Will The Surrounding Climate Go Cool If We Build High Rise Buildings As Just It Happen In Hill

What will happen if the forests on earth disappear?

If forests are destroyed, animals and other creatures of the forests will come out to human settlements searching for a place to stay. They will be killed more and more by humans.Environment goes into an imbalance. Humans will start fighting each other for wood and other plant materials. We will end up destroying each other for forest areas.Slowly, the Carbon dioxide levels rise all over the world. Rains will become scarce, heat level in the world will increase to very high levels and soon a lot of places will become arid and dry. The snow clad peaks of mountains, frozen rivers and the ice at the poles will all melt at a rapid pace.The sea levels will rise due to this and a lot of places will go underwater. The heat will start to evaporate the water and it will make Earth totally uninhabitable. Soon, Everyone Dies™ (hypothetical scenario).

Why does one's nose bleed when visiting high altitudes?

Sometimes when we climb up the hill, our NOSE starts bleeding at high altitudes. This occurs especially in WINTER season. There are so many reasons for NOSE BLEEDS. But, bleeding of NOSE at high altitudes and Cold temperatures are because of surrounding WEATHER CONDITIONS. Lets know what this changing weather does to our Body.Here are the changes in our Surrounding that occurs at HIGH ALTITUDES.The Atmospheric Pressure goes down.The Temperature decreases.Water Vapour content is less.The Relative HUMIDITY decreases because of fall in water vapour content.What bothers our body is the RELATIVE HUMIDITY. Relative Humidity is simply the amount of Water Vapour present in the AIR. When humidity reduces, the AIR becomes DRY. This Dry air is not good for our NOSE.Our NOSE is very RICH in BLOOD VESSELS. The Front part of our NOSE is where 5 BLOOD ARTERIES join together. This area is called the Kiesselbach's Triangle or Little's Area. Nose Bleed is the LOSS of Blood from the TISSUE lining the NOSE.Dry Air moving through the NOSE dries NASAL MEMBRANES lining inside the Nose, forming crust. These Crust BLEEDS when irritated by Running, Picking or Blowing the Nose. The Water Vapour present in the AIR acts as a LUBRICANT for the movement of Air through our NOSE. Absence of it increases FRICTION and irritates our Nasal Membranes.The Medical Name for Nose Bleeding is EPISTAXIS. This Bleeding can be avoided by handling our NOSE softly.

What weather conditions are necessary to cause a tornado?

There was one in my hometown on a partly cloudy, 35 degree Fahrenheit night in October, in a location where tornadoes are virtually unheard of. I thought they came from huge thunderstorms.

If AGW causes more precipitation, will the glaciers reform?

Your question carries the assumption that global warming is man-made. That has not been proved. I am not a "dis-believer" because, as a scientist, I either know or I do not know. AGW has not been proved; therefore I do not know.

Glaciologists in Iceland report that the total mass of glaciers globally is unchanged over the past 50 years. Retreating glaciers in one area make headlines; advancing glaciers in other areas are ignored.

Geologists have wondered if a melting of the polar ice cap might be a required pre-condition for a new ice age. The open water allows more water to evaporate which then falls as snow. The added snowfall increases the earth's albedo lowering the temperature, and a new ice age starts.