Will I Get Sinned For This

If I sinned do I have get re-baptized?

No, you get baptized once. Although if you change churches then the new one may require you to be baptized by someone from their church. It's all confusing, but when you sin after being baptized you must repent. And in different churches that even means different things. Repenting though is feeling deep sorrow for your actions, then going to GOD and asking for forgiveness for your actions. Then correcting the wrong to the best of your ability(ie stole a candy bar, go back and pay for it.) After you have done all that, you make a very good effort to not repeat that sin again, that shows GOD that you are sorry for it and that you have learned from the experience. It is important to have a humble heart and a contrite spirit. But all who repent can be forgiven, that's what the atonement is for. Because of that selfless act we can be cleansed from our sins.

Do you believe in inherited sin?

I don't believe in inherited sin,Nor believe in inherited salvation.

Will God forgive me for getting tattoos?

I have always been christian but just recently (about 4-5 months ago) began studying my bible. Recently I also got two dime sized tattoos. One of a bass clef and one of a treble cleff.

Ive been reading the ask boards and have come to understand that getting a tattoo is a sin. (because there is a passage in the bible that says so.)

However, My tattoos are not vulgar or towards an anti-christ, devil, demon or anything anti-god. They are to represent my love for music.
I also read somewhere that God only said not to tattoo your body because in the bible days people were getting tattoos of vulgar/bad/evil things and that was the only reason God condemned tattoos.

Do you think God will forgive me for getting these two small tattos altought they are not to express vulgarity or evil but instead to express a love for music?
What about people who tattoo their love for God and Jesus?

Im just curious about this debate in terms of religion because I have recently become more in touch with my religion and wish to follow to Lord's word. In terms of a job my are coverable by make-up.

Will God REALLY forgive me?? I keep committing the same sin over & over even though I know better...?

Wow - all of your responses are so very much appreciated. I did not commit murder or anything like that, but it is still something I am ashamed of. I know what I must do, and many of you offered suggestions which I know will help me. I truly do want to do the right thing.

Thank you all for taking the time to answer me. I found this to be very, very helpful!

God Bless each and every one of you. Even the guy who told me I was going to burn in hell. :-)

Does Sinning Cause Bad Luck?

Im 15 yrs old.I mastrubate and watch porn.After I do that everything in my life seems to go wrong and I dont know if its just my imagination or consequences for sinning.I feel really guilty about my sins.I pray to God to forgive me because it makes me feel really bad and sad but I keep sinning and I really want to stop.
PLS HELP!!!!!!!

Christians: Why were we Intelligently Designed to find sin so attractive that we can never stop?

This question is of utmost importance to Christianity. It highlights the very core of Jesus message. However, to answer, you must understand the nature of sin and what it has done.

When God created Adam and Eve, He created them in the image of God. This means they desired the same things God desired. Their very nature was like God's nature. However, when Adam and Eve sinned against God, their nature changed. That is why God said in the garden, "Where are you?" God knew where they were. He asked this question because He no longer recognized Adam and Eve as the people He created.

This means that human nature became corrupted. We don't desire what God desires. We desire to do sinful things, and internally, we struggle and battle with sin. In this way, we have to restrain ourselves from sinning. When we try to stop sinning, we find it a great battle within us because it goes against our nature.

Jesus recognized this problem. That is why He said, "Everyone who sins is a slave to sin." We are slaves to sin because inwardly, it is our nature to sin.

As such, if we are to be set free from sin, then we need to experience a complete transformation. As Jesus said, "You need to be born again." We need to experience a new birth where our inward nature (our spirit) is transformed into a new spirit that aligns with God's nature.

That is the whole purpose of Jesus coming to earth. He came to offer Himself as the cure to the disease of sin. That is why He said, "Healthy people don't need a doctor sick people do. I have come to call sinners, not those who think they are already good enough."