Be Able To Understand English In Birmingham

What does -ham mean in English place names like Nottingham or Birmingham?

The other answer here could be completely right, although I believe it comes from the old English hām, meaning home or house but meant village, town, dwelling or any other thing of that manner when used in place names.As for your examples, Birmingham means home of the people of Beorma who founded the city. As for Nottingham it means, homestead of Snod/Snot’s people. Snotingas.Hope you found this useful!

What is the purpose of Dr. Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail?

I suggest that you start with -

The reason Martin Luther King writes this influential letter is to signal a type of 'call to arms' attitude for the country and his fellow clergymen. The letter was pieced together during his unjust incarceration in the Birmingham Jail. The letter is a passionate response to a criticism of the non violent protests, sponsored and led by Martin Luther King, against segregation laws in Birmingham. Martin Luther King tries to defend and explain why he and his followers were acting now, rather than waiting, to get the civil rights movement underway.
Extract from -

See also -

English help? please?

Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey. If you have done the assigned reading, these should be very easy to answer. If you haven't, it would be unethical of us to reward you for not having done the required work.


1. How does his setting in time and place impact the speaker’s ability to complete the assignment in “Theme for English B”? (Points : 3)

The assignment forces him to question what he thinks about his own identity.

2. Which of the following words best describes the voice and word choice of “Theme for English B”? (Points : 3)


3. Who was the intended audience of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”? (Points : 3)


4. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” communicates the main idea that (Points : 3)

it is right and just to protest for people’s civil rights.

5. Which statement best characterizes the relationship between Dudley Randall’s “Ballad of Birmingham” and Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”? (Points : 3)

Both are social commentaries that address racial tension and express sadness about the use of violence.

6. The central irony in “Ballad of Birmingham” involves (Points : 3)

the violent death of little girl who has taken shelter in a church.

7. Which of the following best states the main idea of the story "Harrison Bergeron"? (Points : 3)

Equality should not interfere with individuality and personal achievement.

8. In “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King Jr. asks, “Isn't this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery?” This is an example of the persuasive technique of (Points : 3)

the rhetorical question.

9. In “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” the author’s main purpose is to (Points : 3)

persuade the readers that his movement is justified.

10. In “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” to make his case that the civil rights movement is doing what is morally right, Martin Luther King Jr. (Points : 3)

clarifies the difference between just and unjust laws.

English help mea please?? someone!?

4. Which of the following best represents the main idea of “Letter from Birmingham Jail”?
(A)Justice in this present life is impossible.
(B)Violence may soon follow if nothing changes.
(C)The cause for civil rights is moral and just.
(D)The church cannot control what happens in society.

10. In “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” to make his case that the civil rights movement is doing what is morally right, Martin Luther King Jr.
(A)argues that everyone important is joining the civil rights movement.
(B)accuses northern states of abandoning their brothers and sisters.
(C)spreads rumors about white leaders’ personal morality.
(D)clarifies the difference between just and unjust laws.

8. In “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King Jr. asks, “Isn't this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery?” This is an example of the persuasive technique of
(B)emotional plea
(C)rhetorical question
(D)plea 2 higher laws