Will I Lose Weight If I Do This

How can I lose weight?

I eat 1500 calories a day and burn 800 which equals out 700 which means that I basically have eaten 700 calories that day. If I do this for 5 days, I would have burned 4000 calories and eaten 3500. Can I lose weight this way? I always see that the calories burned> calories eaten will make you lose weight.

If I cut my hair short, will I lose weight ??

Surely! Definitely! Believe me!

I lost as much weight by cutting my nails. I look so trim now!!!

Good! That's another 3lbs less! Now you are ready for any Beauty Contest!

Do you lose weight if you don't eat?

One way to lose weight is to just stop eating. It sounds simple, but in reality you have to know what you are doing to get any long term weight loss benefits from fasting. Let's look at the weakness and strengths of fasting for weight loss.Like most forms of dieting, fasting can be used to bring about dramatic but temporary reductions of weight. You can go on a long fast, taking nothing but juice or eating grapes or taking some other low calorie meal substitute for several weeks, and while you are on the fast you will certainly lose weight. However, during the fast you may not be able to carry on your normal social interactions. It's not so easy to sit around sipping carrot juice while the rest of your family is eating a normal meal.Another problem with long fasting is that your body requires vital nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein) and your favorite juice may not contain them. Long fasting without proper medical supervision can be dangerous.Finally, a major problem with this kind of fasting is that once you stop fasting and resume eating your normal diet, you are likely to gain back all the weight that you have lost during your crash weight loss fast.So, does fasting have any place in a weight loss plan? Yes it does. Periodic fasting is one of the secrets of a long and healthy life. Our body's digestive organs require a rest from time to time,just as we require days off from work. One-day fasting done in a methodical and regular manner provides the kind of rest that helps our digestive system, aids in the elimination of toxins from our body, and, yes, also helps us to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable.Tips for weight loss

How much weight will I lose by not eating for a week?

I did this once, well I didn’t eat for 10 days. I made sure to keep pretty hydrated and probably excersised about 1–2 hours on average a day. I lost 5kg and I also lost my period. I didn’t notice any other physical changes although when I did start eating normally again (because I didn’t have an eating disorder but a more complicated psychological problem) I gained back all of the weight I lost in about a week, eating normally so about 2000 calories a day because of messing up my metabolism.I wouldn’t recommend doing this as after a few days I stopped feeling normal hunger and instead would get extremely painful cramps and pains in my stomach for around 15 minutes a couple of times a day. I got out of breathe from even walking, was very dizzy all of the time (honestly surprised I didn’t faint)They also wanted to send me into a hospital but luckily I started eating again so avoided being an inpatient. All in all you probably shouldn’t do this but if you do I lost about 5 kg but I don’t know if you would loose a similar amount or not

Will I lose weight doing only push-ups and sit-ups?

To be honest bro, no. My cousin was a chubby *** dude before he hit the gym. He did NOTHING but pushups and sit ups at home, and some pullups and other exercises with dumbells. He gained muscle, but still stayed fat.

You CANNOT lose fat or weight without cardio. You just can't.

Doing pushups would help alot. Pushups are one of the best exercises to do because it gains muscle on your arms, back, shoulders, chest, and it's a great workout,


it's a muscle gaining workout, not a fat-cutting workout. So just say if you had man boobs, and you gained alot of muscle in your chest, your moobs would look even bigger.

OFCOURSE don't stop doing pushups. Do pushups, they're great exercises and will give you great biceps and a nice back, but you have to buy a cardio machine. Such as a rower, treadmill or bike.

You CANNOT see your six pack abs if you have a layer of fat around it, and doing pushups and situps won't remove that layer of fat, cardio will only.

ONE MORE THING, don't bother with sit-ups. They're a waste of time. They're probably the most useless and pointless exercise to ever be invented. They do nothing, and someone will exerpience will tell you that. EVERYONE has abs, you just have a layer of fat covering them, so don't bother with situps.