Will The Mother Always Have The Anti-e

What is the blood type of the father if the child and mother both have blood type B-?

All the children will always have the Rh negative blood type because neither parent has that trait to pass on. Children will either have B (-) blood or O (-) blood. If both parents have only one B blood trait there is a chance that neither will pass it on to a child. There is a three-in-four chance that the children will be B - and a one-in-four chance that they will be O (-). If at least one parent has two B traits then all the children will be B (-) but those children will have the possibility of passing on O or B blood to their children.If a parent with AO (+) blood has children with a BO (-) person, their children could either have type A (-) or (+), Type B (-) or (+), Type O (-) or (+) or Type AB (+) or (-).Isn’t genetics fun!?!Update: I did misread the question! (Thanks Barry Gehm!) We have insufficient data to determine the father’s blood type. All we can determine is that he is not AA (++) meaning he has at least one non-A trait (B or O) and one non-Rh positive trait but he could totally be A (+ or -), B (+ or -), AB (+ or -) or O (+ or -). This is why DNA paternity tests have become so popular.My son and I are both AB (-) but that would never expressly tell you that my husband was A (+) only that it is possible that he is. He passed on his A trait, I passed on the B trait and neither of us passed on the Rh trait even though that is dominant. Both of my parents are Rh + but neither of them passed on the Rh trait to me.My son’s father could not have Type O (+ or -). That would exclude one blood group but not others.

If a father has an O blood type and a mother has an AB blood type, what will be the child’s blood type?

It would be either A or B blood group.As the father has O blood group( recessive and is expressed only if present in homozygous condition) so possible alleles are O and O.The mother has AB blood group, which means the possible alleles would be A and B.Thus, the child may either have AO gene pair (2 alleles make one gene pair) or BO gene pair. This implies that either the child would have A or B blood group as I mentioned earlier too that O is recessive and is expressed only in homozygous condition. And here the resultant being heterozygous i.e., AO and BO, O would not be expressed.Thank you

Can a child have same blood group as either mother's or father's?

A child can have blood group of father or mother but not always.if mother and father both have blood group "A" then child can have either "A" or "O".Below is the chart of what blood group child might have when thier parents blood group is known.have a look,If you wanna know one of the parent blood group, by knowing other parent blood group and child blood group.go are many other sites just have mentioned one.This site also shows what is the probability of child getting the possible blood group.Below is the screen shot.This method has caught many cheating wives, daughter in laws etc.Hope this helped.

Antibody E?

My wife and daughter have been diagnosed with "antibody E" and i'm not happy with the run-around answer that the doc gave me, and I can't find diddly on the interent(surprise!). Can someone please explain to me what in the world the is. Please and thank you.

What happens when a mother is Rh+ and a fetus is Rh-, opposite to that in case of erytroblastosis foetalis?

An Rh+ mother carrying an Rh- fetus will not have a problem. The reason for this is that the Rh factor is an antigen on the outside of red blood cells, just like the A and B antigens. Because it is an antigen, antibodies can be formed to it. In Rh incompatibility, an Rh- mother who is carrying an Rh+ child has no problems during the first pregnancy, because the fetal blood cells do not enter the mother's system to cause an immune response. However, during childbirth, some blood always escapes from the placenta. If it is left in the mother's body, her immune system responds to it, creating antibodies and memory cells. In subsequent pregnancies, her antibodies enter the fetus' body and begin to destroy the fetal red blood cells. (This is an extremely simplified explanation; the immunology is actually much more complex.)An Rh- fetus has no Rh antigens to induce antibody creation in either an Rh- or Rh+ mother. The fetal immune system is not yet developed enough to create antibodies to the mother's Rh+ antigens, so no problem is created.

Will there be any problem if both the husband and the wife are of the same blood group (O+)?

Yes, couples with any combination of blood types (A, B, AB, O) can become pregnant. The + or - attached to the A, B, AB or O indicates the presence or absence of the Rhesus factor. This is the thing in blood that can complicate a pregnancy.If both partners are Rh negative, the pregnancy will not be affected. If both are Rh positive, the pregnancy will not be affected. If Mom is positive and Dad is negative, the pregnancy will not be affected.BUT….. if Mom is Rh negative and Dad is Rh positive, there need be special action taken. Since the fetus is a product of both parents, it contains Dad’s Rh factor. Up until now Mom has had no Rh factor in her bloodstream. So when Mom’s blood comes in contact with the fetal blood’s Rh factor, antibodies are formed to eliminate the invading Rh factor. Contact may not occur until delivery and so the first pregnancy may proceed without issue. However, there may be leakage through the placenta that causes antibodies to form and become active during the first pregnancy, and so human immune globulin injections are administered throughout the first and all future pregnancies, and post delivery, in order to prevent the antibodies from acting on cells containing the Rh factor that find themselves in Mom’s body.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my maltese 4 month old puppy has kennel cough HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

well i brought him to the vet on the 8th of this month and they told me he has kennel cough and to just get a vaporizer to help him, so i did that still didn't see improvement !! then i went back and he gave me a antibiotic named ;; Clavamox (amoxicillin trihydrate / clavulanate potassium , my vets been telling me it takes time to go away, so today i called and he said give him 2 - 3 drops of robitussin cough and antitussin(im wondering if thats really safe for him and is it gonna work?? also should i stop the antibiotics and give him the robitussin or just give him both at the same time ???) i love my puppy and ill do anything to get him better!!! PLEASE HELP !!!!!

Need to become anti-vaccination expert?

My husband and I have decided not to further vaccinate our four month old daughter. We have done our research and are sure.

This is a change for me, my 8 year old son is currently up to date with his vaccines. This is a HUGE change for our families. Everyone will have questions and many will be rude and close-minded haha that's just my reality. I love my family but they are passionate about their own beliefs.

I read a quote during my many many hours of research, no idea what the doctors name was and I'm paraphrasing big here but he said that after generations and generations of being told something...something that is "fact", told to them by figures representing knowledge like doctors/mothers and done so in a fear driven way.."If your baby gets Mumps he could die" anything opposing those beliefs will be viewed as ludicrous...well that is in a nutshell what my husband and I are in for. I feel the need to become an expert on the subject because I will no doubt be called on to educate everyone and their cousin about the issue because it's oh so wrong after all.

I'm looking for links to good info...things mother's in law's would understand hehe and for any advice you have on how you dealt with your families reactions/questions. Thanks so much.

Why do I miss thailand so much?

I hear this from many who do not even have a family connection here. It is a "heart" country and it has touched your heart as well - - I know you yearn to be back and surely one day you will come back - there can be some pain in life that is pleasant, if that makes any sense to you now. When you think of Thailand and miss it, do it with a smile and make it a pleasant yearning, not a painful one - and come back again. Don't be sad but happy that you were touched and discovered something lovely. Best to you.