Will The Derealization Go Away

Does derealization go away???????????

no it doesn't go away but through therapy you can control it

When will my derealization go away?

I know that feeling very well. Derealization is a mental thing,I know it is hard to not think about it, but you are pretty much causing it to continue for yourself. I honestly got so depressed after my Derealization until I said F**K IT, and kept my mind on other things like work and school. It took months, about 6 months to be exact for me to actually think about it for a second. When i did think about it, I completely felt so stupid to think that i actually bugged myself out like that. This was 3 years ago, and i dont even remember how it felt to be living in a dream-state, now i feel healthier and happier than ever and this is the first time it came up in my head in 1 year. If you want to think about that you have it, or you do not want to think about it, either way it will go away, but just know that, the longer you think about it, the longer you feel like you are going to have it.
And oh yea, also, im pretty sure it happened after your weed high was gone, either way, just try and keep your mind off of it, you will get better it is nowhere near a permanent condition.

Will derealization go away?

I would suggest consulting a doctor. From what it sounds like you're anxiety is caused by a sense of derealisationa dn if that is the case, the derealisation is caused by something else and should probably be treated.

If you naturally suffer from an anxiety disorder I would definitely suggest still going to the doctor as - if you can get rid of your anxiety disorder - chances are your derealisation will go along with it.

Derealization that won't go away?

I had mad anxiety during my middle school and high school years, now I am older, it has gotten a lot better. I go into the odd panic-like state, but I haven't had a full on panic attack in about a year. I used to have them really bad, where I'd end up shaking and crying on the floor unable to breathe, and get rushed to hospital only to be told 'It's a panic attack, you're going to be fine."

Although it seemed to me that I was clearely not fine, there was some truth in their words however: a panic attack is not a heart attack, and you will never die from one. The best thing to do if you feel one coming on, is actually flee from the situation. Let friends, family, teachers know what is going on, and tell them that if you do not get out of there, you will most likely end up in A&E again, therefore missing an entire few days rather than a few moments of whatever you are missing by leaving the room at that time.

Now, calming pills NEVER worked for me. In fact the only thing that ever worked for me, is alcohol (sorry but it's the truth) However, eating a lot of the right stuff can also help. Rice is really good for anxiety, and vegetables give you positive energy. Make sure you eat enough, and try and avoid coffee or anything with high caffeine. Pasta, potatoes, rice, bread and fish really make me feel relaxed.

Get a cat or a dog, as seeing them every day will make you feel happy. Make sure you get 8 hours sleep a night, and find something you are REALLY good at to give you confidence boosts. Another good tip, is to try not to focus on how you feel, try and focus on other people and notice how they act and what they do instead, this will stop your brain from realising the situation YOU are in as much, and will prevent you panicking for no apparent reason.

Anxiety does fade with age, as you get older you stop worrying so much about what other people think, and remember that doctors do know what they are on about when they say that you are going to be fine. Good luck.

Will my Depersonalization ever go away?

It will go away. You just have to ignore it. Don't google or look things up. I found that DP goes away when you don't pay attention to it. Easier said than done right? Well it does go away. It comes back when I get stressed but I found that DP is sort of a protector of my brain that numbs me and tells me to STOP worrying. Trust me it feels like hell when you have DP but once you embrace it and stop being afraid of it DP subsides on its own. DP stems from Anxiety once you get the anxiety under the control then you will have no DP. Try meditation techniques. Youtube has a bunch of relaxing videos that help with anxiety. Go luck and don't worry. it will go away. When I first got it I thought I was losing my mind until I realized if I take care of the anxiety then the DP will go.

Derealization I got from smoking weed does it go away?

Just quit smoking pot and everything gets better. I quit over 4 years ago. I didn't like it anymore. It gave me way too much anxiety and towards the end I was just freaking out after smoking. Not physically but mentally paranoid especially when hanging out with friends. That doesn't always happen to everyone but lots of people I know got the same way after smoking it for years. It was hard to quit but I realized I liked how I felt when I was sober better. Once it was totally out of my system I felt much happier and better in general. Just random advice sorry if it doesn't help you.

I disagree with the guy above who said the anxiety comes from fear of getting caught or knowing it's bad for you. That's not true at all in most cases. I didn't care if I got caught and was in a safe place anyways, never would have been. I didn't think it was bad to smoke it either. It just really put me in a different mental state after a while. It was the weed not some random subconscious fear or concern. I bet the fear idea is the case with some other people though especially if you're young and not used to smoking a lot.

Does derealization ever go away?

I suppose that is the point of my new blog about a woman with depersonalization/derelealization disorder. Will she figure out a way to merge her two sides… the one that acts on the stage (of life) every day, detached and cool and the one who feels everything? Or will one side take over for good? Will true love “cure” her or will she keep falling for narcissistic relationships? It’s a mystery to me, and I’m the author.Snap Her up in a Butterfly Net

When and how will my derealization go away? It's been years. Is there any cure?

accept that in truth it is all unreal.. try to seek true is a blessing.. most people believe in this illusion of reality..nothing is permanent.. there is only One Truth.. that exists beneath the experience of that Reality..all of this is a game.. just play it well.. and try to enjoy it.. real or dereal.. :D

Does derealization caused by smoking weed ever go away?

First, did you ever have any of this derealization before you consumed cannabis? Also, if you smoke Cannabis does it induce the problem? If it does don’t consume Cannabis, try less and/or a strain with high CBD (ie. low THC around as low as <0.7%. This pot will NOT make you high. If you like a high, up the THC (note: the CBD will drop as the THC goes up. Stop at a point where you are pleasantly buzzed; if you like that. But make sure it still has lots of CBD. If this problem is present with no Cannabis at all; see a Doctor.

Does the derealization in schizophrenia go away with medicine?

It does depend on the person, but for me, yes, it went away with meds.For me, personally, the surreal aspect of derealization was more related to delusions I was having I think. The medications do tend to work better on positive symptoms like  Cathryn said, and delusions are considered positive symptoms. I have very few delusions anymore, I would say almost none. Medication works extremely well and rather quickly for me, but some people are not as lucky. I can also take relatively low doses of antipsychotics, so the side effects don't impact me as much. I know that many people are terrified of taking antipsychotics, especially when they read about them from "psychiatric survivors." If you have a good psychiatrist,  get your dosages down to the lowest possible amount, and respond well to meds it does nothing but change your life for the better.