Will This Workout Help Me Get A Better Body

Workout Advice: What will it take me to get a body like Johnny Knoxville?

I'm 17 around 5'9" and weigh 158lbs, I'm trying to get slimmer I'm a good looking dude but I can honestly say I don't look good with my shirt off, I'm in a weight training class in school and I do some workouts at home but I want to know how I can get to a physique like Johnny Knoxville, It won't take me long to slim down I just need the right advice and I mean any advice will help Diet workout plans you name it I need all the help I can get!

This is the closet pic I could find to my body type I'm a bit slimmer then this though (embarrassing but I need help)

And here is what I'm trying to get to in body type

I'm just trying to get fit I'm not saying I want to look or be like Johnny Knoxville, so please no lame answers that say be yourself or anything like that...

Will I get a better workout if I run naked on my treadmill at home?

No. But not for the reasons given. You actually burn more calories when the body is cold than when the body is heated. So all those answers that say clothing keeps the body warm so that it burns more calories have it all backwards.

When your body is overheated it actually burns fewer calories. So if you want to burn more calories when you are running naked on your treadmill, make sure you turn off your furnace and just put on the fan (it is winter so you shouldn't need the air conditioner). Have a fan blow on you as you run naked, and maybe take a cold shower just before you start. Then start running while you skin is still wet. Your body will burn many more calories attempting to get your body back up to normal body temperature than it would if your body was warm and it was trying to cool itself off. Of course you might get the sniffels from this too. And your body will start to get wet from the sweat anyway.

The drawback to running naked on the treadmill is injuries. Your naked feet will start to chaff on the treads and that will be unhealthy. Likewise, if you trip as you run, you will not have the clothing to protect the more delicate portions of your body from the tread as it rips through your delicate skin.

You may also find that certain portions of your anatomy will become sore from bouncing back and forth off one thigh and then the other. Perhaps wearing at least a jock strap would be a good idea. But you might not be well endowed enough for that to be a problem. Just a word to the wise. On the other hand, the ancient Greek Olympics were always conducted completely naked, so maybe the body adapts to this.

Would the ‘insanity’ workout help me get a ballet body?

If you weren’t born that way, then, sadly, no workout will get you a ballet body.You see, if there was a workout that gave you a ballet body, every aspiring dancer would do it in an instant, but it is not that easy. The ballet body is mostly great genetics with then the right maintenance of it, however, if you have nothing to start with, then you won’t ever get it.The ideal ballet body is as follows: a small, round head, long neck, broad slightly sloping shoulders, a narrow ribcage, hypermobile back with straight spine, slim waist, narrow hips with 180 degree turnout, long, hyperextended straight legs that are twice the length of your torso, stretchy Achilles Tendon, flexible ankle, and long squared off toes. The body must also be naturally very flexible.As you may be able to tell, a lot of this is in your bone structure and out of your control, it is sad to hear but better than futile attempts to change your genetics. It is important to focus on what you can change.

Will the Insanity workout get me the abs and body I want ?

I haven't done the workouts, but I am a personal trainer and have seen the workouts on tv. If you stick with any workout for 60 days, you will get results. The problem most people face is inconsistent training and poor nutrition. If you keep a clean diet, and workout hard and consistently, then I think you should get the results you are looking for. Good luck.

Can a micro-workout help me get in shape?

Yes,you can read this The Science Behind Mini-Workouts This is a 30 days program with 5′ workouts each day. Epic Five

How did getting a better body through exercise & gym help you in other areas of life?

A lot of good answers here about discipline, consistency, hard work, etc… But, building my body taught me TWO major things that have helped me in EVERY single aspect of my life. Those two things are…Thing #1: How to SacrificeIf you want a truly exceptional physique or amazing levels of strength and athleticism, it takes major sacrifices.Think about it. If you want to build a better body you’ve got to sacrifice many things,TimeYour favorite foods (I miss you french fries)Your comfort (you’re going to sweat, bleed, and be in pain)Spending time with others (if you’re competing)Occasionally, you might have to choose the gym over the club, parties, etc…Money (gym memberships, clothes, supplements, etc…)Without consciously making sacrifices, you can’t continue to make progress at the gym. It’s just the nature of the beast.Probably most importantly for me, was sacrificing my favorite foods to get leaner. I have a MAJOR weakness for french fries. Passing McDonald’s is painful.But, I wanted to get lean, so the fries had to go.Life is no different. If you want to “upgrade” your life, nine times out of ten, it’s going to take some sacrifices.Learning how to sacrifice in the context of working out is going to aid your future success in a major way.Thing #2: How Long Success Truly TakesIf you train naturally (actually, even if you use steroids), it takes YEARS to build an impressive physique.One of the most common misconceptions that people have is that they will lift weights for a few months and will then look like a cover model (I thought this too).After training for multiple years and still not being what I would call “jacked,” I came to the realization that getting the physique I want is going to take a LONG FREAKIN TIME.And you know what? I learned to be fine with that.Later in life, when I started my website, I suffered through writing educational fitness posts every day for 12 months, while seeing no results for my hard work.But stopping never once entered my mind.Why? Because I knew what it felt like to work my ass off and not see the results I wanted. When I didn’t see the results I wanted in the gym, it was simply a matter of learning more about training and being persistent.My website was no different. I just had to readjust, and keep working.With that being said, the lesson the gym taught me about success is,It’s going to take as long as it takes. Shut up, keep your nose to the grind stone, and you’ll make it when you make it.

Is swimming a good workout?

I work full time, and i want to start working out.. is swimming a good work out? I live in an apartment with a huge in ground pool.. for the past 3 days ive been swimming for about 30 mins to 1 hour.. will it help me get tone?