Will Insanity Make Me Skinnier

Will Insanity make me skinnier?

Insanity will make you leaner and fitter if you follow it correctly and also eat correctly. I have done it and really enjoyed the challenge, its not easy so be prepared for that but it is fun and really gets you into it if you can make the first week or two.

It sounds to me like you are doing well and are sensible about your weight and having epilepsy, I would guess that it would take some getting used to going from really active to having to deal with a problem like that so I think you should be congratulated for that alone.

As for a diet, I think dieting as such is unhealthy as it is not a long term solution to being healthy. What you really want to do is find a long term healthy eating plan and the base for that would be to stick to natural unprocessed foods.That means lots of veggies, fruits, nuts, legumes, lean meats and other natural foods.

I would think this may even have an positive effect on your epilepsy and how you manage it. I pretty much eat a paleo diet which you can find out more about at but this is pretty extreme so be careful before you dive into something like this.

Good luck :)

Does Insanity help Skinny People?

It's just bigger, not more bigger. But anyways, it is more for loosing excess weight and toning muscles...yes you will build some, but not enough if you are wanting to add size. A good program is p90x, no I don't work for them, but I am doing the program now. You can optimize the program for pure muscle mass addition.

Skinny fat male Insanity or P90X?

Hello, I am 23 year old guy, 6'0 tall, 195lbs. I started insanity back in January and did it for 3 straight weeks before injuring my ankle. I stopped for 2 weeks and started again on week 3, though I was not consistent with my workout due to college and work. I would do it for 3 straight days then stop for 4 days. I did see some changes in my body. My starting weight was 200 lbs. and lost 5lbs.

I consider myself "skinny fat," since i have skinny arms and lower legs, but i have fat on my stomach, hips, thighs and butt. You can really notice it, especially on my butt and hips. My body is disproportionate. While doing insanity I lost some fat from my stomach, waist, and back, though my hips and butt are still big. Another thing I did not like was that I lost muscle from my arms, and now i look skinnier. I want to gain muscle and at the same time lose body fat. I want to look more balanced. Should I finish Insanity and lose more weight, then start lifting weights and take some kind of protein to gain muscle? Or should I start P90X since it involves lifting weighs and cardio. If I continue with Insanity, should I start from scratch or from week 3? I will have the whole summer to do any kind of program so please help me out. I would appreciate it if anyeone could give me some advice. Thanks!

Can skinny people do the insanity workout?

My sister is going to start it to lose weight, she wants me to do it with her but I'm very skinny (fast metabolism). Can I do it just to gain muscle but not to lose weight? I don't wanna get any thinner, just toned. I'm 16

Can I lose 10 pounds per month or more with Insanity? I'm 27, 5'9" and weight 150 pounds.

I once made a £10 bet with two different friends that I could lose 10lbs ... In one week!Just to show how the best way to lose weight is to train more and eat less and show them that there is no excuse.I made it from 196.6lbs to 186.2lbs in 7 days. By hitting cardio twice a day for one hour (300 calories minimum in each session)  and eating nothing else but Chicken/Steak/Fish and mixed vegetables 3 times a day. I starved my body of nutrients and essential vitamins ... Yet my body got tighter every 24hrs.This is something I would NOT recommend! I just did it to show these two friends who claimed "weight loss is impossible" and how they had "tried everything" ... Just how quickly you can lose weight (I would love to say lose fat but by doing no weights and having  restricted calories, I lost muscle as well) ... This was a crash diet!I did Tabata during this time which is BY FAR my favourite form of HIIT!  The answer to your question is yes! It is 100% possible! You can argue black vs white but when it comes down to it, if you want to get leaner, train more and eat less!

Taking laxatives to look thinner/skinnier?

Pills or liquid, herbal or otherwise, laxative abuse is a common form
of "weight control" in people suffering with Eating Disorders. The use
of laxatives as a way to lose or control weight is not only dangerous,
but irrational. The actual purpose of taking a laxative is to
stimulate the large bowel to empty, which occurs only after the food
and it's calories for energy have been absorbed through the small
intestines. Essentially, a person taking laxatives to control weight
is only going to cause their body to lose fluid, which can
potentionally be followed by periods of water retention and an
appearance of bloating (causing the sufferer to want to lose more
weight and ingest more laxatives). The reason people suffering from
eating disorders seem to lose weight while taking laxatives is because
in most cases they are increasingly watching calorie intake and
restricting food consumption, inducing vomiting, and/or compulsively

Continued laxative use can cause bloating, cramping, dehydration,
electrolyte disturbances and imbalances, cardiac arrhythmias,
irregular heart beat and heart attack, renal problems, and death.

Phenolphthalein, a popular ingredient previously found in many brands
of laxatives has now been recalled by the FDA (Food and Drug
Administration, United States) due to studies indicating that it has
been linked to cancer.

Withdrawal symptoms can be expected in stopping the use of laxatives
after a continued period of using them as a "weight loss" method.
These include, abdominal cramping, mild to severe constipation,
bloating, mood swings and general feelings of fatigue and "feeling
sick." In less severe cases the symptoms will usually subside in about
2 weeks, but in cases where a person have ingested handfuls or more
laxatives on a regular basis, it may take longer and require medical

Is Insanity still effective without a diet?

I actually tried doing Insanity two times.The first time, I did it on and off over a month or two. I went over to a friend’s house who had it a couple times a week (definitely didn’t follow the schedule in that we did the workouts 6 days a week, but we did follow the order of the program). I was a lot more fit then and it was just a way to keep active. I didn’t weigh myself so I don’t know if I gained or lost any weight - but it was a legit work out. We stopped when he started dating my sister and he had decidedly less time for Insanity.A little more recently, I started and finished the workout right before our Europe trip - this time with my husband and we kept to the schedule. This is also two years or so (maybe 3 - I’m horrible with dates) after my first try and I was not as fit, but I could still keep up. Sure, my moves weren’t perfect like the people in the video, but I wasn’t dying and I was lifting [insert body part here] at least to the 65% mark. I have to say that you definitely need to dedicate time to it as the workouts range from 30 minutes to an hour (sometimes more on the special days). My husband died during that first Fit Test. After it was done, he was ridiculously pale and collapsed against the wall, not caring about anything at all. I found it vaguely hilarious, but even though my body type is more prone to weight gain, it’s also okay with high intensity activities. Yay?Anyway, I didn’t follow any diets. I ate normally (I’m also a strict vegetarian - we all are). The second time, I also weighed myself every couple of days for reference. I had gained weight after getting married and the muscle I did have before had seemingly converted themselves into fat. I wanted my muscles back. I didn’t lose much weight - if at all. I might have even gained a little (I’m hoping it’s all muscle). However, my muscles were are lot more firm and I felt stronger. I think it did help a bit - just not in an apparent manner.It may depend on the individual because some other answers said that it did help them lose a bit of weight. However, for myself, it didn’t do much in terms of weight loss, but I still felt better for it in the long run (sort of like when I practiced hot yoga for over a year). I’d probably have to follow a strict eating plan to lose a substantial amount of weight.Too bad I love food too much.I’m currently doing Insanity Max 30. On my first week, actually. :) Need to get back in the game!

Does the insanity workout also give you a good butt?

yes, its awesome for your butt! You do tons of squats, jumps and other moves that really help tone your butt, legs and thighs so you get a better look from all angles. I've done insantiy twice and still use it as my main workout 3-4 times a week. I've gotten great results and have lost tons of weight and my butt has never looked better! And in comparison, my sis started working out, she uses the treadmill and elliptical mostly for her workouts and does very little toning weight training stuff, and shes lost weight doing this but has been complaining that her butt is getting flat and saggy! I have always had a similar body shape to my sis, but because i have so much better muscle tone than her now we are starting to look at lot different. She has gotten thinner but her softer muscle tone has left her looking saggy in places, and because i have more muscle tone i look smaller than i really am and people are constantly guessing i weigh much less than i really do.
You will get good tone and a perkier look to your butt with insanity, but not too much. Insanity will get you in great shape all over, and you wont end up looking bulky or to muscly. You will love it.

How can one stop being skinny?

Good morning my anonymous friend.Building muscle is quite easy once you know what to do, namely, eating a lot, working out properly and having enough rest. Now let's break those down a bit.- Eating a lot basically means following a hypercaloric diet, i.e. eating more calories than what is needed by your body. If you don't know how or don't want to count calories then just make sure you eat as much as you can. Assure your protein intake too by eating lots of meat, fish and eggs.- Working out properly means starting with a fullbody workout 3-4 days a week, made of the following exercises: bench press, military (shoulder) press, dead lift, squat, pull-ups (or row) and maybe lunges. I would focus on those exercises for at least two months before adding isolation accessory exercises. Start with 3 sets of 10 reps and once you master the technique start adding weight every week. If for some reason you can't access a gym you can try a calishtenics routine at home like this one Simple Workout Routines Under 30 Minutes | Sci-Fitness - Resting enough means having a good 8 hour night sleep and not trying to exhaust your muscles by adding more workout days.Hope that was helpful, cheers!