Will I Lose All My Friends

Why do I lose all the friends I make?

Based on your reply to my comment, my first guess is that people are perceiving you as boring.It sounds like you would benefit from reading my answer here - I can't make friends after years. Should I just give up?People like to be around people that give them value. The value could be everything from the mere avoidance of loneliness, to feeling strong feelings, to sex, to fun, to popularity, to access to resources, to anything they find valuable. Being a source of abundant value to people will keep them wanting to spend time with you. The trick is to be a tremendous source of value without having to expend much value yourself.Read my answer above and start working on ways to make yourself more interesting and compelling to be around. Read How to win friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Start some hobbies and activities that you can do in social environments. Make a list of things that are out of your comfort zone and make it a point to do several of them each month. Start keeping a journal documenting your social experiences, what you learned, what your goals are, and what you want to change. Start working on connecting on an emotional level with people. Make them feel good when they're around you. Make them feel important and valued. Be someone who helps them be better off because you are in their life. Be trustworthy and dependable.I know that's a lot to learn and demand. It's not going to happen over night, but that's how you become a socially adept and remarkable person.

If you lose all your friends, what should you do?

I have lost the friends that were never true friends to began with and friends that I valued highly but is always too busy with their career and busting their ass trying to create a better life for themselves.If people leave because the don’t value you, don’t ever devalue yourself by begging them to stay because nobody is going to be happy.If people are no longer part of your life because they are pursuing a brighter, better future. Wish them the best and get out there and create something for yourself.Lastly, remember the greatest friendship you can have is with yourself. If you love yourself, you will attract others who will love you the same. Be kind, be humble, be willing to help, be open-minded, and be grateful but set boundaries and don’t let others walk all over you.

Will i lose my friends after high school?

Im a senior, and ive been kinda depressed the last couple days cuz i realized that i only have a little over half a year before i basically never see any of my friends again. I know everyone does it, and they're just fine with it, but i dont get how they do it. These are people who ive come to care about deeply. I mean, ive shared the best moments of my life with them for years. How can anyone just cut that off and be fine with it? I dont have a facebook, but im gonna get one so i can at least stay in contact with everyone, but even that doesnt seem to be anywhere near enough. Recently ive fallen in love with one of my best friends (a girl), and i mean real love, not the stupid sex driven "we've only known each other for a week" typical teenage lust (although youre probably thinking "hes just saying that"). And ive promised myself that i will not leave this school without telling her how i feel. How can i just move on from her? Im usually optimistic about anything, but i just cant get over this. How do you cope with this? I cant bear the thought of seeing all the relationships ive built for years just disappear.

What is it like to lose all your friends?

It all depends on the context of the situation.  The specific situation I'll focus on is betrayal.  Betrayal happens when some sort of social code between people are broken.  Lines are not just crossed, boundaries are shattered.One day life feels great.  The problems that you have are those that most first world people have.  What am I going to do today?  Am I going meet up my friends for dinner and try out this new restaurant?  Why has it been a few days since I last worked out?Then the moment comes by that will become the moment that you replay in your mind over and over incessantly for months.  In the moment you're just a person who is going through the motions of a normal day.  Nothing is really that out of the ordinary.  Then you say something which you wish you never did.  The rest of the night plays out like a dream.  This can't be happening.You just betrayed your best friend by saying something so horrible to a mutual friend about them that you just signed your own death.  It's like the wind gets hit out of you.  Time stops and you wish you could turn back the clock just a few seconds, just so that you didn't set what you just did into motion.Life in front of you changes.  People who used to sit and chat with you night after night talking about everything, treat you like a stranger.  The only hint that you were previously friends is the flicker in their eyes when your eyes briefly connect.  Then you see the look of disgust on their face.When you are responsible for losing all your friends due to something that you thought in the moment seemed permissible, it burns.  It can drive you to sleepless nights.  It can drive you to question yourself as a person.  Most of all, the isolation is what burns the most.  The hardest part is to snap back into reality and accept that you are not defined by past actions.Once you can start continuing your life without being consumed with the moment you lost it all, you really begin healing.  You know what? Maybe forgiveness comes along the way, whether it is mutual or one-sided.  All you can do is keep going.

What should I do when I've lost all my friends and have no one to care?

So I'm a third year college student who lives with 4 other people.Now these 4 have always been there with me for majority of the first two years in college.But they're now not close to me anymore. I live with them, yes. But do I consider them as my 'friends'? Someone I can depend on? Then no, sorry.After having countless issues with them, I used to go back home everyday after college, pick up a book, my laptop, speakers, bean bag and head to the balcony where I would have some sort of peace.Away from the noise, away from the drama, I felt relieved. Like a burden was off my shoulders where I didn't have to see their faces or interact with them.I was restless at first. Obviously. But slowly, a day went by, then two, three and I started enjoying being with myself. I was being really productive and getting shit done asap.But one thing that really surprised was that I didn't miss anyone during this. I had started appreciating my own very existence. And after 6 long months I can confidently tell you that it was a splendid experience, I learnt so much, not just about everything else and the world, but about myself too.So just go with the flow, it's okay if you don't have friends. Just do you and you'll attract your tribe. I have, I've found like minded people. People I gel with. Someone I'm in love with.The only thing I did was give myself, a full, complete and honest chance.You might not or most probably don't realise it right now, but you, YOU who are reading this very sentence right now are extremely special and are unique.There is no one else like you in the world. You are legit, one in 7 billion people. 7 BILLION.1/7,000,000,000LET THAT SINK INYOU DONT NEED ANYONE, DONT LET YOUR HAPPINESS DEPEND ON ANYONE OR ANYTHING. YOU, YOU ARE THE ONE IN CONTROL, YOU ARE SELF SUSTAINABLE AND BEAUTIFUL. UNDERSTAND THAT AND GVE YOURSELF A CHANCE TO BE YOU, WITH YOURSELF, FOR AT LEAST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE AND SEE HOW THINGS SHAPE UP SO BEAUTIFULLY FOR YOU.#DoYouBeYouBeFree

I seriously lost all my friends...?

I tend to have very bad luck with friends. I've had 4 very, very close friends throughout my lifetime but something always happens between us; all never lasted more than 3 years. Now I am scared to be close with anyone because I know one day things will go wrong and somehow we'd end up hating each other. With this said, I'm starting to hate myself. I feel like I'm not good enough, or normal enough to have a normal friendship. Please if anyone, what are you thoughts?

I feel like I'm losing all my friends.. Help?!?

Well if your friends are avoiding you and leaving you, then they obviously aren't real friends, especially if you're not even doing anything wrong. Real friends stick with you through thick and thin, no matter how bad things get. Your so called friends, sound like stupid assholes, that you're obviously way better without. Time to find new ones, and hopefully your new ones don't turn out to be stupid assholes too. And don't feel bad, most people are unreliable, bad people that aren't loyal or worth wasting time for. Many people don't have friends. Especially girls, since many girls don't really get along with other girls, many of them are not good and loyal friends to each other, and many of them just hate on each other over stupid reasons. It really doesn't matter though. Most people grow up and aren't friends with their past friends anyway. In the end, the only people that will matter are your family members who you'll get closer with as you all grow up and mature, and the others that matter will be the unlikely friends that were good and loyal enough to be there for you through out the years. In the end, all those stupid *** holes you call friends won't matter, and them being stupid *** holes will probably not have bright or happy futures from living life as stupid *** holes.

Why am I so scared of losing my friends?

Because of the mind-manufactured illusions you believe to be real.Clinging and attachment are one of the roots of suffering. Desire for impermanent things to last is a loosing game.Do not argue with reality, just learn to love what IS. Appreciate what-isness, let go regularly, choose solitude in order to gain more self-knowledge. But mostly appreciate i'm permanence and transience of things.If you desire to control time and reality (which you can't) you'd feel frustrated and lonely. Because everything ends with your accord or without it.So at this point practicing renunciation could help you let go of your mental resistance.Try cultivating inner-peace within in regards to the gentle passing of things, by appreciation of its wisdom and beauty. Then you'll come to realize that we're only guests here. :)Hopefully you'll realize as well that love is the bond that links all of us. You and your friends become one, not two, not three. Because then you’ll see through the illusion of separeteness.Good luck on your journey!