Will This Make Me Sick So Scared Help

Really scared of being!!!!!?

When you say "being sick" I am assuming you mean a fear of emesis (vomiting) since you believe you have emetophobia. Unfortunately there has been limited research done on this particular phobia so there is no specific "cure." You can try a couple of things including hypnosis or anxiety medications. What you seem to be experiencing is anorexia. (NOT the eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa) Anorexia is a loss of appetite or inability to eat. This is common with this phobia.

If it does some to be interrupting your every day life, make sure to see your doctor. He or she can make better recommendations or even give you a referral to a specialist. Good luck!


I'm 15 and i have a vomiting phobia, currently i have a cold and its causing post nasal drip which is also causing nausea (could be anxiety too) but im literally terrified that this post nasal drip will make me vomit?

Also, what can i do to stop post nasal drip without medication? Thanks

I'm so scared about worms...?

Calm's ok. There are worse things than worms. I do know what you mean, though. It sure isn't a pleasant thought.

If you're of an adult age, you won't experience the itchy feeling that children experience. You may notice that you are hungrier than usual, though (that can be one symptom).

Worms generally come out of the anus at night (when it's dark) and so you can see them if you get a torch and a mirror - wouldn't recommend it, though. I couldn't bring myself to do that! :-)

I don't know how/if the worms themselves pass through the stomach (I'm not a parasitologist) but I would imagine that even if the worms themselves didn't survive the acidity of the stomach, the eggs are probably more robust and can. Worms pick up their nutrients from the digestive tract below the stomach.

Ok, so to help you overcome your fear, buy a broad-spectrum worm treatment (one that does more than tapeworms) - ask at your local pharmacy and they will recommend one. That should make you feel better! You can take worm treatments every 6-12 months on a regular basis.

All the best! :-)

Norovirus and scared of sick. Please help!?

Your not the only one, I feel exactly the same and I'm just as worried!!
I heard on the news or this morning or something that 1 in 20 people will have it. So for every 20 people you know 1 will get it. My friend had it, someone I work with, my mums friend and a little boy that I babysit. Most of those were before or over christmas though. And the people in your class that were just feeling sick, are u sure they weren't just saying that to get out of class? Even if that isn't true tell yourself that to make yourself feel better!!

I get too paranoid whenever my kid falls sick. How can I get help or help myself?

We all worry about our kids when they get sick.   But you say some odd things... you "hate yourself for it"... and "helicopter parenting"?That suggests that your identity is entangled with this issue -- you feel like your identity or ego are somehow threatened by your child being sick, yes?    I'm struggling to see how that logic would work, but I've seen enough of the convoluted cause-and-effect chains that the mind produces to understand that it's possible.Here's where I would start if I were you -- what do your children mean to you?  What does their health mean?   I'm sure you love them and want them to be healthy and happy, most parents want that as well.   But what does it "tell you about yourself" if they're sick or well?    The suggestion is that this extra layer of personal meaning is involved somehow.Imagine a parent who is obsessed with their child doing well in school, because when the child brings home good grades, the parent crows to all of his friends about what a smart child he has -- the parent lives in the reflected glory of his child's accomplishment, yes?  It's as if the parent is perhaps compensating for his own inner doubts by clinging to every victory the child has.   In that hypothetical situation (which I just made up, I'm not saying it applies to you), the parent's identity is entangled with the child's grades.    How will the parent react if the child brings home a poor grade?   It will be excessive, yes?  That child is in extra-deep trouble.   But the parent's psychological reaction is excessive because there's more than just a concern for his child's future, the parent's own ego is threatened by poor grades from his child.That's the sort of thing that I think you should consider -- how is your own self-image or self-concept entangled with your child's health?   If the child gets sick, does that somehow mean that you're an inadequate parent?The goal here is to distinguish what part of your feelings and thoughts in the matter are really about you, rather than being about the child's well-being.

Will amoxicillin make me sick?

I'm on amoxicillin and I'm so scared it will.make me sick, I've been on it before and I think I was okay but I don't remember because I was young. So my question is lets say I did get sick, if the half life is 61.3 min would that mean if I stopped talking it It would go away that fast.

I'm so tired of living but scared to die, what do I do?

You should live. But not just live, live a life that is meaningful in whatever ways you choose it to be. Live a life that has meaning for you and others. There are reasons why people are tired of living. A reason might be that you have lost meaning and value in your life and are struggling to find it. Maybe you have been through a lot. Maybe your life has gotten mundane. Maybe you are fighting a fight that you don’t think you can win. In any case, it is good to identify why you feel tired and make an effort to do the opposite things so that you can feel energized. Another reason you are tired of living might be that you are depressed, in which case I would urge you to find legitimate medical help or seek out various help hotlines. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. If I were you, I would go seek out some professional medical help.If you can make a choice to live your best life, I would like you to read Shawn Achor’s, “The Happiness Advantage.” It gives you a list of things that you can do to add happiness and meaning to your life. One of them is to write down everything you are grateful for. You should also keep a journal, or do some artwork, or spend time in nature. If you can’t find meaning in your own life, add meaning to others. Do community service, get a job that serves others. And by doing so, you will find how meaningful your life actually is.I hope you choose to live your best life possible. You will be just fine. Be easy on yourself, and choose to love yourself. You are blessed with one life.