Will I Lose Weight Running

Will Running 30 min. a day help me lose weight?

yes, absolutely - to boost this, drink water, forget about health drinks, and soda's just water. whatever on your current fit is, if a bit overweight you will get results in 4-6 weeks, first you'll notice beeing very tired, a little later you will get more and more energy.
(of course this depends how fit/unfit you are...) but keep it going, nomatter how tired.

How can i lose weight without running???

I have the same problem. It always feels like I have shin splints constantly. I do a lot of cardio (running, cycling, rope jumping) and no matter what I do I always get that feeling. What I do is wait a day or two until my legs don't hurt anymore and then run again. Inbetween those days I'll cycle, because it's less strenuous on the legs and knees and gives the same benefits as running. The only problem is I'll have to stay on the bike longer than I would if I ran. Or I'll skip rope, which is also like running but gives you the same benefits in a much faster time. The problem with skipping is my legs will hurt just like when I run.

I suggest that you give your legs some time to rest inbetween your runs, at least a day. Usually my legs feel better after they had a chance to rest. And ice your legs after you run for at least 20 minutes.

Hope this helps.

How much weight can I lose running 1 mile per day?

Honestly, I really applaud you running 1 mile a day. It’s good for your overall health and is something you should make a habit.It’s just that you should exercise for the health benefits and don’t use it to lose weight because it’s not a good way to lose weight. Here’s a good example. In Denmark, over an 18 month period, researchers took 27 people and turned them from being sedentary into running a marathon (26.2 miles). How much weight did the people lose? The men lost on average 5 lbs and the women lost zero. Yes, zero, zip, nada.Keep up the running.

Can I lose weight running in circles?

Yes! You can lose weight by running in circles if you cut your calories but remain hydrated. Back when I was running instead of (minimal) jogging or (dog) walking as I do now, we ran in circles every week, two or three times each week and it was called running on a track. Much more interesting scenery than a treadmill and usually better company because the people there like to be outside, as I do.It was located at one of the local universities about a mile away and was a sandy, very small gravel-y rock substance that we ran on, cushioning on the feet so that it was not pounding on concrete or asphault like on city streets. Now I believe the track has been redone with more up-to-date modern substances that have built-in elasticity or cushioning in order to be easier on the joints. Shoes have improved a lot in the last few years also with better support and cushioning for narrow feet with narrow heels like mine. I will be checking it out as I will be rehabilitating my sore hip for a while yet as it heals from my RV wreck in March.Good luck to you! I hope you achieve the weight that you want in order to be healthy.

How can running twice a day help me lose weight?

The weight loss contribution of exercise is typically related to the intensity and duration of the exercise. So running for an equal amount of time in one or two episodes a day should burn the same number of calories.However, weight loss is also a function of how your metabolism burns calories. After you have run for a sufficient length of time, usually twenty-five to thirty minutes, your metabolic rate increases, both during your exercise and for several hours after. So running for at least that amount of time twice a day, say morning and evening, gives you two periods of time where you will continue to burn calories after you stop running.Two cautions, however. First, running twice a day leaves you less time for healing and recovery, and so is harder on the body. Secondly, the effect of an increased metabolism is that you get hungry, and want to eat more. Running twice a day exposes you to two periods of increased hunger. Watch out that you don’t overeat.

Can you lose weight by running everyday?

Of course you can.Any increase in caloric output, if you maintain the same caloric input, will cause you to lose weight. That part is basic math.But there are a few gotchas.Firstly, as you get better at running, your body will become more efficient and use less calories. So you'll have increase the workload gradually to maintain that caloric output.Secondly, your body will try to compensate for the increased caloric output by making you increase your caloric input by making you hungrier. So you'll have to manage your diet.And lastly, if you're serious about losing weight, working on your diet will have a greater impact on weight loss than exercise. This is because it's a lot easier to consume calories than it is to expend them. You can run for an hour and expend about 500 calories and then eat those 500 calories in a bowl of cereal in 5 minutes.And that is why you see a lot of active, exercising people with weight issues that never seem to go away.

While running 3 km every day, how much weight can we lose in a month?

Probably none. Running does not burn that many calories; it depends on your weight and gender and other factors, but running 3km would burn around 100 calories, roughly speaking. Doing that for a month would burn a bit over 3000 calories which is one pound. The amount of water in your body can fluctuate by several pounds day in and day out, so you might not even notice it. Plus, you will be hungrier from the activity, so you will probably eat more, and actually gain weight. Running is a very healthy activity if not done to excess, and endurance exercise should absolutely be a part of any weight loss regiment, but by itself it is a poor way to try and lose weight. The best way to lose weight is to eat nutritious and satiating food but go hungry frequently (intermittent fasting). Doing this while maintaining activities such as running is challenging but quite effective.

How can I lose weight without doing any running?

I have a pelvis fracture that happened in june and I'm not allowed to run on it, but I gained like 15 extra pounds and I want to get those off or at least toned before the end of dec. Does anyone have any advice?

If I run 6 miles a day, will I lose weight?

I used to be in track, but our season ended, so I didn't run for about two weeks.
Well, now I've started running 6 miles a day at 10 min./mile pace or less, depending on my mood.... I really want to get in shape for summer, 'cause I wanna wear a bikini, haha. I'm not overweight I just want to be toned.... Any tips?

Does anyone know how to get rid of cellulite? I don't have a lot, but whenever I'm off-season my legs aren't as toned and a tiny bit of cellulite starts to show.... Help me get rid of it!!!!

So, will running my 6 miles a day help me achieve my goal?
I weight 120 and I want to weigh 115 or less by summer!!!