Will I Lose Fat Taking Borage Oil

Do slimina capsules make you fat again after stopping taking them?

Slimina is a scam. It won't do what the advertising says. It's sold as a supplement. Here what you need to know about supplements.

All US federal health agencies warn against using supplements without the recommendation of a health care professional because supplements are not approved by the FDA, are virtually unregulated, do not have the protections afforded foods and drugs, are not recommended by the US National Institute of Health, do not require any testing, are often contaminated, may not even be what the label says, usually contain cheap ingredients, are often over priced scams, have been known to be dangerous, and can have numerous adverse or unwanted side effects.

Read my answer about supplement scamming here -->;...

You won't get fat again because you won't lose any fat if you rely on Slimina.

Good luck and good health!!

Can taking laxatives make you lose weight?

taking laxatives is a trick people in fight training use to make weight when training for competitions. it is not a very healthy thing to do as it dehydrates your body. There is a healthy alternative to this. Go to a health foods store and get some kind of herbal body cleanse. they generally are a 1 week process. What they do is detox your body and flush out your colon (similar to an enema but no intrusive anal probing) of all the build up inside you. The average 30 year old has anywhere from 12 to 25lbs of fecal buildup in your colon from eating red meat and certain other foods. So basically if you use one of these safe body flushes you could lose at least 10lbs in 1 week! yay!!!

Do fish oil vitamins make your skin more oily?

I want to start taking these vitamins I bought that contain fish oil, flaxseed oil, and borage oil (omega 3, 6, 9) and I'm wondering if this will have any effect on my skin. I have some acne and I don't want any excess oil production on my face

How are borage oils good for the body?

Borage oil is extracted from a flower named - Borago officinalis. It has multiple health benefits -Rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids which are considered as good fats for the body.Have strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.Reduces inflammation and prevents oxidative stress.The mucilage found in borage oil has been shown to be effective in eliminating respiratory issues, including infections and congestion. It soothes sore throat and our respiratory system.Rich in omega 6 fatty acids and is able to control prostaglandin production, which regulates inflammation throughout the body.Omega 6 fatty acids when consumed in excess can lead to inflammation but borage seed oil is an exception. It excess quantity does not lead to inflammation.It is also rich in gamma-linolenic acid, this oil is extremely good for heart health. It is an anticoagulant and a hypotensive substance and helps in balancing cholesterol levels, hence reduce risk of atherosclerosis and stroke.Promotes weight loss.Reduces stress and anxiety levels.Might also be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels, hence prevents diabetes.

Why do i have stretched marks, does that mean I'm getting fatter?

it means you're growing, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're getting fat! depending on your age your hips may be developing (helps with childbirth down the road). if you're an older woman it is natural to get bigger in the bottom.

Why do prenatal vitamins make hair, skin and nails prettier and stronger?

It works if you do not eat a well-balanced diet. It is not a replacement for eating good healthy food, in fact, it can create an imbalance by giving your body extra work to digest it and you may end up with unnecessary extra nutrition that you are already getting in food creating symptoms that appear to be serious like dizziness, hormonal changes, fatigue and indigestion... If you do this, it would be best to take a natural liquid food derivative in drops form with meals. This is helpful short-term if dieting strictly to lose weight, to heal a medical issue previously discussed with your doctor, etc. etc.Prenatal vitamins is formulated for pregnant moms but are not necessary if the mom is already eating nutritious, healthy food - i.e. extra folic acid (wheat germ, molasses and citrus), omega 3 fatty acids (walnuts, salmon, flax seeds oil and meal) and other EFA (Omega 6, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Omega 9 and also Flax seed oil, sesame seed oil, safflower oil, borage oil and sunflower oil) for brain health and development and high quality low fat protein with regular exercise and lots of water. However, we all need this not just pregnant moms.Another thing.. it won’t hurt to eat coconut oil either. It is packed with healthy goodness like, MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides); Caprylic Acid and Lauric Acid. Just melt a spoon or two over warm meals or add to ingredients when cooking. 20 Coconut Oil Benefits (#5 is Life-Saving)