Will Snakes Stay Away From You If You Wear A Bright Colerd Shirt

Are there certain colors you can wear to make bees and wasps ignore you?

Bee eyes are sensitive to contrast (edges) and movement. To reduce your visibility to them, try wearing clothing which is all one colour; and it is probably best for it to be something which blends into the background (like khaki). If they buzz round you, freeze - don’t flap your hands. They’re more attuned to threats their own size like wasps, and if you are motionless they seem to reclassify you as just one more huge object that needs to be flown round. A common piece of advice is to go stand in shade if bees are bothering you, but that may work because they prefer warmth.Bee suits are often white, which is not a natural colour and probably makes it easier for the bees to notice you, but does reflect sunlight so is a bit cooler to wear. Some are green with a camouflage pattern - again this has lots of easily visible edges so I am not sure it is a great idea - but they don’t show dirt as much 8)I don’t think there’s any colour you can wear which will make them completely ignore you. Contrariwise, I once wore black and yellow gardening gloves near a hive and immediately got stung twice in the wrist. I think the large, moving, black & yellow edges triggered the guard bees’ pattern-recognition and my hands were classified as hornets, or at least a threat.Experienced beekeepers move very slowly and gently round hives and this seems to avoid triggering a threat response. Even more important is how you smell. If you’re sweaty, or inadvertently crush a pungent plant, the bees go on alert because these are signs that a large mammalian threat is nearby. Certainly if they can smell a sting they go on high alert, because that means some bee just gave its life defending the colony - so if you get stung pull the sting out quick and if possible mask the smell on that spot by rubbing with something smelly like a crushed plant, extra strong mint etc. Some people say bananas, or some perfumes also set bees off - I think it’s more that they react to a sudden change in their environment.

Dropped my 10 month old corn snake & afraid he will bite???????

I have a baby corn snake whose been home to home while i wait to move out of my grandparents house.The people he has been with have held him regularly and feeds him properly.I finally picked him up from my friends house and brought him home and now he seems aggitated. This morning i held him with no problems but then later when he was in my room,i tried taking him out & had a fear that he was going to strike since he was sticking his tongue out smelling around.everywhere my hand went,he followed.I try and show him my hand before i scoop him out so he knows im not prey but it seems like hes upset and does not want to be bothered.After i finally managed to take him out,he squirmed in fear and frightened me so i dropped him and he slithered into a corner.the fall wasnt so bad,but now im worried that hes upset and does not want me to hold him any more.i tried to pick him up again and he just slithered under the hay and hasnt come out again.Its daylight out so im wondering if maybe hes just trying to rest.the temperature in my house is about 75 degrees,he ate tuesday and has fresh water.

Why is he getting in defense mode? my hands are clean when i pick him up.I just put the shirt i was wearing and rolled up in a ball & put it in the corner of his tank to see if hed get used to my scent again.

Any advice? Im a little afraid to pick him up now :/

What did the greek god Hercules wear?

He wore the hide of the Nemean Lion that he killed as the first of his ten labors. He had to wrestle the lion to death because arrows wouldn't pierce its skin. (Also strictly speaking Hercules wasn't a God)

What is the scientifically recommended first aid treatment for snake bite?

No experience with snake bites, since I live and worked in The Netherlands.From:  Treating Snake BitesRecent studies  have concluded that the following protocols are best:     Stay calm, get safely away from the snake, and have someone call 9-1-1 (or  the emergency number in your area). The less the victim moves the bitten site,  the less likely the venom will be spread through the body and cause damage.Have the victim lie down with the affected limb lower than the heart. Keep the limb  immobilized. If practical, splint the limb.Treat for shock and preserve body heat.Remove any rings, bracelets, boots, or other restricting items from the bitten extremity.  (It WILL swell.)Apply a light constricting band about 2" above and below the bite, however never  place the bands on either side of a joint (such as above and below the knee or elbow).  This band should be made up of wide, soft material, which could be a handkerchief or  shredded clothing. The band should only be as tight as the band the nurse applies when  taking a blood test.NOTE: The purpose of constricting bands is to restrict lymphatic flow, not blood, so  they should not be too tight. Check pulses below the bands and readjust the bands as  necessary when they tighten due to swelling.Wash the bite with soap and water (if available).If the victim has to walk out, sit calmly for 20-30 minutes to let the venom localize  at the site, then proceed calmly to the nearest source of help and try to avoid unnecessary  exertion which will stimulate circulation of the venom.Get the victim to definitive medical care for antivenin, which will provide the greatest  relief from the toxic effects of the bite.ACTIONS TO AVOID:DO NOT cut the bite. The additional tissue damage may actually increase the diffusion of the  toxins throughout the body.DO NOT apply a tourniquet. Such action can result in the loss of the limb.NEVER try to suck out the venom by mouth. You can try the suction cup in a snakebite kit if  it doesn't delay other needed treatment. Suctioning seldom provides any measurable advantages,  however.Do not apply cold and/or ice packs. Recent studies indicate that application of cold or  ice makes the injury much worse.

What would you wear when you went into the Sahara Desert?

Others have focused on clothes so I own't spend much time on that.

In the desert there are a some commonly occurring problems you need to plan for, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, dehydration, cold nights, bites and stings (scorpions, black widow spiders, brown recluse spider, bees, snakes), dust storms, flash floods, knowing your direction.

Some general rules are:
Adapt gradually by going into the heat for short periods of time.

Drink water regularly when yo need it - don't conserve it. But if you are lost and awaiting rescue, don't eat much. Food soaks up water.

Travel at night when it is cooler. Work and walk in the cool of the early morning and evening.

Keep out of the sun during the day because heat stroke can be fatal.

Never put your hands or feet any place you can't see (dangerous critters might be hiding).

Never go barefoot.

Shake out all clothing and shoes before getting into them.

Do not wear perfumes or bright colors.

Know first aid relative to desert survival - what to do for bites, stings, heat stroke, etc.

In thee event of a dust storm cover yourself and wait it out in as protected a spot as you can find.

Be careful of travelling in low spogts as flash floods can fill them VERY quickly.

Carry a compass and maps and GPS and know how to use them.

Follow environmental rules - take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.

If you stay calm you will likely survive. If you panic, you probably won't survive.

I've attached some excellent websites as sources.

What does it mean to dream of a baby snake on me?

Snakes have very dichotomous meaning, so your emotional reaction to that snake in the dream really matters. The words you use to describe it are a hint, too, perhaps? You call it a baby:BabyTo see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted.If you find a baby in your dream, then it suggests that you have acknowledged your hidden potential.To dream of an extremely small baby symbolizes your helplessness and your fears of letting others become aware of your vulnerabilities and incompetence. You may be afraid to ask for help and as a result tend to take matters into your own hands.Now let’s look at snake:SnakeTo see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced. If you dream that a snake is submerged in water, then it implies that you are unknowingly letting your emotions influence aspects of your life.If you are afraid of the snake, then it signifies your fears of sex, intimacy or commitment. The snake may also refer to a person around you who is callous, ruthless, and can't be trusted. As a positive symbol, snakes represent healing, transformation, knowledge and wisdom. It is indicative of self-renewal and positive change. In particular, if you dream of a multi-colored or brightly colored snake, then it is a clear warning about something bad happening. Dreaming of a red snake highlights the positive characteristics of the snake, as well as your fiery passion. Seeing a green snake in your dream indicates a misunderstanding. It also symbolizes someone who is not as bad as you had assumed.To see a baby snake in your dream means that you are underestimating some threat in your waking life.There you go. Remember that this isn’t some message from on high. It’s not the unadulterated Truth. This is your own unconscious that thinks this and is trying to warn your waking mind because it has noticed something that it thinks you’ve been ignoring.Finally—the snake was on you—so it might matter which part of your body you found it on. Look up body parts in the dictionary. It’s the ‘dream dictionary’ drop menu at the top of the page. Slide down to ‘dream themes,’ which will open up to another drop down menu where you’ll find ‘body parts.’

What is the meaning of wearing white cloth in a dream?

White colour in your dream signifies purity of your soul. As per vedic texts, it also indicates that you can have monetary gains. When will you have these gains may depend upon the timing of your dream (Suppose it between 12 am to 2am or was early morning etc as they as have different significations).If you dreamt of other things in this dream then significations may also change.