Will The World Only Get Worse In The Future

What will the world be like in the future?

In the future, the world will seem normal to us since it is progressing fast, but fast enough for us to keep along with it.
New York will be completely underwater since water levels are rising everywhere, as a result they will leave that area, as for Lindley, im sorry, i dont know where that is.
Computers will be really advanced, and there is a strong chance of robots being very smart. There are a lot of bad points despite this.
In 2050 researchers say that the whole Earths population will need two planets worth of resources.
Low lying areas and islands will disappear completely.
Polar bears and more than 90 percent of other creatures of the planet(Most of them not discovered yet) will not survive due to the changing temperature.
The atmosphere could cause problems.
There are some good points, though. Technology will be realy advanced. I doubt theft will increase due to this, since there will probably not be money then. The world will probably have reached the epitome of evolution so life will have slowed down. It is possible that catastrophic events could happen sooner than we expect. Nuclear weaponry and other things will be so good that World Wars could wipe out countries literally. I dont mean to be cheesy, but weve got to start saving water and all that. Global Warming will be really intense. In the future, scientists have proved that humans will have jutting foreheads. No joke. Time Travel and Inter-Stellar Space time travel will probably be possible. The things that we see in movies might be possible. Earth will be completely different. Temp will become wierd, for ex. Hot areas hotter, cold areas colder, etc. Who knows, we might discover life on another planet.We might move to another planet after ruining this one. Video games might literally be go into them stuff. The world will be unrecognizable by us. Clothes wil definetly be different , and nudity might even be possible. Ugggh.There might be 3 sexes or only one. Women might be stronger than men and men wimpy.:(. For all we know, men could be the ones wearing skirts and crying while women wrestle.
Thats all i can come up with. My first answer.

Will the world get better or worse in the future?

Its already going to HELL. And the only reason it will get better. As a Christan women speaking . Is when Jesus comes back and cleans up all the mess and puts it back in order. It's getting to the part where when my parents turn on the news And I plainly tell them to turn that crap off. Watching the news and reading the pappers is like going to the dentist and getting your teeth pulled. No one enjoys that. And I seen the future generations. And I beilve we are screwed. Common sense and manners are things of the past. It's always rush rush rush . Me me me. Well you catch my drift. Technology is going to destroy us. How far will be to far . When will it all stop. We will rely on it to much. Be to fat and lazy. Have no human contact. And what if there was a bomb that has been set off. And no more electricity. Nope it will only get worse

Do you think the world will be better or worse for future generations?

Better!Every generation has their own apocalyptic predictions yet it’s easily evident that life has become better and better for each generation.Even the notion that earlier generations had it easier when it come to careers - finding a job right out of school and not having to worry about career change I think is glorified. It’s taken in isolation - if only a career was the only important thing in life.We are better of then previous generations and the coming generations will be better of then we are.

Will life get better in the future?

A small group of determined indivduals can change the world, infact it is the only thing that ever does.
Things can get better, but only if you and others around you refuse to accept that things can't and fight to make it better.
The problem is often who or what is defined as better.
Increase in GDP is considered good, if the average salary increases it is considered good,but if that is accompanied by an increase in perecentage of very rich and a serious drop in percent middle class means the rich have gotten richer at the expense of the middle class, if the modal salary goes down it means the greatest number of people who make the same amount of money, their salary goes down, if the median salary goes down, it means that 50% make more and 50% make less, if that goes down it means more are making less.
Do not allow anyone to tell you things are getting better if your life is not getting better.
Is your life less stressful, does it have more joy, does it have fufillment.
These while related to economics, are not entirely dependent on it.
So it can get better, but you need to refuse to accept to give up hope and if someone tell you must, or we have no choice, the market dicated, then refuse to believe you have no choice, those who are directing you will want you to feel helpless, to accept, to see problems as too big.
I was at an antistress class provided by my employer to help with the stress of layoff.
We were told stress is caused by having a circle of concerns larger than a circle of influence, so we were told that these things were too big so we should make our circle of concerns smaller, think less, dream less, hope less.
I stood up and said that we should increase our influence, we sholud think bigger, dream more and hope and demand more, not less.
When the instructor said that was causing destress and we should go back to the reduction of concerns someone else stood up and shouted that he was tired of being told to be less and told me to take over the class.
This is what will make a better future.
Those who stand up against injustice, who sit at the counter, who walk and boycott the bus, who went Seattle and Quebec City and braved tear gas and riot cops, those who stayed peaceful in the face of violence, those who take a stand.
These are the people who will make the world a better place.
All that needs to be determined is who will you stand with.

Is it me, or is the world just getting worse?

I'm not trying to be all negative and gloomy, but geeze it just seems as if the world is just getting worse. The economy, the government, the religions, the environment, and the people! like what ever happened to good morality & character? or good traditional values? why is it that everything seems to be just going down hill? No stupid answers, Please & Thanks! (:

Will the world just continue to get worse and worse until the end of the world?

Actually, it’s exactly the opposite. The world will get better and better until the end of the world. We currently live in a truly golden age. Very little war, very little crime, very little disease.I was reading a bit about statistics the other day. In the year 1600 you had about a 50% chance of living to the age of 5. Today, in most countries, you have about a 50% chance of living to be 70.As much as your TV might try to convince you otherwise, crime has steadily been going down year after year. There was a brief spike in murders in the 1980’s during the Crack Wars, but other than that, almost every measured crime statistic has been going down. However, if your TV told you that the amount of crime today was less than it was yesterday then you would turn off your TV assuming that everything was going like it should. TV needs to sell advertising and so that they can’t let you think that everything is getting all better. It has to be seen as getting worse and worse.Unfortunately, sooner or later, the world will end. By that time, we will be living in the greatest era of prosperity imaginable. No war, no disease, no hunger and no crime.The politicians may tell you otherwise, but you live in what our ancestors would have considered paradise.

Do you think the world will be a better or a worse place 100 years from now? Do you see our present world as a better place than the world a century ago? How so?

Humans progressed and developed a lot in the 20′th century. After all the dramatic World Wars, conflicts, rebellions, revolutions… So much death and pain and sadness. People changed, people learned and people are looking forward to make the planet Earth a better place for everybody. Unfortunately there are even now, while I write, some individuals who carry a weapon in their hands waiting to aim. Hopefully things will get better allover the planet and the conflicts will stop as soon as possible. There is always a way. Some find it earlier than others.Why I believe that the world will be a better place 100 years from now? Because we are smarter than our ancestors and we can access information, we can filter good from bad easier and we can share with the future generations knowledge.Education is the key. Free will and respect.Just because you’re a leader of a country or a religious freak and you show yourself on public television it doesn’t mean that you will lead people to self-destruction. You can’t manipulate anymore like back in the days.

In the future, will gangs be extinct for good?

No, Gangs will still be around. Where do you think a Mob Boss come from? They come from Gangs. Future Gangs will probably be well organized and be in the big businesses such as corporate companies. They will keep low profiles while taking peoples money right out of there pockets. The Big Oil Companies is a Gang.

Is the world getting better, the same or worse?

There is no 'overall' about it.The world is getting better in a huge amount of ways, mainly from improved standard of living.Go and ask people from the 12th century, most of whom would have lived basically in misery and died at a very young age from a simple illness that could be cured easily today - they would tell you now is better.You'll also notice that you can now freely walk around most countries without fear of being caught up in a war or having your home raided by some horrible bastards. Again a vast improvement upon a time when it was a free for all and people would just run around killing each other (in all places in the world).If you're accused of doing a crime, you can get a fair trial.If you're a woman you can vote or get a job.If you're black you're not (neccesarily) a slave or abused or killed.Would you advocate removing these rights for people, for any reason at all?If the answer is no, then like I say there is no 'overall' about it. If you say the world was better before - you're saying it was better that black people used to be treated like second class citizens.There are some flip sides, it's not all good. But then you have no choice but to take the good with the bad.It's called the law of Unintended consequences. Basically it means there is no such thing as an overall 'best' world, or perfect solution to any problem.What you're doing is known as Splitting (psychology) where you're trying to make the world either one thing or the other to be able to make sense of it. This is just the human need to categorise and label though. The reality is that the world is everything at the same time - in some ways the world is better now, in some ways it's probably worse.