Will The Feeling Come Back In His Toe Or Has He Suffered Something Permanent

What happens if an ingrown toenail goes untreated?

This is like the disclaimer to all surgery, anesthesia and pharmaceutical usage. You could experience pain, itching, soreness, redness, swelling, discoloration, infection, pus, drainage, fever, gangrene, amputation, an unsightly appearance, deformity, sepsis and even death.Pain was my biggest issue. If regular soaking, cleaning and trimming of the toenails is not enough to keep them from being constantly painful and infected, then it could be time to see the foot doctor. If there is an infection and mess currently in your toe that you feel unqualified to deal with and rectify, go to the doctor sooner than later.I was to the point many years ago I couldn't stand to wear tights, pantyhose, tight socks and sometimes the sheets resting on my toes even hurt. I avoided shoes altogether if I could. Except I was a waitress and bartender at the time and my constantly sore toes were miserable. There is in easy, in-the-office procedure to more permanently fix the problem if you get them all the time. Note I said easy, not painless so you should be pretty miserable until you get there because a digital nerve block in the big toe is no joke. But it's over pretty quickly, then you feel nothing and hopefully, the problem will be permanently resolved. I am going on 20 years or so. I still have to keep after the soaking, trimming and cleaning or I get sore toes, but I am able to avoid being in pain daily AND they didn't cut down the edges of my toenails enough for my toes to look queer. I do not care about the ability to wear pantyhose anymore or I suppose I could handle wearing them now if I wanted to.I have learned that long toenails, nail polish, dirt, sand and general crud are all the enemy when it comes to keeping after ingrown toenails. For those of us that love to go barefoot in the summer, especially us ladies with pretty painted pigs, this can be a challenge. What I know is that I personally gave up nail polish two summers ago and my toe health has improved yet further. Clean, trimmed, and short.Just JessicaPS I recommend caution with any pedicure operation especially regarding the hygiene and reuse of their tools. Remember Paula Abdul and her flesh eating bacteria in her thumb? Yeah. It can happen.PSS Dear teenage boys, ignoring these problems will not make them go away. I had one that tried once with a busted ingrown toenail. It was awful.

Could getting kicked in the balls cause permanent damage?

Possibilities would be physical damage to the equipment but with a "glancing blow" (which hurts more btw) you main one would be testicular torsion.

Usually with your junk, if the pain is all gone, you should be ok.. There are LOTS of nerve endings down there (you may remember from earlier today) so if something is wrong, you should know..

For testicular torsion (twisted ball), it aches, changes color, etc. See a Dr. IMMEDIATELY if you have problems peeing, see color changes, have pain worse than when you got kicked, pain when you masterbate, etc..

I feel like killing myself...I have Bell's palsy..a bad face looks horrible?

It's suppose to not be permanent.
I'll say a prayer for you.
Keep up the faith and remember, women can always see past flaws on men, esp. if they act confident.

Is the damage done now permanently?

Your life, your choice how you deal with things.

Constant feeling of dusty particles in the throat....?

She has chronic pharyngitis in which small particles form on the back of the throat, nothing serious. Usualy due to dust particles or a postnasal drip from a blocked nose and allergic conditions can cause it. All she needs is gargles witn antiseptics, and lozenges to clear her throat. Also the treatment is giving multivitamin supplements daily especially Vitamin C supplements and put on a towel ove rthe head take in steam once or twice daily from a kettle.called steam inhalations. Also an antihistamine over the counter take care it not sedating or it is unsafe for driving and stay from pollens grass weeds and wild pets. No antibiotics.

Does getting an ingrown toenail taken out by the doctor hurt?

i have 3 , (two on one toe), on both big toes.
i've tried the soaking way, and i've had these ingrown toenails for 2 or 3 years, but they're still painful.

so does getting an ingrown toenail taken out by the doctor hurt?, and is there any other ways of getting rid of them without soaking?

My mom has diabetes and can't feel her feet  ?

Whenever the glucose levels are above 160 mg/dl ( some say 140 mg/dl ), permanent damage is being done to the nerves, the kidneys and the eyes. The body's insulin needs and sensitivity changes all the time so a diabetic needs to have accurate glucose logs and visit their Doctor frequently to revise their treatment. Looks like your mom didn't bother going back to the Doctor and let her treatment drift away. The damage from neuropathy is permanent, it's also throughout her body, she will probably soon find many stomach problems as she probably has gastroparesis. Her feet will have to be visually inspected for damage as she won't be able to feel any damage, if damage is not noticed in time, the foot may have to be amputated. Gastroparesis may make her throw up weeks old food, be full after a single bite, have food ferment in her stomach and food released unpredictably into the intestines at unpredicted moments so the usual insulin treatments of pre-meal insulin may have to be replaced by less effective and more dangerous, supplemental correction doses every six hours. She may have to eat baby food from now on to have consistent food flow.

She only has herself to blame for letting the glucose stay so high for so long without seeing the Doctor but it can still be worse if she doesn't start taking care of herself, gastroparesis can be a real hindrance to comfort and enjoyment plus you can lose your sight and your kidneys to high glucose levels.

Try to take her to the seminars at the Diabetic Education Centers, attend the seminars yourself as well. Hopefully with the seminars, she'll break through her denial and realize the diabetes isn't going to go away and if she doesn't do something now about it, she'll suffer some very serious consequences.