Will Their Soon Be A Conflict Between Us And Russia

First man on the moon and the conflict between Russia and USA?

Both sides wanted to get there first, since it was both a matter of pride and national security to be seen as the best.
When the US dropped the first a-bomb on Japan, it was partly to show the USSR that they were not to be taken lightly. They made it clear to the Russians that they had a weapon that the Russians didn't.
Then, several year later, when the Russians put up Sputnik (the first satellite) and the first man in space, they proved that they could make leaves in invention of their own, which was shocking to the US.

So, both sides wanted to get to the moon first, to be able to show to everyone how great they were, and to show their technological edge over the other side.

Of course, when the US was finishing their efforts and getting someone to the moon first, the Russians decided to change the game so they didn't lose. They abandoned efforts to go to the moon and instead started building their own space station.

What are the main reasons for conflict between Russia and the US? And what is the point of such conflict?

Russia expected different attitude from USA after USSR collapsed and became offended as the result.USA pursued a policy that conflicts with russian interests. USA tries to enter european oil and gas market with their liquefied natural gas and shale oil. But they cost more than russian oil and gas. So USA has to push Russia out from that market.Also USA supports Saudi Arabia that also wants to enter european oil market. To do so they need to build an oil pipeline through Middle East. They tried to achieve that by dismantling opposing Assad’s regime in Syria but Russia have intervened.George Friedman in his books wrote that one of the major threats to USA is alliance of Russia and Germany, Russian resources and work force with German technologies. USA and UK successfully tried to prevent that by opposing them to each other throughout the last century.All talks about democracy, human rights, corruption is just an excuse for common people to make them support those actions.

Will the US start meddling in the Georgia/ Russia conflict?

US should stay as far away from this as possible .....

Because situation between Georgia & Russia is exactly the same as Tibet & China......

Russians are doing the right thing........

That land DO NOT BELONG TO Georgia.

President of Aphasia, Sergey Bagapsh, and Ossetia's Edward Kokoyte would like their country to be independent from Georgia, and Georgia denied that request.

Stalin (Georgian) tried to kill everyone of them b-4, and they survived.
They ask for help from Russia. Most of the citizens of both country's are Russians.

Don't believe everything you read in USA media.....

Read some history books about that region.

What is currently being done to resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine?

NothingA conflict can only be solved if both parties want to solve it.The problem is that the conflict has been frozen because it is just as Putin wants it.Russia could easely conquer the whole of Ukraine. No western states would come to the aid of Ukraine. The problems are:Russia could not afford the reconstruction of Ukraine. The country is dirt poor and suffers from severe corruption.The war has made many Ukrainians fear and hate Russia. The memory of the Holodomor becomes more clear. They could not easely be turned to Russian patriots.Russia could also easely leave Ukraine alone. Just withdraw from Donetstsk and the rest of the eastern Ukraine. Putin do not want to do it:If Ukraine is left alone there is a chance that they would solve their problems, which all derive from corruption. That would be a great danger for Putin: A people that react against corruption, trow out the regime, clean out corruption and build a new future. It would be a dangerous example. It would give ideas to the Russian people.

Do you think the conflict between Russia and Georgia over South Ossetia will develop into a larger scale war?

Vinay Shukla Moscow, Aug 8 (PTI) Russia today sent tanks and troops to South Ossetia after Georgia launched a major military offensive to reclaim the breakaway republic, triggering heavy street fighting that is said to have left hundreds dead or injured.
The worst outbreak of hostilities since the pro-Moscow province won de-facto independence in a war against Georgia in 1992 broke out after Georgian artillery and air assault hit provincial capital Tskhinvali.

Ten Russian peacekeepers were killed and 30 wounded in Georgian shelling in their barracks last night, Russian officials said, terming the attack a botched attempt to regain control over the province.

Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers crossed the border and moved towards Tskhinvali, while the Defence Ministry said it has sent reinforcements for its peacekeepers.

Quoting its sources, NewsGeorgia web news portal confirmed that at least 100 tanks and armoured vehicles have crossed through the Roksky Tunnel linking Russian and Georgian parts of Ossetia partitioned by former Russian leader Joseph Stalin in North and South Ossetia.

South Ossetian separatist leader Eduard Kokoity claimed hundreds of civilians had been killed. Witnesses said the capital city has been devastated, with bodies lying around and cars and buildings damaged in shelling.

The fighting broke out as world's attention was focused on Olympic Games opening ceremony and top leaders, including Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin were in Beijing.

What is the cause of the recent conflict between Georgia and Russia?

At the time of the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, the S. Ossetian province wanted to remain with Russia, or more particularly with North Ossetia. They wanted to separate from Georgia, most of the little population did not recognize the Georgian central government and fighting broke out. In the mid-90's, a cease fire and truce was signed by all parties, and all sides agreed to have peacekeepers in the province, one being the Russians.

Georgia broke the truce that they signed when they attempted to take control of the region last Friday. Many of the people in South Ossetia are Russian nationals or have Russian passports, the currency is the Russian ruble, not Georgia's currency and most importantly, the people are ethnically related to North Ossetia, across the border in Russia.

While it may look like a violation of Georgia's territory, the squabble is not as black and white as you may think. The timing of the recent conflict was calculated...based on two events: all eyes on the west were on the Olympics and Pres. Bush is soon to leave office. Georgia gambled that Bush would (will) not let them down.

Unfortunately for them, they'll be left high and dry, the same way the Czechs and Hungarians were in the 50s and 60s when the Ruskies clampled down on them too, even tho they called for western assistance. The only support they'll get is rhetorical and a few UN sanctions.