Will I Have A Lot Of Energy Today

No energy today questions?

Nope. Energy is what allows us, and pretty much everything, to function. Without it basically none of the process that go on inside the body, allowing us to live, would be able to happen.

How can i get a lot of energy by tomorrow?

Are you having this problem all the time or just at certain times?
I would not recommend any type of energy drinks.
I would make sure you take a multi-eat good balanced foods including fruits and veg.
You are tired because your body is naturally trying to tell you to get some rest.
If you are not having any other symptoms and are other wise healthy I would get a good night sleep by drinking some quietly chamomile tea with honey. If this continues and other symptoms pop up I would make an appointment with your G.P and have a talk with him about your concerns. Hope this helps-Good luck

Do fans use a lot of energy?

If your fan was purchased in the US and probably in most other places as well it is going to have a label or a stamp which gives information like the model number. Also on that label it may say something like 120 volts .5 amps. (Yours may be different.) When you multiply the volts and the amps together you will come up with the watts. In my case this would be 60 watts. If I keep this fan running for 24 hours this would be 60 watts x 24 hours = 1440 watt hours or 1.44 kilowatt hrs or 1.44kwh. If I run this 7 days a week for a year I would end up with 1.44kwh x 365 days = 525.6 kwh.

You can look up the electric rate for your area or use the national average from this table.1 The national average is 10.93 cents per kwh so if I don't turn the fan off until next year it will cost me 525.6 kwh x $.1093 per kwh = $57.45 For only a day it would be 1.44 kwh x $.1093 = about 16 cents.

So you have to tell me if you consider this "a lot."

Is it possible to be 5 weeks pregnant and have lots of energy?

Well I say if your so excited and you may be take the test ASAP.
That's the only way of knowing and nothing anyone writes or tells you on here will change that!
Your still going to feel curious so take the test already! lol

If you had the energy of youth along with the wisdom of age, how do you think your life would (or will) be different?

Likwise , beauty will come with brains Nd money will come with opportunities Nd life will have a balance of knowledge , energy , exuberance with experience of differentiating b/w right Nd wrongActually it will be directly proportional to the decision making ability as well !Thank you.

I've suddenly got a lot more energy and my senses are stronger. I've been this way for a few days now. What's happening?

I've suddenly got a lot more energy and my senses are stronger. I've been this way for a few days now. What's happening?You were bitten by a radioactive spider.As well as feeling pretty good and having more acute senses, you should also be able to climb vertical walls unaided and fight supervillains. Some members of your family will start delivering speeches about the great responsibilities that accompany great power, but you should discourage them from doing so as they'll likely get shot immediately afterwards.Unfortunately, you'll likely end up with cancer and die if you don't see a doctor immediately, because radiation is no laughing matter. Please arrange an appointment to see your GP at the earliest opportunity.Or you've been sleeping better, I don't know.

How does the sun's energy warm the earth?

The sun converts millions of tons of matter into energy every second via fussion processes; this energy is radiated out in every direction in the form of photons and a slew of other particles.

When these photons reach earth, we call it "incident light". Light is easily reflected, refracted, and absorbed by many materials on earth, and at every level of interaction, energy is lost to heat.

Edit - what's with all this "pan heating an egg" stuff? What does that even mean?


Today was my belated birthday and I ate over half of a chocolate chip cookie cake (6 slices) and each slice is 580 calories! Not to mention I had oatmeal topped with fruit and almonds for breakfast (380 calories) and I went out for a Korean bbq dinner (500 calories). That's 4,360 calories! Over a pound! I don't eat like this at all and I always make sure to eat healthy and exercise but today I let loose and just pigged out. I can't exercise it off because it's almost bedtime.