Will I Gain Weight Of I Eat A Lot But Lose More Calories Than I Consume

If I go from eating 500 calories to eating 1200 will I gain weight?

I want to be as compassionate as possible in this answer, because I’m aware that a person interested in the question as stated may have a problem with their relationship with food and body image. At 1200 calories, you will starve to death more slowly than at 500. A tiny adult female would squeak by at 1500–1700 Cal, with little to spare for walking around. A moderately sized (5′4 and 150lb) female with a typical, relatively sedentary lifestyle would maintain at about 2200 - 2400. If that seems like a huge number, please consider talking to a doctor about your feelings and lifestyle.

If u eat only watermelon a whole week will u lose or gain weight?

You may lose a little but as soon as you start eating again, it will come right back. Besides, how long can someone just eat watermelon??

If weight loss really is as simple as "burn more calories than you consume", why is exercise necessary instead of just counting calories?

You can just count calories and if you are in a calorie deficit then you will lose weight.But if you want to lose fat, which I think should be the ideal goal for everyone, then counting calories is not enough because you will not only lose fat but muscle as well.Not to lose muscle, you need to do two extra things:Weight lifting type of exercise. It could be a body building style, Crossfit, Orange theory, calisthenics and so on.You need to make sure you eat enough protein daily somewhere between 0.8 and 1.2 grams per body weight in pounds.Following this will make you the fittest self of yourself and will guarantee you will not be skinny fat.By the way, don’t just focus on the scale. Use also the mirror to see body composition changes weekly. The scale is a good tool but it does not tell the whole story of your diet or weight/fat loss.

What happens if you burn more calories then you consume daily?

Your body burns a certain amount of calories each day whether you exercise or not. We each have what is called a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This rate gradually decreases with age. To the BMR you add the total calories used during the day due to all exercise and activity, which gives you your Active Metabolic Rate.

I am 6', 170 lbs and 52 years old. My basal metabolic rate is about 1700 calories burned per day. To that number I can add whatever calories I burn during the day due to activity and exercise. That will tell me approximately how many total calories I will burn up in a day.

Once you know this number you can eat however many calories you choose in order to lose, gain or maintain your weight. You burn about 3500 more calories than you consume to lose a pound.

I have a page posted at my website that explains this further. You can also input your own info to see your own numbers as far as calories used in a day.

Good health and good luck!

What happens if you burn more calories than you consume?

If you burn more calories than you consume than you lose weight BUT you gain and lose weight over time. You don't necessarily burn what you ate yesterday but burn calories in your fat stores from the past. There are many other things you can do to burn calories even when your not working out!

Tips for Losing Weight: This one everyone knows but putting exercise even 2-3 days a week into your life dramatically increases weight loss. The day you exercise your body may burn an additional 500 calories. Don't go by what the stepper or treadmill says you burned because your metabolism and heart rate is elevated for hours after your done.

Let's do an example. If you take in 2400 calories that day and your maintenance intake is 2500 calories you have a net loss of 100 calories. If you exercise that day and burn an additional 500 calories you are down to 1900 calories. That is 600 calories down for the day! Well on your way to losing a pound of fat. 3500 calories - 600 calories = Only 2900 calories to go to lose a pound!

Keep in mind you don’t have to go to the gym and run on the treadmill for an hour. You can do anything. Even exercising for 5 minutes (doing 25 pushups and sit ups) 3 times a week can help you burn pounds of fat off over the course of months that you normally wouldn’t be!

The key is to elevate your heart rate 55% or more for more than 20 minutes. Use the heart rate chart below to get an idea of what your heart rate per minute should be. Anything in the yellow band is good for losing weight.

For more great tips see the source below. Keep up that metabolism!