Will My Singing Voice Change In A Few Years

Will my singing voice change past 17?

I'm an almost 17 year old guy who is wondering if my vocal chords will make any big changes. My voice isn't deep but isn't
high either however I can't sing too well. I sing about all the time and have been improving hitting notes but it still doesn't seem like my voice is pleasant to listen to. All I've ever wanted to be growing up is a musician and knowing I can't sing well destroys me all the time. Will my singing voice/ talking voice continue to change and possibly sound better with time?

Does your singing voice change with age, and if yes, can this be prevented?

I should like to add to the 3 contributors to this question already.The voice is part of us. As we age, subtle changes happen in our body, from our hearing which leads to our pitching, in our ability to sustain long breaths as we are not active athletes who practice daily and hence lose certain breath support as the years add up. Then there is the very important element of desire. That desire to sing like before as opposed to the ability to be able to sing like before. This is more so for very dramatic voices and very light voices who had notable top notes and can no longer sustain and deliver those top notes like before. We need to remember that we are not solid instruments but organic in every way. We need to make allowances for anyone to no longer sing at the power, volume, vocal range or artistic level as when one was at one’s prime when that was like decades over. We cannot expect this even of a professional, how much less then for an amateur. Yes, deterioration is a very real issue.

I am a 13-year-old girl, and I think my voice is changing. I can't sing any high notes. Will my voice come back?

Start off by thinking about what you could do before this change. If you had access to high notes before and they have disappeared, it may or may not be a problem.Did you previously have the ability to access both a chest register and a head register? Did you have a smooth register transition before? Was your voice clear or breathy before?Around the time of this change was anything else physically going on for you? Did you have an upper respiratory infection? Had you been yelling and screaming? Are you on any new medications? Have you only recently started getting your period? Do you see any patterns of voice function that go along with where in your cycle you are? Is your speaking voice hoarse?In my experience working with young female singing voices, the register transitions become less stable and the voice becomes more breathy for a period of time during puberty. Mixed register is more difficult to access. There may be some instability of voice range (gaining or losing a few notes on the top or bottom day to day). These things do work themselves out with time.I get more concerned when I hear someone has lost a large chunk of their range or that they are unable to access either chest register or head register when they used to be able to do so. In that case, if it is a very dramatic sudden change it may be worthwhile to be seen by a voice-specialized ear, nose and throat doctor called a laryngologist.I’ll also mention that having singing lessons with a qualified teacher can go a long way to making sure that you’re able to navigate the changes that come along with puberty and it’s interaction with the voice without causing yourself longstanding voice issues.I hope that helps!

Does your singing voice change as you get better?

Yes! Absolutely. Your voice will likely undergo quite a few changes the further you get into singing. Part of this is from technique, but it also depends on your age. If you are still on the younger side, your tone will continue to mature. I would also like to point out that some people have different singing voices than their speaking voices (for example, Christina Aguilera) but plenty of people also have speaking voices that match their singing voices (such as Jennifer Lopez). Everyone's voices are different, so don't worry if you think yours sounds unprofessional. Practicing and letting your voice grow will help you out a lot! All the best

Can I improve my singing voice in 1 or 2 years?

As they say, practice will help you succeed. This doesn't exclude singing.Don't worry if you have a bad singing voice. Constant practice and voice lessons will help you transform your singing voice into something better.Check out this 1 years singing voice transformation:Whether you’ve been trying to make something out of your voice for years or you’re just getting started LearnToSing TV has a free 90 minute audiobook (which you can download for free) on helping you become a singer people actually WANT to listen to: The ONE THING That will Improve Your Singing Immediately (Full Free Audiobook Download)Give the video a watch it might help.Been singing now for 1 year and so decided to do a look back video to capture the progress and transformation. In this video you ll see the progress from 9 month onwards until the 1 year mark.

What age does your singing voice stop changing?

women's voices don't experience the drastic change that men's voices do. However,there are several milestones in the development of a young woman's voice, most of which do occur during puberty.
One of the most noticeable factors for an as-yet incomplete change over, is the over breathy sound.
this is mostly due to the incomplete development within the larynx itself, and cannot be rushed or forced. It's known as the "keyhole" effect. You can look this up online as well. Most girls outgrow this by the age of 17, unless there are other definite incomplete changes. (some women have a very late onset of puberty, although rare in this day and age when we read reports of 13 yr olds having kids....)
Sounds more like an insecurity problem on her side, in which case, you can be polite, and then ignore her. Or, if you are strong and secure enough yourself, you can simply ask her to keep her unasked-for advice to herself. Politely, of course.

Will Puberty Affect My singing Voice?!? ?

Im 16 year old guy plays acoustic. Late bloomer. haha

im going to cover some radiohead songs. so i need a high voice.

i started guitar 2 months ago and ive written a song now all i have to do is get melodies for them

will it affect my voice? i have armpit hair coming out about an inch btw haha.

What can i do to expand my vocal range?!? thanks

Will my singing voice get better as I get older?

Your singing voice WILL CHANGE over time. Whether it gets better or gets worse is the question.Left alone voices get worse - no practice; no one to criticise your singing technique or your critics are not musically inclined. Your voice is likely to stay the same or get worse. The lattest is what happened to those who sing in some people who go for American Idol auditions. They are told by their friends that they have a lovely singing voice but in the auditions could not carry a tune.If your voice with change in depth and range (boys will change much more than other when their voice breaks). Even if don’t do any (vocal) exercises, these things change - sometimes it gets better (voice box development and size), other times it gets worse.How do you improve your voice?You need to take care of your voice. If you shout, you may damage your voice box and that can permanently damage your voice. Even singing wrongly can damage your voice. Forcing air through your throat (the way most people sing) at a loud volume can injure the voice box. If after an hour of singing (or speaking), your throat hurts, you may want ask for some help to train yourself to sing or speak “properly” - sometimes called “sing from your stomach” (not exactly the stomach. The more experienced singer will tell you about it.Get some training.Take care of your health. Rest well. Especially before performances. Eat the right stuff. Your health affects the way you sing.Some food and drinks can cause the voice to go rough (oily and deep fried foods) - this may not be a long term problem but if you push your voice while your voice is rough may have some consequences.Added 10 minutes later:How does your voice change for the better?the vocal range changes. It may go higher (it did with me); it may go lower (especially for men).The voice cracks during puberty and sometimes when we get to the elderly age group, the voice cannot sustain notes very well.They get more mellow. Maturity of body brings changes to voice box and therefore your voice.Maturity of thought and experience allows you to bring those experiences to your singing, thus your singing can be more heartfelt.