Will Women Ever Be Acknowledged For Success As Long As Aa Pervades

What is the evidence regarding the gender pay gap? What are the causes and possible solutions?

I doubt it's a myth, but it's also frequently exaggerated, stated in a misleading way, or over simplified.It gets exaggerated when people don't account for different jobs and different hours worked. Men do, on average, make much more but that alone doesn't mean that men are getting paid more for the same work. Men are taking on different roles.The problem in evaluating this is what you call the same work. Job titles are often determined based on salary -- or at least based on the same thing. Job titles and salaries are determined by a perception of one's qualifications/skills. If the salary is different, the job title probably would be as well.Suppose, for example, a man and woman apply for a software developer job. They are essentially identical, other than their genders. However, people perceive the woman as less skilled and thus she gets pegged as a junior developer and the man gets pegged as a senior developer. He makes more money than her, but she makes the same as junior developers.Is this different pay for the same work? Yes, it essentially is. It won't show up on a study though. All you'd see is that junior developers make less than senior developers (of course) and that, for the same role, men and women are paid the same.Another example: Microsoft has internal "levels" for employees. There's essentially a 1-to-1 relationship between salaries and levels. By taking into account the levels (which you sort of have to do), you would make any gender pay gap disappear. A lot of jobs are like this. An employer assesses how experienced the person is, and gives a job title and a salary to match.One of the strongest reasons to believe that a pay gap exists is when you do experiments on how people would pay men and women, the men get paid more. Given identical resumes for a science position, people (both men and women) rated the men as more qualified and they said they would give the men higher salaries. Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male studentsIf people perceive men as more qualified (they do), and more qualified people are given higher salaries (of course), isn't it logical to think that men will get paid more?

Is carbon-14 dating accurate? (read the whole article or dont answer)?

Yes it is really accurate. However, who cares??????

This is absurd because Carbon-14 dating is not used to prove ANY of the claims your article says C-14 dating is used for. It is not used to date the Earth's origin, as it can only be used for the past 60,000 years. It is not used by evolutionists to prove evolution. It is not used for any of this. Your article actually says that C14 dating can be used to date things that are millions of years old- yet no scientific claims have ever been made dating anything with C-14 for more than 60,000 years. This is a bald-faced lie. It simply can't be done. Your article is complete bull and any true Christian would be ashamed of spreading such untruth.

You are doing nothing more than tilting at windmills. No one with any scientific knowledge will pay you any attention, because your own article states that it has no proof of Creationism, when it says "those that point to a young earth, rely on unprovable assumptions. "

Mostly those that point to a young earth rely on ignorance (which includes ignorance of the Bible).

The religion that is afraid of science dishoners God and commits suicide.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who is the most superior god in hindu mythology?

An upanishad speaks of this. It is called the Kena Upanishad. It tells of a great battle between gods and demons in which the god were victorious.All of them gathered together for a great banquet to celebrate victory, and each boasted of his skills in battle. Suddenly, from just outside the clearing a stranger appeared. She was obviously female, but no one knew who she was.Indra, the chief among the gods, asked the gods one by one to go and find out who she was. Agni, the fire god, went first. He asked her, “Who are you? God or demon?”. She replied, “See that pile of sticks and leaves over there? If you can clear it for me, I will tell you who I am.” Agni laughed, “I am Agni, god of fire. I can just burn these sticks and leaves away!” Agni tried and failed and returned back to where the other gods were standing.Indra sent another god, and another god, and yet another, but each came back failing.Finally Indra himself stood face to face with the stranger. He demanded to know who she was and what she was doing here.The stranger replied, “All this time you were boasting how each of you was so great and powerful, but none of you could push away a pile of sticks and leaves. I was waiting for you, the one with the biggest ego, to come and seek wisdom. I will now share that with you.”And the stranger - the Great Mother - instructed Indra about Narayana, the Supreme One, Who, out of Infinite Kindness, pervades this Universe as its very Soul. Everything and everyone exist and function because of Him, and He is the True God of All.

Looking for a literary quotation: Toni Morrison?, Maya Angelou?

I’m so sorry but you have become the innocent victim in a battle with Greebohobbes, He is a nasty person and is going to be punished.


(Send an e-mail to me and I will send you the information that you need.)


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